Chapter 339 The Truth
"I have a brother named Lin Dazhu. I wonder if Brother Amu still remembers him!"

Lin Cuihua didn't hesitate, looked at Xiao Jingren and asked.

"Lin Dazhu?"

Xiao Jingren searched for this name in his mind, but he had no impression.

At this time, I heard Xiao Jingzhe's voice coming in from the door, "Lin Dazhu, third brother, you once blocked a knife for him on the battlefield, right on the abdomen!"

Hearing this, the image of a simple and honest young man emerged in Xiao Jingren's mind.

"Yes, that's my eldest brother!" Lin Cuihua nodded.

"My eldest brother is lame in one leg and can no longer stay in the military camp, but I always hear him talking about things in the military camp and saying that his life was saved by others! He always remembers this kindness."

"Six years ago, my eldest brother went out and suddenly brought you back seriously injured."

"My family and I don't know your identity, but you can tell by your appearance that you are something special."

"He said you were his savior, so we believed him!"

"After that, our family spent all their money on your diagnosis and treatment, and finally saved your life!"

"Later, some soldiers came to the village looking for someone. My elder brother said that the matter was not simple, so he secretly hid you in the cellar, and pretended to be you to lure those people away. After that...he never appeared again. return."

"Not long after, a natural disaster occurred in Minbei, and we had no choice but to take you to the south to escape."

"We had a hard time along the way. In order for you to survive well, my mother sold her siblings!"

"Later... later, in order to save food rations, my father and mother committed suicide!"

"My father and mother asked me to swear to keep you before they died. I was very reluctant, but...but at this moment, I found out that I was pregnant."

"I had no choice but to grit my teeth and keep you, saying that you are my husband, so that no one will laugh at me, and no one will have any ideas about me!"

"After you settled down in Dashan Village, you woke up! I was in a panic. I was worried that I would be laughed at if you left me, and I was also worried that I wouldn't be able to survive alone with my child, but... who knew you would turn out to be a fool! "

"While I breathed a sigh of relief, I didn't want you to be a burden to me, but... Brother Amu, even though you are a fool, you are still better at what you do than others, so... for the sake of money, I kept you here again. !”

"After that, you woke up! I was very worried, but I didn't expect you to forget the past again, so I lied to you. I can see that you don't like me and Lin'er! But what can I do? ? How will we, the orphans and widowers, live without you?"

Speaking of this, Lin Cuihua couldn't help crying!

After she finished speaking, everyone in the room fell silent!

Although Lin Cuihua has selfish motives and is quite hateful, her parents and brothers...if it weren't for them, Xiao Jingren might have died!

"Where did your brother and sister sell them?"

After a long silence, Xiao Jingren asked.

Lin Cuihua is unforgivable, but... her siblings are innocent after all, because he has become a slave and he cannot ignore it!

Even if it was to express his gratitude to the two elders, Xiao Jingren would find the brother and sister back and repay them well!

"When I was in Minzhong." Lin Cuihua said.

"Third brother, leave this matter of finding someone to me!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Let Ran Ran find it faster than you!" Xiao Jingzhe replied.


Xiao Jingyao: "..." With the little breast dumplings, he suddenly felt that he was useless!
"Okay, I'll go find that little girl later and let her figure it out!" Xiao Jingyao said helplessly.

"Ms. Lin, do you know what the letter you put in the study yesterday was?" After asking about the past, Xiao Jingzhe focused on the letter!

When he thought that if the conspiracy of the person behind it had not been discovered in advance, the Xiao family and the Jin family would be in a desperate situation, a layer of frost appeared on Xiao Jingzhe's face!

"Then...that's just someone wanting to bring a letter to the county magistrate!" Lin Cuihua said loudly.

But her voice clearly contained a guilty conscience!


Xiao Jingzhe gave a cold chuckle as if he heard some joke.

"If you say this, do you believe it yourself?"

"I...I didn't mean it...I just...just..."

Lin Cuihua lowered her head, rubbing her hands nervously, unable to stammer out a complete sentence!

After being caught, she also regretted it!
But at that time, she just had a hot head, and those people gave her a lot of money, so...

She thought it was just an ordinary letter!

She didn't think so much!
She is just jealous of Wang Wanqing!

She thought that if she dressed up well and made herself more beautiful, then... Wang Wanqing wouldn't be the only one in Xiao Jingren's eyes!

In the Xiao family, mother and son are not taken seriously. If she can't get the favor of the man, how will she live in the future?
So...she agreed to that person!
Unexpectedly, he was arrested as soon as he entered the study and took out the letter!
"I'm sorry, I was wrong! I was wrong! Please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

Lin Cuihua finally felt scared now and kept kowtowing.

The head hit the floor, making a "bang" sound.

In a short time, traces of blood oozed from her forehead.

"Brother Amu, for the sake of my eldest brother and my parents dying to save your life, just go around me. I know I was wrong! I really know I was wrong! Lin'er is still so young and cannot live without her own mother. Ah!" Lin Cuihua cried affectionately.

"Hmph, I think that child may not be able to do anything like this in the future if he has a mother like you!"

Xiao Jingzhe didn't show any emotion at all and spoke coldly.

I really can't figure it out!
Her parents and eldest brother were able to sacrifice themselves in order to repay their life-saving grace, which shows their character!
But Lin Cuihua, who also comes from the same family, is a selfish thing.

Not only did she get pregnant out of wedlock, she also easily betrayed the people around her for money.

It can be seen that it is absolutely correct to say that the nine sons of the dragon are different.

"Fourth child, let mother take care of this matter!"

At this time, Mrs. Xiao suddenly spoke.

When Xiao Jingzhe heard this, he was silent for a while and nodded, "As long as Third Brother has no objection!"

Xiao Jingren had spent the longest time with Xiao Jingzhe in the past. How could he not hear his brother's dissatisfaction with his hesitation at this time?

However, the Lin family died because of him, and it took three lives to bring him where he is today.

Besides... Although Lin'er's child is naughty, he is still too young after all, and he has been calling him daddy for so many years!
If there was no mother... I don't know what would happen.

After all, he relented!
(End of this chapter)

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