Chapter 341

"this is for you!"

Xiao Jingyao thought for a while and threw a jade flute to Xiao Jingzhe.

"This thing can contact my people in Xiaoyao Palace, and I can ask them to do anything in the future! Ran Ran will leave tomorrow, and I have to follow!" Xiao Jingyao said seriously.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe couldn't help but pause while holding Yu Xiao's hand, and a trace of worry flashed across his eyes.

It was a bit difficult for them to deal with those Taoist priests before, let alone the mastermind behind it?

I heard Ran Ran say that the Taoist priest was able to unlock the talisman she made, which shows that his skill is not low.

But Lao Wu...

"Is your body okay?" Xiao Jingzhe asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, my Dantian has been repaired now. Although my internal strength needs to be re-trained, the previous moves are still there. I'm used to not having internal strength for such a long time, so it doesn't matter!"

After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, he received a cold look from Xiao Jingzhe, and heard him say: "Ran Ran said that you were eager for quick success and quick success. As soon as you recovered, you were anxious to cultivate your inner strength, and you almost went crazy!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Why does the little ancestor say everything to the fourth child?

"Hehe...that..." Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but touched his nose and said with a smile: " was purely an accident..."

Xiao Jingzhe glanced at him leisurely and pondered for a while, "Let Jing Yan, Jing Rui, and Jing Han go with us, and also bring Wu Tong and Zhang Hu from the Yamen."

"Jing Yan just lost his inner strength to Lao San. Is he good at this?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

"He's not as weak as you think! It's not a short journey here, and we can repair it on our own. With one more person, we will feel more at ease!"

"Okay." Xiao Jingyao nodded, "Then follow the arrangements of the fourth brother."

Xiao Jingyao finished giving medicine to Xiao Jingzhe before leaving.

"Qin Shi, let me know when the elder brother comes back later." Xiao Jingzhe ordered.

"Yes!" Qin Shi nodded, thought for a while and then said a little tangledly: "Master, if you are really worried, why not ask your subordinates to follow you!"

"No, I have more important things for you to do!"

As he said this, Xiao Jingzhe motioned to Qin Shi to come over.

Qin Shi leaned forward with a serious look on his face.

Xiao Jingzhe whispered a few words in his ear, and Qin Shi nodded seriously after listening.

"Don't worry, Master, this subordinate will definitely take care of it!"

"Yeah." Xiao Jingzhe hummed slightly and handed him the jade Xiao Xiao Jingyao gave him, "The intelligence network established by Zhang Hu is still too weak. Xiaoyao Palace's intelligence sources are relatively fast, and they will be contacted about the matter. better!"


Qin Shi took the jade flute and stepped back respectfully.

Xiao Jingzhe thought for a while and walked to the desk again, picked up a pen and wrote a letter, and then sealed it carefully.

It's just...his deep eyes fell on the blank envelope, and there seemed to be emotions flowing in them, gradually deepening.For a long time, I never forgot the name of the recipient.

"Uncle Four, Uncle Four!"

Soon, the sweet voice of Xiaonuituanzi came from the door.

Xiao Jingzhe paused slightly and quickly hid the letter in his sleeve.

As soon as I sat down, I saw Xiaonuituanzi opened the door and ran in with a smile on his face.

The weather was very hot, her little face was flushed, and the strands of hair on her forehead were wet with sweat.

As soon as she came in, she took out a lot of things from her Qiankun bag.

In just an instant, a table was filled.There were talismans, various pills, a letter, and a thick stack of banknotes.

"Fourth uncle, these are all drawn by Ran Ran today. This is the truth talisman, this is the thunder talisman, this is the peace talisman, this is..."

"There is also this elixir. This is an elixir that can quickly restore internal strength. Fourth uncle takes one and keeps the rest. This is for treating internal injuries, this is for life-saving, this is..."

"Also, this letter is written to Brother Min. I asked Brother Xu Yan to help write it. It contains some internal skills suitable for Brother Min. Fourth uncle must tell Brother Min not to be lazy. Ranran will check it when he comes back. !”

"Oh, by the way, there are also these banknotes. Ranran sold the elixir to Grandpa Li, and Grandpa Li gave it to me! There is only part of it here, and Grandpa Li said he would send it back later!"

The little breasted dumpling smiled happily. She was obviously still a soft and cute little breasted dumpling, but she thought of everyone around her when she left.

And they prepared these things carefully!
Xiao Jingzhe looked at the little breast dumplings, his deep eyes gradually softened.

He couldn't help but reached out and rubbed the hair on her forehead, picked her up with a smile and sat in his arms.

"Fourth uncle, Ranran will be back soon~ Don't miss me too much~"

The little girl felt Xiao Jingzhe's reluctance to leave her, so he put his arms around her neck and said in a sweet voice.

Xiao Jingzhe chuckled, "Uncle Four will not miss you!"

"Hehe, Ranran knows that Fourth Uncle is called a duck with a tough mouth!" Xiao Tuanzi smiled milkily and waxy, and his voice was as clear as a silver bell.

"Who taught you this!" Xiao Jingzhe gently scratched the tip of Xiao Tuanzi's nose and asked angrily.

"Well... Ranran learned it on her own. Grandma said that my fifth uncle obviously likes Sister Qingqiu very much, but he is so stubborn that he refuses to admit it!"

Xiao Jingzhe: "..."

Xiao Jingzhe rubbed her little head helplessly, with a somewhat reluctant tone, "When does Ranran plan to leave tomorrow?"

"Leave before dawn tomorrow!" Xiao Naituanzi replied.


Xiao Jingzhe had a lot to say in his heart, but when it came to his mouth, nothing came out.

"be careful."

In the end, he only said these four words.

"Don't worry, Fourth Uncle. Master said that Ran Ran was born at the right moment. As long as there is a steady stream of merit, she will not die easily~"

"These days, Ranran has received a lot of light of merit!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said very happily.


Xiao Jingzhe nodded, it seems... some things need to be done in advance!

Since Ran Ran needs the power of merit, he will become his strongest helper.

In the evening, the Xiao family had a meal. Before it was fully lighted the next day, three carriages were parked in front of the Xiao family.

"Why are you here too?"

As soon as Xiao Jingyao walked out of the door, he was shocked when he saw the conspicuous bright red under the bright moonlight.

"What? My aunt can't come?"

Opposite him, Li Qingqiu looked at Xiao Jingyao provocatively, raised his chin slightly, and his tone was as irritating as ever.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"We are going to do business, what are you doing? Are you holding us back?"

When Xiao Jingyao faced her provocation, he was very unhappy and made sarcastic remarks.

(End of this chapter)

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