Chapter 335 is confusing and confusing

After about an hour, the pain that had finally stopped started again.

The pain this time was a thousand times worse than the last time.

Xiao Jingyao really wished he could just die like this, but at this moment, he didn't even have the strength to commit suicide.

at last……

After enduring a long period of time, his whole body was limp and he actually felt a trace of warmth coming from his Dantian. The warmth slowly rose up and flowed through his limbs like blood.

And his hand gradually felt a little strength.

He tried to move...

Can move!

He rejoiced in his heart.

After a quarter of an hour, he sat up.

I just felt warm all over, as if I was bathing in a hot spring.

He tried some luck, and the result made him very happy.

He is fine!
His Dantian is healed!

Really fixed!

that is really good!
He tried to mobilize his internal energy again, and there was a faint internal energy emerging from his Dantian but very little, just like when he was just practicing martial arts.

He knew that after this time, his body seemed to be reborn. If he wanted to resume his martial arts in the future, he would need to practice more frequently.

Thinking about it, he didn't want to stop for a moment and started practicing according to his mental method.


With the help of Xiao Naituanzi, Xiao Jingzhe and Xiao Jingyan, the blood clot in Xiao Jingren's mind was successfully removed.

When the three people came out of the house, it was already dark.

"Ran Ran, how is your third uncle?"

Everyone rushed forward, looking at the little breast dumpling expectantly.

"Don't worry, third uncle is very good~" Xiao Naituanzi replied while looking for Xiao Jingyao. When he didn't see him here, he guessed that he must be hiding secretly by himself.

Upon hearing this answer, Wang Wanqing hurriedly entered the house with her brothers Xiao Xiaoqi.

Jin Ling and Mrs. Xiao's attention was focused on Xiao Jingzhe and Xiao Jingyan.

Seeing that they were all very weak, Jin Ling hurriedly asked Qin Shi and Xiao Jingrui to help them go back to rest, and then had dinner delivered to their rooms.

"Sir, madam, something happened over there!"

As soon as the other people dispersed, Butler Sun came in a hurry and said something in a low voice.

"Ha! Sure enough!" Xiao Jingxuan sneered.

Jin Ling's face was also very ugly, "I didn't expect those people to move so fast."

"Today we are all here guarding the third child. Naturally, it is the weakest and best time to take action. How can we wait if we don't move now!" Xiao Jingxuan said without any surprise.

"Steward Sun, lock the person in the woodshed first, and then make a decision after the third child wakes up tomorrow." Xiao Jingxuan ordered.

"Yes!" Butler Sun responded and retreated.

It turned out that when everyone gathered in Xiao Jingren's courtyard, Lin Cuihua took action and quietly went to the study while no one was there.

But how did she know that this was the trap Xiao Jingxuan had set early!

It's not that there is no one at the door of the study, but people with strong martial arts skills such as Lu Qing and Butler Sun are quietly guarding outside.

I really don't know if the person behind it is really stupid or something, and he actually found a woman like Lin Cuihua who can't calm down and is greedy to do this.

But only two days later, she couldn't help but take action. "Lu Qing!"

Xiao Jingxuan called out.

"Sir!" Lu Qing approached respectfully.

"What did the woman do in the study?" Xiao Jingxuan asked.

"Return to your lord, she secretly put these on your bookshelf!" Lu Qing took out a few letters and handed them over.

Xiao Jingxuan took it, opened it and took a look, his eyes were full of violence.

Seeing this, Jin Ling also went over to take a look. After reading it, the expression on his face was actually a bit uglier than Xiao Jingxuan's.

"What do you want to do? You have already touched the military power of the Xiao family. Now you still want to touch the Jin family? If these letters are found in my husband's study, it is no surprise that both the Xiao family and the Jin family will be reduced to The target of public criticism.”

"We can't make such a hasty conclusion on this matter!" Xiao Jingxuan thought for a while and said: "This does not rule out that some people are killing three birds with one stone. Let's wait and see."

"Yes." Jin Ling nodded, but her frown did not relax at all because of Xiao Jingxuan's words.

The Jin family's army has been stationed in southern Xinjiang. Because of the Xiao family, Jin Ling was afraid that it would harm the Jin family. Therefore, Jin Ling was officially divorced from her natal family, and the Jin family has always been on the border of southern Xinjiang. , never returned to Beijing.

There hasn’t been much war in recent years!
But now all kinds of things are related to southern Xinjiang, which is really disturbing.

"Don't worry, Madam, about this matter... I will secretly send a letter to my uncle to ask him to pay more attention." Xiao Jingxuan comforted.

Today's situation is becoming more and more confusing.

Internal and external troubles!

If you are not careful, the entire Zhou Dynasty will be destroyed.

"Okay." Jin Ling nodded.

The night passed quickly, and the first thing Xiaonuituanzi did when he woke up the next day was to go to Xiao Jingyao's yard.


"Cough, cough, cough!"

Just as he entered Xiao Jingyao's yard, he heard the sound of him vomiting blood and coughing.


Xiao Naituanzi felt a chill in her heart, and ran over like a gust of wind, and kicked the door open with a kick.

"Uncle Five!"

As soon as the little girl entered the door, she smelled a foul smell, and Xiao Jingyao was lying on the floor of his room, covering his heart and vomiting blood.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"Ran Ran, why are you here!" Xiao Jingyao raised his hand and wiped the blood on his mouth, and showed a weak smile to the little breast dumpling. His face was pale, like a ghost who had just come out of hell. .

The little girl took a few steps back, and when she reached the door, she blocked her sense of smell before walking in again.

Looking at Xiao Jingyao's desperate look, Xiao Tuanzi puffed out his cheeks and said with a bit of annoyance, "I'm afraid if I had come a little later, my fifth uncle would either have gone to see the Lord of Hell or become a disciple." You have become a madman or a fool!"

Xiao Nong Tuanzi said fiercely as he took out a pill from his pocket and stuffed it into Xiao Jingyao's mouth.

After taking the pill, Xiao Jingyao felt that the burning feeling in his heart quickly dissipated.


Xiao Jingyao exhaled a deep breath, and the next moment he returned to his usual playful smile.

"Hey, Ranran, don't be angry~, uncle Wu has just repaired his Dantian. He wants to restore his martial arts and inner energy as soon as possible. Just be anxious!"

"No matter how anxious you are, you can't let yourself go crazy! If you die, who am I going to bully?" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said, her eyes red inexplicably, and there was a hint of crying in Xiao Nai's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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