Chapter 331 Being targeted~
Back at Xiao's house, Xiao Jingzhe happened to see Lin Cuihua and her son playing football in the yard.

Xiao Jingzhe didn't want to talk to her, so he took a detour with his little breast dumplings, but he couldn't stand it and insisted on sticking up with her children.

"Ah, is the fourth brother back?"

Lin Cuihua showed Xiao Jingzhe what she thought was a dignified smile and walked up.

Xiao Jingzhe looked at her with slightly narrowed eyes, not hiding his displeasure at all.

Before he could speak, Lin Cuihua stretched out her hand and said, "Ranran, the child is asleep. Why don't fourth brother give the child to me? I am familiar with raising children!"

"No need." Xiao Jingzhe said coldly.

After saying that, he reminded me indifferently, "In this family, the servants all call me Fourth Master! You can also call me Fourth Master!"

The smile on Lin Cuihua's face froze.

She finally heard it, and the person in front of her didn't regard their mother and son as the masters of the house at all.

"Fourth brother is joking. Your third brother and I are a serious couple who have worshiped heaven and earth. You are his younger brother and I will call you fourth brother together with him." Lin Cuihua said bravely.

"is it?"

Xiao Jingzhe looked at her intently, and the cold light seemed to freeze her.

It also made Lin Cuihua very flustered.

As if he knew something.

"My Xiao family is not an ordinary family. Marrying a wife requires the order of the parents and the help of a matchmaker. Although your situation is special, my third brother has already married a woman before."

"There is no such thing as an equal wife in our Xiao family. As for where you and your children will go from now on, I'll just wait until my third brother comes back."

After saying that, Xiao Jingzhe was too lazy to talk to her anymore, and left with his little breast dumpling in his arms.

Lin Cuihua was a little flustered.

She only thought that as long as she entered the Xiao family, everything would be taken for granted. With Lin'er here, the Xiao family would accept their mother and son no matter what, but now it seems...

"Mom, let's get out of here, I don't want to stay here anymore!" The naughty kid said in a low voice, somewhat hesitantly.

When he was in the village, his friends would support him and give him anything delicious and fun. They would even do whatever he asked them to do, unlike here.

No one played with him or talked to him, and he was often beaten and scolded.

He doesn't want to be here!
"What nonsense are you talking about? This is your home! Everything here belongs to your father from now on, and it will also belong to you from now on!"

Hearing her son's useless words, Lin Cuihua immediately scolded him.

Sure enough, people are born into different species, his father is a good-for-nothing coward, and so is he!

The naughty kid's eyes were red when he heard this, but he didn't dare to cry loudly. The sobbing look made him look a little pitiful.

In fact, after coming to Xiao's house for a few days, he cried a few times and was lectured a few times. He was a little scared.

Lin Cuihua became angry when she saw the child's appearance.

"Look at your worthless look! If you can please that old guy like those little brats, why are we two having such a difficult time in the Xiao family?"

Seeing his mother pointing at his nose and scolding him, the naughty boy couldn't help but burst into tears.


Lin Cuihua was so angry that she picked him up irritably, rolled her eyes and walked out the door.

As soon as their mother and son left the house, someone stared at their back legs.

Huichun Hall.In the room on the second floor.

Xiao Xiaoqi was chatting with Xiao Jingren on the side, while Wang Wanqing was sitting on a chair not far away, embroidering a purse with needle and thread.

The picture of a family of three together looks happy and happy.

When Lin Cuihua opened the door with her son, she saw such a dazzling scene.

"Brother Amu!"

Lin Cuihua suppressed the anger in her heart and walked in with her child in her arms, trying to make her tone less sharp.

Seeing the mother and son, the original happy scene disappeared instantly, and even the air seemed to be frozen for an instant.

Xiao Jingren instinctively looked towards Wang Wanqing.

Wang Wanqing's face stiffened unconsciously, and she glanced at Xiao Jingren with some hurt.

Their eyes met, one looking apologetic, the other looking hurt.

Xiao Jingren's heart seemed to be stabbed by something.

Lin Cuihua saw the expressions of the two people and felt filled with anger.

I kept cursing bitch secretly in my heart!

Over the years, no matter how close she was to Xiao Jingren, he almost never even gave her a serious look, but he had already forgotten what happened in the past, but in just a few days, he was moved by her.

She is nothing but a bitch!
"Why are you here?" Xiao Jingren asked expressionlessly.

Even though he had lived with Lin Cuihua for five years, he still had no feelings for her.

Facing her face, he really couldn't make a good expression.

"What did you say, husband? You were so seriously injured. As your wife, I naturally want to come and see you!" Lin Cuihua suppressed the jealousy in her heart and said with a smile.

She deliberately emphasized the word husband, and when she said it, she did not forget to look at Wang Wanqing, as if she was deliberately reminding him of something.


When Wang Wanqing heard these two words, the expression on her face changed.

When Xiao Jingren heard her call him husband, he felt a sense of disgust in his heart for no reason.

"Daddy has been lying down for so many days, and you haven't even come to see him. Now that daddy's injury is almost healed, what are you doing here?" Xiao Xiaoqi didn't have so many scruples. Whatever he hated in his heart, he just said What.

"What are you talking about, you little brat? No matter what I say, he is your elder. Lin'er is also your biological brother. How can you talk!" Lin Cuihua said sharply.

"Little Seven!"

Xiao Xiaoqi wanted to say something else, but Wang Wanqing had already shaken her head at him.

She already knew whether Lin Cuihua's son was her husband's. In any case, this woman had saved her husband in the first place. Even though she minded, she had to admit this fact.

Her good upbringing prevented her from being a shrew like Lin Cuihua, and she also did not allow her son to be as uneducated as a shrew.

"Husband, Xiao Qi and I will go out first, and you guys can have a nice talk." Wang Wanqing said softly, then pulled Xiao Xiaoqi and walked out.

Seeing Wang Wanqing being so gentle and caring, the guilt in Xiao Jingren's heart rose slowly. Compared with Lin Cuihua in front of him, he looked disgusted no matter how he looked at her.

Lin Cuihua was not aware of Xiao Jingren's displeasure with her. After seeing Wang Wanqing leaving with Xiao Xiaoqi, she raised her head high like a victorious rooster.

This noble girl raised by a wealthy family is nothing more than that!

Still want to argue with her like this?
(End of this chapter)

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