Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 325: Whoever wants to be the scapegoat should be punished

Chapter 325: Whoever wants to be the scapegoat should be punished

"Brother, don't forget Ranran's fifty chicken legs~" Xiao Tuanzi held her little face in her hands and looked at Xiao Jingyan happily.

"Fifty chicken drumsticks???" Upon hearing this, Xiao Jingrui immediately performed a pupil earthquake, looking at the little breast dumpling in disbelief, and glanced around her round belly, and the corners of her mouth twitched violently.

The meaning on his expression was very clear: Can her little belly hold it?Not afraid of dying! ? ? ?

The little girl raised her brows and looked at Xiao Jingrui with undisguised disgust in her eyes.

"There are so many people in the family, is fifty a lot?" Xiaotai Tuanzi snorted, raised his little head high, and said arrogantly: "Mom, I told Ran Ran that if you have good things, you have to share them." ~When I saw that my fourth brother didn’t listen to my mother’s words well!”

Xiao Jingrui: "..."


Or he is too small!

He thought she was going to eat it alone!

Just as he was thinking about it, Xiao Jingrui heard a dissatisfied snort from his own mother next door.

He subconsciously looked up and saw Jin Ling looking at him with disgust.

Xiao Jingrui: "???"

Has he offended his mother again?
Xiao Jingrui looked at his eldest brother with doubtful eyes.

At this time, I saw my extremely furry eldest brother, who never liked touching others and loved to be clean and tidy, reaching out and rubbing Xiaorouduanzi’s fluffy hair!

He thinks the world is fantasy!

It’s not that big brother doesn’t have love!
It’s the big brother’s love that I won’t give to him!
"Let's go, big brother will take you to buy chicken drumsticks!" Xiao Jingyan stood up and took Xiaonuituanzi's hand.

This move shocked not only Xiao Jingrui, but also Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling!
Their son...

how to say?

Everything is fine, except... he has never liked being touched by others since he was a child, not even his own mother. The room must be neat and tidy, and he will get irritated if it is a little messy.

I remember that one time, the fourth child, Xiao Jingrui, accidentally knocked the brush on his desk askew, but he chased him for two days with his sword in hand!

From then on, no one dared to touch his things, not even his own mother!

And those who wanted to get close to him didn't know how many times they were beaten by him!
But now...

Was this bad habit corrected because of Ranran?
"Si'er, has your brother's problem been cured?" Jin Ling asked, looking at Xiao Jingrui who looked incredulous.


Xiao Jingrui shook his head, he didn't know!He suspected that his eldest brother was possessed by someone else!
"Si'er, why don't you go touch your elder brother's hand and try it out!" Jin Ling said again.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingrui's head shook like a wave, and all the cells in his body were writing resistance.

"Hey, look at how cowardly you are!" Jin Ling glanced at him in disgust. Maybe her head was crushed when she gave birth to him!Otherwise, why are you so cowardly and stupid?
Xiao Jingrui looked at his own mother and she wished she could stuff him back and rebirth... Ah, no!He rolled his eyes quietly with an expression that didn't come out just after stuffing it back.

Don't ask him why he read it quietly, because he didn't dare to read it blatantly!
His mother didn't dare touch her eldest brother, so she wanted to trick him!

He is not fooled!
Whoever likes this big grievance should be punished!
"Ahem! That... mother, I'll go and have a look. Later we'll also go to see the third uncle and the third aunt!" Xiao Jingrui said.

After saying that, he ran away in a hurry!
Jin Ling: "..."

"After so many years, there is really no progress at all! It's still the same as before!" Jin Ling said with a headache.

When Xiao Jingxuan heard her words, he shook his head helplessly.

He said he was disgusted, but there was a smile in his eyes. This person... always likes to tell the truth!
"The eldest and fourth sons are back, so our fifth son should be here soon!" Jin Ling thought happily.

"I will come back after all, don't worry about it all the time. When I stay by your side, I don't see you caring about me!" Xiao Jingxuan said with some disgust.Jin Ling glanced at him and said with a half-smile: "How do you want me to care? Are ten chicken butts enough?"

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."

He suddenly wanted to learn from Lao Wu to sing "Little cabbage, the ground is yellow..."


Seeing his appearance, Jin Ling snorted and twisted her waist to go to the study!

The new master book has not been found yet, and all the money has passed through her hands these days, so she has to be careful.

Building schools, building ditches, and other matters related to the charity hall all cost a lot of money!
"By the way, it gets cold early in northern Xinjiang. My fourth brother and I discussed preparing some winter clothes and some antifreeze ointments for the soldiers. As for dry food, we also need to stock up in advance!"

"The cavalry matter also needs to be done as soon as possible!"

"The first batch of money from the Li family has been sent over. With the Li family's proofing, many merchants have donated to the free school one after another! We will first pay attention to the money that Ran Ran gave to the cavalry. It’s over!”

"This account... must be settled!" Xiao Jingxuan said in a vague voice.

"Don't worry! Leave it to me, don't worry!" Jin Ling said.

Here Xiao Jingrui caught up with Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jingyan, and followed them with a bright smile.

"Little girl, I heard you feel like you were talking to Chu Yihe today. You said it so seriously. Can you tell fortunes?"

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi nodded, "A little bit!"

"Then why don't you do it for me and the boss?" Xiao Jingrui said curiously.

The little girl blinked her eyes and stayed on his face for a moment, then raised her short, fat hand, moved her fingers nimbly, and then laughed out loud, "Sister, let me pinch my fingers." Forget it, fourth brother, your butt is going to bloom today~"

Xiao Jingrui: "..."

Xiao Jingyan: "..."

Xiao Jingrui curled her lips and hummed. She didn't care about Xiao Naituanzi's words. She thought for a moment and then changed the subject, "I heard that you are very powerful and can learn anything quickly! Why don't fourth brother teach you how to play the piano?"

Xiao Jingrui patted the piano on his back, his face full of confidence and pride.

The piano is not only a musical instrument for him to have fun in his spare time, but also a killing tool when he fights and beats people up!
The little girl stared at Qin on his back, her little face wrinkled into a meat bun.


She knew that the sound of the piano could be used as a weapon, and she wanted to learn it, but...

Before she could speak, Xiao Jingrui raised her neck and said: "As a young lady of our Xiao family, how can we not be good at playing chess, calligraphy and painting? How can we not be laughed at when we go out?"

"My sister, Xiao Jingrui, must not understand the piano! You understand, right?"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

That is to say, if she can't learn the piano, she can't be his sister!

When she is rare?

She doesn't care about a stupid brother!

He has the eldest brother, the third brother, and the seventh brother, that's enough!

The little girl's eyes rolled, and she suddenly bared her teeth at Xiao Jingrui and said, "Okay, okay, Ranran likes to learn the piano the most. Can the fourth brother teach me when the time comes?"

"Fourth brother, please don't run away when the time comes, otherwise... hum!"

(End of this chapter)

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