Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 342 Mr. 5, can you still have some face?

Chapter 342: Fifth Master, can you still have some face?

"I want Sister Qingqiu to accompany me~" Xiao Naituanzi hurriedly ran forward and hugged Li Qingqiu, "Sister Qingqiu, good morning!"

"Good morning Ranran!"

Li Qingqiu hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch Xiaotuanzi's small body, hugged her up, and pointed to his carriage drive: "I have prepared a lot of delicious food. Ranran wants to ride in a carriage with me?"

"Wow, wow!"

The little breast dumpling was immediately bribed by Chi Shi, and he couldn't wait to follow Li Qingqiu into the carriage.

Seeing this, Li Qingqiu gave Xiao Jingyao a proud look.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Fifth uncle, you and this sister Qingqiu... do you like her?" Xiao Jingrui stood beside Xiao Jingyao at some point, looked at Li Qingqiu not far away, and said this faintly.


As soon as he heard this, Xiao Jingyao was like a gopher whose tail was stepped on, and his fur instantly exploded, "I must be blind to like such a fierce woman!"

"is it?"

Xiao Jingrui obviously doubted the authenticity of his words, and stared at him for a moment.

I'm afraid the fifth uncle didn't even notice that his eyes flickered a little when he said what he just said, which seemed to indicate a guilty conscience.

"Let's go, Xiaosi!" Xiao Jinghan, the third junior, put his hand on Xiao Jingrui's shoulder, and then whispered: "Fifth uncle has always been a tough talker. It's not like you don't know that there are some things. It’s good if we know it in our hearts!”

"Yes, that's right!" Xiao Jingrui nodded clearly, "Let's go, our brothers will take a carriage."

"it is good!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Hey... you two brats, wait a minute? What did you just say? You are a tough talker? Who? Who is talking about?" Xiao Jingyao took out Tao's own ears and shouted dissatisfied.

But no one of the two people in front of him paid any attention to him.

Xiao Jingyao had no choice but to cast his gaze on Xiao Jingyan who came out from behind, "Eldest nephew, tell me, your fifth uncle..."

"They were right!"

Before Xiao Jingyao finished asking, Xiao Jingyan came back with a concise and concise sentence, interrupting what he was about to say.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Do you know what I want to ask? Just say they are right? What I want to ask is, do I look handsome today? Well, I do not look good!" Xiao Jingyao touched to himself behind the scenes. said his chin.

Wu Tong and Zhang Biao were following behind: "..."

Fifth Master, can you still have some facial expressions?
Soon, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jingyan got into a carriage together. Both of them needed to repair their internal strength and could not be disturbed.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Li Qingqiu were in one car, and the remaining four were in one car.

Because they didn't know exactly where they were going, Xiao Naituanzi made preparations in advance. After directly pasting the talisman on the horse's back, the horse could move forward automatically without the need for a driver. go ahead.

An hour later, the carriage suddenly stopped.

In the carriage, Zhang Biao and Wu Tong jumped out of the carriage first.

"Who are you!" Wu Tong asked loudly.

There were more than a dozen men in black, and none of them looked like they were easy to mess with.

"Naturally the one who killed you."

After the leader of the men in black replied, there was no other nonsense. He winked at the people beside him and flew towards him with his sword raised.


Suddenly, a piano sound suddenly sounded, and a "clang" sound instantly caused the people in black to stop.

"Brother Wu Tong, uncle Zhang Biao, let's take a good rest and listen to the sound of my fourth brother's piano~"

At this time, the curtain of the carriage in the middle was opened, and Xiaonuituanzi's small head was exposed from the inside. The smiling look clearly meant that he didn't pay attention to the men in black.This look of me wanting to watch a show and eat melon immediately angered those men in black.

And as Xiao Naituanzi's words fell into the carriage at the front, a melodious piano sound flowed out.

Wu Tong and Zhang Biao looked at each other, immediately reached out to cover his ears, and moved to the side to watch the show.

The people in black retreated when they saw the two men, somewhat confused.

In the carriage, the music of the piano flowed slowly, which was extremely pleasant to the ears of the men in black.

The soft and melodious melody is like the sound of nature, making people unconsciously want to indulge in it, and even the consciousness gradually becomes blurred.


Suddenly, after the soft and melodious melody, an extremely strong vibrato appeared, followed by passionate notes that struck everyone's hearts.

The people in black felt a sudden suffocation in their chests, as if they were being pressed by a huge stone.

As the powerful rhythm sounded, the energy and blood in the bodies of the people in black surged uncontrollably.


Those who couldn't bear it were the first to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Quick, cover your ears!"

I don't know who yelled, and then I saw people in black reaching out to cover their ears.

However, at this moment, the music in the carriage suddenly changed, as urgent and exciting as the dancing elves.

At the same time, gusts of strong wind rolled up flying sand and hit the men in black.

"Ah! My eyes!"

"Ah! I can't see!"

"Ah I……"

A series of screams sounded in the strong wind, and one after another people in black were sucked into the whirlpool, or vomited blood and fell to the ground, or were beaten on the surrounding trees.

A few seconds later, the sound of the piano suddenly changed, becoming a little slow and low, with a touch of desolation, as if it was crying for the low mourning of the men in black.

A quarter of an hour later, the sound of the piano fell.

The dozen or so people who had originally blocked the carriage were lying on the ground in a mess, and none of them survived.

"How about it? Does my piano sound good?"

At that time, Xiao Jingrui's laughing voice came out from the carriage. His voice, which was in the stage of voice change, was not that pleasant, and even had a childlike sound.

The smile on his face was so innocent and harmless. If I hadn't seen with my own eyes how those people died just now, it would be hard to imagine that those people died in the hands of such a young man.

Wu Tong turned his head and glanced at Xiao Jingrui, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

The Xiao family is really... everyone is a secret master.

Fortunately, the Wu family had already stood by the Xiao family.


The outcome may not be better than those of these men in black.

"It's just so so, I can barely hear it!" Xiao Jingyao's voice came from the carriage behind.

Then Xiao Naituanzi also spoke, with a soft and waxy voice, "Fourth brother, you have to work harder~ Your lack of internal energy is your flaw!"

Xiao Jingrui: "..."

Suddenly, I felt like I was overachieving. What was going on?

(End of this chapter)

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