Chapter 338 Trying to imitate others?

When Wang Wanqing heard this, she smiled calmly at him.

Although she had already made some guesses in her mind and knew that the child was not her husband's, she was still very happy to hear him say this in front of everyone.

A touch of happiness rose from the bottom of my heart.

At this moment, more than six years of waiting made her feel that it was worth it.

Because her husband still remembers her in his heart.

"Mom, why don't we bring her up and ask?" Wang Wanqing suggested.

"That's right, where is the little girl? If you ask her for a truth charm, we won't believe that she doesn't tell the truth." Xiao Jingyao said.

"No need for that thing!" Mrs. Xiao shook her head and said.

What is the use of a bull's knife to kill a chicken?

Lin Cuihua has been imprisoned for a day. People like her are not that tough-mouthed.

"Are you right? Just bring it here!"

Jin Ling gave an order, and someone immediately hurried down to the door and brought the person up.

"Brother Amu, help! Brother Amu, please help me!"

As soon as she came in, Lin Cuihua struggled to get up from the ground, shouting pitifully at Xiao Jingren while getting up.

At this time, Lin Cuihua was dressed in jewels, and there must have been at least a dozen crooked pearl hairpins on her head. The gold was shining so brightly that it made people's heads feel a little dizzy.

The colorful clothes on her body are really beyond words.

And that face that looked like it had been coated with several pounds of powder was... unbearable to look at.

With this look, even if a ghost comes, he will be frightened, right?
I don’t know if he smeared a box of rouge and gouache on his face.


Seeing her like this, Xiao Jingren coughed slightly uncomfortably.

At the same time, he also received a look of sympathy from Xiao Jingyao, "Tsk, third brother, it's really hard for you. You have lived with such a vulgar fan for five full years."

Xiao Jingren understood his brother's eyes, and his expression became even more ugly.

"Let go, let me go! Brother Amu, please tell them to let me go!" Lin Cuihua didn't know where she learned it from, and she made a look when looking at people... Well, it can barely be considered salivating. expression.

Everyone: "..."

They were literally about to vomit out their last night's meal.

What's going on with Lin Cuihua?

Dong Shi imitated?

Please don't pollute their eyes like this, okay?
"Come here, take off her headdress and wash her face before bringing her back!" Xiao Jingren ordered with a stern face.

He really couldn't stand this irritating look.

Lin Cuihua: "..."


Hongxing at the door responded and led the two women in and escorted Lin Cuihua down.



As soon as the person left, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help laughing.

Looking at his third brother's face, which was as heavy as dripping ink, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but gloat!

Several other juniors of the Xiao family wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. They were holding back and shrugging their shoulders.

Mrs. Xiao heard his laughter and glared at Xiao Jingyao fiercely.

Soon, Lin Cuihua was brought up again.

The gold hairpin on his head was taken off, and the powder on his face was washed away.Looking at it like this finally makes people feel a lot more comfortable.

"Your Majesty!"

The two women kicked Lin Cuihua in the calf.

Lin Cuihua couldn't bear it and knelt down with a "pop" sound.

"Ah, you are seeking death!"

Lin Cuihua screamed and cursed, not feeling at all that she had done anything wrong at this time!
The two women didn't pay any attention to her words, and bowed to everyone before retreating.

"Brother Amu, you..."

"shut up!"

Lin Cuihua was about to speak when she was scolded by Xiao Jingren.

"Lin Cuihua, I said yesterday that those who lie to me will not have a happy ending. Now that I have recovered my memory, I will ask you again whose child Lin'er is!"

At this time, Xiao Jingren's whole body exuded a violent aura, his eyes were like torches, and when he stared at her, he was like an eagle staring at his prey.

Lin Cuihua suddenly felt as if her body was trapped in an ice cellar, freezing to the bone.


He regained his memory?

No, not possible!

how can that be possible?
After all these years, he has never recovered. How could he recover on the first day he returned to the Xiao family?
Lin Cuihua's heart beat like thunder, and her mind kept spinning.

"Lin Cuihua, you only have one chance. If you can't explain clearly, then go to hell and talk to your Lord of Hell!" Xiao Jingren obviously didn't have that much patience, so he directly ordered out the door, "Come here, Drag this woman out and kill her!"

"No, don't! I said, I said!"

Lin Cuihua panicked when she heard this, and said hurriedly: "No, Lin'er, not your child!"

"Brother Amu, you can't kill me. Even if I lied to you, it's true that I saved you! You...just don't kill me for this reason!"


Xiao Jingren sneered, "Save me? You?"

His tone was clearly one of disbelief.

"Lin Cuihua, I hope you won't tell any more lies now!" Jin Ling reminded kindly, "Do you think we can't investigate what happened back then with the strength of our Xiao family? If you are still willing to be here now, that is We are also willing to give you a chance to confess."


Lin Cuihua opened her mouth, her face full of confusion.


Xiao Jingren uttered one word coldly.

Lin Cuihua's body jumped, and her breathing suffocated subconsciously.

"It's's true that I didn't save you!"

Lin Cuihua lowered her head and whispered.


Xiao Jingren was inexplicably relieved, but at the same time he couldn't hide the anger in his heart, and the powerful aura rushed towards Lin Cuihua like an overwhelming force.

Thinking that he had been deceived by this woman all these years, he wanted to kill her alive right now!
Feeling the powerful pressure, Lin Cuihua hurriedly added: "Brother Amu, although I didn't save you, my family members all died because of saving you!"

Lin Cuihua raised her head, her eyes more sincere, and said with red eyes: "For the sake of my dead family members, please, please let me and Lin'er go!"

Xiao Jingren narrowed his eyes and looked at her face intently, trying to see the slightest trace of lying on his face.!
"Tell me what's going on! As for whether it's true or false, our Xiao family will find someone to verify it!" Jin Ling said in due time.

Her tone could be considered gentle, with a soothing meaning, which actually made Lin Cuihua relax a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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