Chapter 334: Treat the naughty child!
The little breasted dumpling simply grabbed some food in the kitchen. As soon as he went out and walked a short distance, he saw the naughty boy climbing up the rockery not far away.

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face, stared at him carefully, curled her lips in disgust, "How stupid!"

When the naughty kid saw her, he opened his mouth to scold the bitch, but because Xiao Jingxuan's power of slamming the table that night was still there, he had no choice but to glare at the little nippled dumpling like a little wolf cub, and then continued to climb up. .

Seeing that he was crawling like a stupid bear, Xiaonuituanzi didn't want to talk to her, so he walked around the rockery to the other side.

However, as soon as she left, the naughty child fell down from the rockery and cried loudly.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Xiaonuituanzi stopped and walked over to see him lying on the ground crying loudly.

The moment he raised his head, his mouth was filled with mud and grass, and his whole body was stained.

That appearance is really... so ugly that you don't want to look directly at it!
Xiaonuituanzi looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he walked over and picked him up.

The naughty kid was suspended in mid-air and was stunned for a moment.

I was so scared that I even forgot to cry!
The little girl was quick on her feet, and in a few steps she was lifted into the courtyard where Xiao Jingren lived.

Today I planned to remove the blood clot in Xiao Jingren's skull.

Therefore, everyone in the Xiao family is in this courtyard except Xiao Jingxuan who is going to the Yamen.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the small-breasted dumpling carrying the naughty child in with one hand.

Although she had long known what the little girl with small breasts was capable of, the sight of a little girl less than five years old holding a boy who was older than her and fatter than him in one hand was a bit... hard to describe.

Xiao Jingrui didn't know much about Xiaonuituanzi, and those eyes were so wide that they almost popped out of her eyes!
Could it be that this little breast dumpling took Dali Pill?
Little Tits Tuanzi: Fourth brother, when I get stronger, I can lift you up!

"Ran Ran, Lin'er, he..."

Wang Wanqing was the first to react, looking at the little breast dumplings and wondering.

"Falled off the rockery and broke his leg!"

Xiaonuituanzi replied calmly, and then showed a big smile to Wang Wanqing, "Third aunt, don't worry, you won't die!"

Everyone: "..."

The naughty kid being carried: "..."

What makes everyone curious is how come this crybaby stopped crying even when the little breast dumpling was holding her like this! ? ? ?
As if he had figured out what they were thinking, Xiaotiao Tuanzi bared his teeth and smiled, "Hey, tap his acupoint to avoid making trouble!"

Everyone: "..."

It's definitely her style.

The little breasted dumpling carried the naughty child into the house and placed it on the side of the bed. She squeezed his legs with her little hands, and then pulled and lifted him hard!

The naughty boy was in pain so much that beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he made some vague sounds of pain in his mouth.

The little breasted dumpling clapped her hands and gently tapped some acupuncture points on his body.

Then the room remembered the crying voice of the naughty child.

"To shut up!"

The little girl pouted her little mouth, puffed out her little cheeks, put her hands on her hips and said fiercely: "If you cry again, I'll break your legs again and throw you out to become that smelly little beggar on the street! "


The naughty child's crying stopped, and he looked at the little breast dumpling with blurred eyes, his shoulders twitching, and he tried to hold himself back from crying.

"Yeah, be good! Keep it up, I don't mind letting you eat chicken drumsticks in the future!"

bad boy:"……"

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Xiaoqi was a little unhappy when he heard this. Why did his sister treat his leg?Are you going to give him chicken legs to eat?

He is indeed a nuisance!

Rob his sister!

"Hongxing, take this child to her mother and ask her to pay attention to his legs!" Jin Ling ordered. "yes!"

Hongxing responded, hugged the naughty child and left in a hurry.

The room instantly fell into silence, and everyone's eyes fell on the little breast dumpling.

The little breasted dumpling grinned, not paying attention to the eyes of everyone looking at her, and ran to Xiao Jingyao's side.

"Uncle Five, give it!"

Xiao Naituanzi stuffed a small box into Xiao Jingyao's hand.

"This is……???"

"It's the elixir!" Xiao Naituanzi smiled at him, his brows were clear, his eyes were clear, and his tone was innocent.

"I took the elixir that allowed Uncle Fifth to recover his martial arts skills. Uncle Five, please recover quickly. Ranran will take you flying in two days!"

Without saying a word, Xiao Naituanzi asked Xiao Jingzhe and Xiao Jingyan to follow her into the house where Xiao Jingren was.

Those who are present, the stronger their internal energy is.

After the three of them entered the room, Xiaotuanzi explained the process of treating Xiao Jingren in a sweet voice, and mentioned some things to pay attention to, then took out the silver needle and walked towards Xiao Jingren.

Outside the door, Xiao Jingyao looked at the elixir in his hand and threw it into his mouth without saying a word.

Before he could taste anything, the elixir turned into a clear spring and flowed into his throat.

After a short while, he felt his body begin to heat up and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

Waves of pain lingered in his Qi Hai Dantian, causing him to groan in pain.

"Lao Wu, you...what's wrong with you?"

Jin Ling was the first to see something was wrong with him and asked worriedly.

When other people heard this, they turned to look at Xiao Jingyao.

"No... I'm fine!"

Xiao Jingyao endured the turbulent waves surging in his body, and reluctantly replied, so as not to worry others, and even forced a smile.

"Lao Wu, are you really okay?"

Madam Xiao knew her son so well that she knew that he was just holding on.

"Mom, I'm really fine. Maybe I just had a bad stomach. I...I can't bear it anymore. Come back later!"

After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, he ran away quickly.

It wasn't until he ran back to his room and locked the door that Xiao Jingyao curled up on the ground with his back against the door and his stomach.

Wave after wave of pain hit his body, destroying his body and spirit.


There was no one around at this time, so he no longer suppressed himself and groaned.

"Crack Kacha!"

After a while, there was a sudden sound of bones breaking.

Xiao Jingyao felt as if all the bones in his body were being broken into pieces at this moment!

Xiao Jingyao could no longer suppress himself and let out a scream.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

At this moment, Xiao Jingyao seemed to be unable to pass out even if he wanted to.

The pain lasted for half an hour, and the shattering sound on his body had stopped.

The clothes on his body were already wet with sweat. He lay on the ground like a puddle of mud and couldn't get up. Even moving his fingernails was painful.

(End of this chapter)

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