Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 333: Colluding with enemies to frame the Xiao family

Chapter 333: Colluding with enemies to frame the Xiao family

"Sister Ran Ran is amazing. She found my uncle to be her father all by herself. Later, I was almost sold but it was Sister Ran Ran who found me and rescued me!"

"She recognized her brother at a glance when she met her in the forest. She also recognized her eldest brother and fourth brother at a glance two days ago, and daddy... If sister Ran Ran hadn't recognized daddy and saved him, Daddy can’t even see us now!”

"Sister Ran Ran can see the kinship line. She can tell at a glance whether dad and that annoying guy are related by blood!"

"My sister also helped my uncle solve the case at Aunt Qing's house because of this!"

Listening to Xiao Xiaoqi's ramble, Xiao Jingren's shock became more and more serious.

At the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little more disgusted with Lin Cuihua.

"Xiao Qi, are what you said true!?" Xiao Jingren asked with certainty.

"Of course it's true! My mother taught me that children can't lie!" Xiao Xiaoqi spoke righteously and straightened his little body, "These fifth uncles also know it~"

"The fourth uncle and eldest aunt also know about it. The fifth uncle said that this is Daddy's business. Daddy will handle it after Daddy recovers."

"Well... the fourth uncle also said that the woman saved dad no matter what. We can't deal with her easily, as it will leave clues for others. The reputation of the Xiao family is very important."

"The eldest uncle and eldest aunt said that if they stay in the Xiao family peacefully, the Xiao family will not lack food for them! If they don't want to stay in the Xiao family, they can also arrange other places for them. The Xiao family can support them. Repay! If you are restless, don’t blame the Xiao family for being rude!"

Xiao Jingren: "..."

It turns out that everyone in the family knows this!

It's just because of his kindness that I will respect his ideas!
Xiao Xiaoqi rolled his eyes, and then raised his voice: "Grandma also said that if my father did something wrong to my mother, she would not have a son and would not let her daughter-in-law be wronged!"

"Dad, think it over yourself!"

Xiao Jingren: "..."

He had met his mother once, and she seemed to be a kind and compassionate person. But now after listening to Xiao Qi's words... it was unbelievable that she was still a doting daughter-in-law.

However, looking at the relationship between the eldest brother and the eldest sister-in-law, it is not surprising!


Suddenly there was a burst of laughter at the door.

Xiao Jingren and Xiao Xiaoqi turned their heads at the same time and saw Xiao Jingyao standing lazily at the door, shaking his legs and holding the door with his hands.

"You know how to protect your mother at such a young age! Yes, yes, a child can be taught!"

Xiao Jingyao conjured a dog's tail grass from nowhere and held it in his mouth.

After praising Xiao Xiaoqi, he went into the room and poured himself a glass of water leisurely and contentedly!

"Of course!" Xiao Xiaoqi patted his chest after hearing Xiao Jingyao's praise, "I am a man, of course I have my own mother to protect her!"

Xiao Jingren was stunned.

He wanted to reply that he would protect his own wife!But when he thought of Lin Cuihua and her son... he swallowed these words again.

Xiao Jingyao put down the quilt in his hand and glanced at Xiao Jingren, with a slight mockery at the corner of his mouth, "Since Xiao Qi has already said it, I won't repeat it, brother! But..."

"Then Lin Cuihua and her son, our Xiao family, I'm afraid we won't give them any extra choices!"

Xiao Jingren raised his eyes and looked at him for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"Does colluding with the enemy to frame my Xiao family count?" Xiao Jingyao said casually, but it was not difficult to hear a trace of murderous intent in his tone!
Xiao Jingren is so sensitive, he can certainly feel Xiao Jingyao's unabashed murderous intention! "What...means?" Xiao Jingren didn't quite understand.

Lin Cuihua is just a country woman, colluding with the enemy?she……

"Our Xiao family is walking on thin ice when we come to Yonglin from the capital. There are many enemies hiding in the dark who want to kill us."

"There are a lot of people staring at my Xiao family! But my Xiao family has a fourth son and a trap set up by Ran Ran. It will not be easy to enter my Xiao family!"

"No... Lin Cuihua and her son will be watched as soon as they go out!"

"I thought those people were looking for her and she would still have a little bit of conscience, but she didn't expect that just after leaving the Huichun Hall, she took the initiative to send herself into the tiger's mouth and exchanged a lot of money. Now I'm afraid she still has I'm shopping for clothes and jewelry on the street! Tsk tsk...look at that posture, I'm afraid you want to pile yourself up with gold and silver!"

The scene where Lin Cuihua was approached happened to be seen by people from Xiaoyao Palace.

After his identity was exposed by Xiao Jing Peizhe, he no longer kept secrets. In order to investigate those who were hidden in Yonglin last time, he transferred many people from Xiaoyao Palace.

Xiao Jingren: "..."

He always knew that Lin Cuihua loved money. When he was still a fool, he would force him to make money. Later, when he got better, he earned more money, but for the sake of his children, he gave it to her!

"Based on what I know about the fourth child, he's probably going to take advantage of his scheme!"

"And after this, he will not let anyone hurt the Xiao family."

"So third brother, if you want to save their lives, you have to do it as soon as possible!"

Although Xiao Jingyao doesn't like Lin Cuihua, he doesn't like that child either!


After all, he still felt in his heart that if it weren't for Lin Cuihua, his third brother would not be alive.

And...he also has a kind heart for such a young child.

Otherwise...he wouldn't want to teach him a lesson, but would simply ignore it!

"Thank you, fifth brother, for telling me this. I will think about it carefully." Xiao Jingren said solemnly.

"Yes." Xiao Jingyao stood up, "The wounds on your body are almost healed. Go back tomorrow. Ran Ran said that he will remove the blood clot in your skull and see if you can recover your memory!"

"Okay." Xiao Jingren nodded.

When Xiao Jingyao left, he took Xiao Xiaoqi back to the Xiao family.

When they returned to Xiao's house, the mother and son had not returned yet.

After lunch, Xiao Xiaoqi took a nap and followed Xiao Jingyao to the backyard to practice archery.

Brothers Xiao Jinyan and Xiao Jingrui had nothing to do, so they began to spar in the backyard.

Xiao Jingrui is good at sound attacks, Xiao Jingyan is good at swordsmanship, and Xiao Jingyao... his Dantian was destroyed and he is good at escaping.

Xiao Xiaoqi was watching the show nearby and applauded.

Xiaonuituanzi slept until noon on the second day before she woke up. She was so hungry that she felt dizzy.

As soon as I woke up, I heard that Xiao Jingren had been taken back to the Xiao family, and a welcome banquet was being prepared for Xiao Jingren in the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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