Chapter 330 Min Shenxing’s Changes
" this still mine?" Xu Yan's eyelids were trembling as he looked at the elixir.

"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded matter-of-factly, "Brother Xu helped a lot in refining the elixir! Of course, if there is any extra, I should leave it to Brother Xu first!"

"You can sell them all!" Xu Yan said.

Nowadays, the Xiao family is building free schools and charity halls, so they need money very much.

"Didn't Brother Xu say... the less the better when it comes to things that are going to be auctioned? This is called... it's called..."

The little girl with small breasts tilted her little head and thought about it for a while but couldn't remember what to call her!
Xu Yan grinned and stretched out his hand to lightly tug on the small knob on top of her head.

“It’s called mistaking rarity for value!”

"Well...yes, things are rare and valuable!" Xiaotai Tuanzi nodded heavily, "So please keep that one, Brother Xu!"

"Okay, since you said so, I will be disrespectful. A few days ago, your fourth uncle said that he would order a batch of frostbite ointment and wound medicine at Huichun Hall and send it to Northern Xinjiang. Then go back and tell him that these ointments will be sent to you. Huichun Hall gave it away!" Xu Yan said generously.

Although the total of those medicines for injuries may not be as good as the high-grade elixir Xiaonaituanzi gave him.

But it can be regarded as their caution in Hui Chun Tang.


Back then, his parents also went on expeditions with the Xiao family army and shed their blood in the Xiao family army.

Doing your little bit can be considered as a way to comfort his parents in heaven.

After the elixir was ready, Xiaonaituanzi thought about it and asked Xu Yan to write down a prescription.

This recipe is used to develop scar removal cream, which is exactly what Yu Pingting needs.

Along with the prescription, there is also a set of silver needle acupuncture methods. Use the two together to get twice the result with half the effort.

After Xu Yan finished writing the prescription, he looked at Xiaonuituanzi in confusion, "Is this a prescription for your sister Yu?"


Xiao Naituanzi nodded and told her about planting a talisman on the Taoist priest's body in the secret passage.

These Taoist priests are related to the fate of the Xiao family and the innocent people who died tragically.

If the person behind it is not caught and investigated clearly, I am afraid that the entire Great Zhou Dynasty will not be peaceful!
Xu Yan knew the seriousness of this matter, but after hearing this, he could only say: "Be careful when you leave this time! Brother Xu can't help you much, but if you need it, just give me a shout. I promise As long as I still have breath, I will never refuse."


The little girl smiled, and the two little pear dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth. They were very sweet, and she said softly and sweetly, "Thank you, Brother Xu!"

Today is the third time Mr. Li has come back to Spring Hall for acupuncture.

Xu Yan learned it twice and was able to perform acupuncture on Mr. Li independently.

Even though he had stayed up all day and night, he was so tired that he was about to collapse at any moment, but he still insisted on going down to rest after giving Mr. Li the injection.

The little breast dumpling here came out of the medical clinic and went straight to Min's house.

At this time, the Min family was still immersed in sadness because of the death of Mr. Min.

There seemed to be a thick layer of gloom hanging over the entire Min family.

There were many soldiers surrounding the Min family, all of them expressionless and looking extremely serious.

When Xiao Nai Tuanzi entered, everyone in the Min family was busy setting up the mourning hall for Mr. Min.

Among the men in the Min family, apart from Mr. Min, Min Shenxing is the only one who can talk things over.

And Min Shenxing suddenly seemed to have grown up a lot overnight, and there was an air of calmness about his whole body.

"Ran Ran~"

When Min Shenxing saw Xiao Naituanzi, he called her, his voice hoarse and filled with endless exhaustion.The slight frown and the darkness under his eyelids all showed his fatigue.

"Brother Min!" The smile on Xiaotuanzi's face also faded, and she ran towards him.

"Are you here to see your fourth uncle?" Min Shenxing asked doubtfully.

Small breast dumpling: "???"

"No, I'm here to give this to Brother Min." Xiao Naituanzi took out the elixir for washing the menstruation and cutting the marrow and handed it to Min Shenxing, "The elixir for washing the menstruation and cutting the marrow, Ran Ran Lian It’s been brewing for a day and a night, it’s freshly baked, Brother Min, let’s eat it!”

" refined it?" Min Shenxing was incredulous. He knew that Xiao Nai Tuanzi had found Zhima, but he didn't know when Xiao Nai Tuanzi found the fairy Ganoderma lucidum.

His family also sent people to look for Xianlingzhi, but they couldn't get any information.


Xiaotai Tuanzi looked at him and reminded him, "Brother Min, it's better to eat again in two days and have a good rest! Menstrual cleansing and marrow removal are very painful. Brother Min can only grit his teeth and persevere!"

After hearing this, Min Shenxing tightened his hand on the elixir, with a firm look on his face, "Don't worry, I will definitely stick to it."

This time something unexpected happened to their Min family. He listened to his grandfather analyze many pros and cons last night. As the only man among his grandchildren, he knew what he would face next.

The actual situation no longer allows him to be as he was before.

In the days to come, he must work hard and learn to support a family.

Xiao Naituanzi took a deep look at him, saw a slight change in the center of his eyebrows, and then calmly looked back.

With a "squeak" sound, the door to the study over there was opened.

Xiao Jingzhe walked out of the house.

"Uncle Xiao!" Min Shenxing called respectfully.

Xiao Jingzhe nodded indifferently, went over and patted his shoulder, "Look after your grandpa well. If you need any help, just come to Xiao's house to find me."

"Thank you!" Min Shenxing said sincerely.

When his second uncle died, it might as well be someone to add insult to injury, but there were very few people like the Xiao family who came to help in such a time of need.

Xiao Jingzhe nodded and looked at the little milk dumpling, "Has your elixir been refined?"


The little girl nodded her head and yawned sleepily.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingzhe hurriedly bent down and picked her up.

He said softly, "Just sleep in Fourth Uncle's arms for a while. Fourth Uncle will take you back soon."

"it is good."

Nestled in Xiao Jingzhe's arms, the little breast dumpling felt at ease and fell asleep almost instantly.

Xiao Jingzhe looked at the small ball in his arms and couldn't help but feel distressed.

If not for the appearance of this little guy, how could the Xiao family recover so quickly?
Looking at her sleeping face, he couldn't help but think of his sister.

This time, Xiao Jinyan and Xiao Jingrui took a detour back to the capital. They went to the Xiao family's ancestral tomb and dug Xiao Ning's tomb. It was indeed empty inside.

It can be seen that my sister did not die that year.

But, whose child is Ran Ran born to by her sister?

(End of this chapter)

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