Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 332 Xiao 7 tells the truth, Xiao Jingren is suspicious!

Chapter 332 Xiao Qi tells the truth, Xiao Jingren is suspicious!
"Did you take Lin'er to the Xiao family?" Xiao Jingren saw the expression on her face and asked calmly.

When asked, Lin Cuihua walked to Xiao Jingren's bed and sat down with her butt stuck out, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"Brother Amu, you have to make the decision for our mother and son. You don't know that our mother and son were bullied on the first day they entered the Xiao family. The servants of the Xiao family don't treat us as human beings, and neither do your relatives. Don’t wait to see our mother and son. "

"Our mother and son lived such a miserable life in the Xiao family..."

When Xiao Jingren saw Lin Cuihua sitting next to his bed, he subconsciously moved to the inside of the bed to keep the farthest distance from her.

Listening to her complaints, I felt very fed up.

After forcing her to finish, he said indifferently, "Since you don't like the Xiao family so much, then take Lin'er back to Dashan Village."


Lin Cuihua stood up in disbelief, her eyes wide with anger, her hands on her hips, and her voice was sharp, "Well, Amu, I have suffered so much and suffered so much for you. Now that you have found your relatives, you are Are you doing this to us, mother and son?"

"You ungrateful thing!"

"Oh, my God, why is my Lin Cuihua's life so miserable!"

"I'm not rewarded for my kindness!"

"Isn't she that bitch! She was the one who confused you, right?"

"I knew that a woman who looks like her is a vixen who specializes in confusing the hearts of you blind dog men."

"Amu, let me tell you, it doesn't matter if your Xiao family is a wealthy family? So what if your eldest brother is the county magistrate? If you dare to abandon our mother and son, I will go to Beijing to complain!"

Xiao Jingren: "..."

"To shut up!"

Really unable to listen any more, Xiao Jingren interrupted her coldly, his eyes full of ruthlessness.

It doesn't matter to him what this woman says about him!
For her life-saving grace, he also tolerated her again and again.

But now, she actually said that to Wang Wanqing, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Lin Cuihua was startled by him, and when she met his eyes, she felt her heart tremble.

She had only seen such a look from the elder brother who was the county magistrate two days ago.

It's as if he wants to eat people.

"Don't always talk about life-saving grace! Lin Cuihua, let me ask you, was it really you who saved me back then?" Xiao Jingren stared at her and asked.

Lin Cuihua panicked, her eyes flickering unnaturally, "You...what do you mean? If I didn't save you, then who was it?"

"Really you?"

Xiao Jingren confirmed again.

"I..." Lin Cuihua gritted her teeth, swallowed, lowered her eyelids and nodded firmly, "sure!"

"It's best this way!" Xiao Jingren said coldly: "You have lived with me under the same roof for five years, and you know more or less some of my temper. I can even kill tigers on the mountain. Even I am scared when I get cruel!"

Lin Cuihua trembled when she heard this.

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the scene when Xiao Jingren went up the mountain alone more than two years ago.

That day, everyone thought he was going to die in the mountains, but after one night, he came back well. Not only did he come back well, he also brought back the big tiger.

At that time, he was covered in blood!

It's like a messenger coming back from hell, making people scared to see him.

From that day on, his mind became clear.And she fell into fear when she saw him for a long time, and could only avoid him from a distance.

"Lin Cuihua, you can't be greedy! I, Xiao Jingren, am not someone who has been taken advantage of! I will only give you this opportunity once, just cherish it. If you don't cherish it... you can only take care of yourself."

"You can take your child back first. I don't need you here! After I recover, I will go back to the Xiao family! As for you mother and son... I can only give you so much!" Xiao Jingren said indifferently.

Lin Cuihua pursed her lips, not daring to say anything more, and left with her son in her arms.

As soon as the mother and son left, Xiao Jingren leaned against the bed and fell into deep thought.

He had never deliberately tested Lin Cuihua before. In his memory, he was in the same room with Lin Cuihua after he woke up. Lin Cuihua had a huge belly at that time and looked like she was about to give birth at any time.

Even when he woke up at that time, he was still in a daze. Although she had nothing nice to say to him, she would still let the child call him daddy, so that he didn't think about it even after he woke up.

Now think about it carefully...

The words she told her were full of loopholes, especially after knowing her true identity, her words had even more loopholes.

"Dad, don't believe what they say, they are liars!"

Seeing Lin Cuihua and her son leaving, Xiao Xiaoqi hurriedly went upstairs and puffed out his cheeks and said in a crisp voice.

His mother wouldn't let him say it, but he insisted on saying it.

That annoying guy is not daddy’s child at all, why can’t he tell daddy! ?

Xiao Jingren was very fond of this son who looked like him and was well-educated.

But after hearing what he said, he didn't care much, he just thought it was because he didn't like other children taking over his favor!
Xiao Jingren touched his head with a gentle smile on his face.

Seeing that Xiao Jingren was silent, Xiao Xiaoqi asked doubtfully, "Dad, don't you believe it?"

There was a bit of sadness in his tone.

Xiao Jingren smiled and said: "Dad knows who they are better than Xiao Qi! Don't worry Xiao Qi, Daddy likes you the most!"

Xiao Xiaoqi curled his lips and said word by word with clear black and white eyes: "Dad, you don't know! You don't even know that you are the father of someone else's child!"

Don't think he didn't hear it. Daddy thought he was competing with that annoying guy for favor!
He, Xiao Jingche, doesn’t even bother to fight for this!

Especially with that annoying guy!
Is there any comparison between him and him?

His mother said that only by comparing yourself with good people can you become better. Is it necessary for him to compete with a fool?

of course not!
If his father really likes him, he will not like his father!

Xiao Jingren paused, frowned, and looked at Xiao Xiaoqi seriously, "Xiao Qi, what do you mean?"

"Who said these things to you? Your mother?"

"My mother didn't let me say these words! She said we should ignore their mother and son's affairs! Daddy will weigh it in his own mind!"

As for what to measure, Xiao Xiaoqi is still too young and his brain can't quite figure it out.

"Dad, what are you measuring? You are my father, how could I let you be deceived? My sister has said that there is no line of affinity between you and that annoying guy. He is not my father's child at all!"

"What Ran Ran said?" Xiao Jingren looked at Xiao Xiaoqi and asked.

He wasn't very clear about Ran Ran's abilities, so he just regarded these words as a joke between children.


Xiao Xiaoqi nodded, making no secret of his admiration and love for Xiao Naituanzi.

(End of this chapter)

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