Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 343 Once you get in my car, don’t think about it anymore!

Chapter 343 Once you get in my car, don’t think about it anymore!
However, what this little girl Ran Ran said is right, his internal strength is indeed not good enough.

Master has also talked about this problem, but he has never practiced it properly.

Unexpectedly, this little girl Ran Ran figured out what his problem was after just listening to him play it once!
"Fourth brother, fourth brother! Come here!"

At this time, Xiao Naituanzi waved towards Xiao Jingrui and looked at him with a smile.

Xiao Jingrui raised his eyebrows slightly and walked over slowly.


Xiaonuituanzi handed over a pill.

"This is?" Xiao Jingrui was confused.

"This is the elixir that will enhance your inner energy and help Fourth Brother break through. Please accept it, Fourth Brother!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

"Really?" Xiao Jingrui's eyes lit up.

"Of course, fourth uncle and eldest brother both ate it!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingrui took it and threw the pill directly into his mouth.

Over there, Xiao Jingyao jumped out of the carriage and walked away to check the bodies of the men in black, but he didn't see anything.

"Si'er, if you encounter something like this again next time, don't be so cruel. We have to know who the person who wants our lives is!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"These people are dead soldiers at first glance. Even if we catch them, they will not confess." Xiao Jingrui said nonchalantly.

"Fourth Young Master, you didn't know this. There was a person who hadn't confessed for two years. As soon as he put little girl Ranran's truth charm on his face, he immediately confessed." Wu Tong smiled with a big beard on his face. He said, his eyes unabashedly admiring the little breast dumplings!
"so smart?"

Xiao Jingrui couldn't believe it. She was always skeptical until she saw him with her own eyes.

"Fourth brother, do you want to try it?" Xiaonuituanzi smiled like a little fox, with two small tiger teeth shining brightly. He looked cute but made people feel chilly for no reason.

"No, it's better to say goodbye!" Xiao Jingrui, who has always refused to admit defeat, gave up inexplicably and said with a smile: "I think we should hurry up first!"

"En." Everyone nodded in unison.

"Si'er, you just took the pill, you can take my carriage!" Xiao Jingyao glanced at the carriage of Li Qingqiu and Xiao Naituanzi, rolled his eyes, and suddenly said.

"What about you?" Xiao Jingrui asked.

Their previous carriage was a bit small. It was just right for two people to meditate in, but if there was one more person in it, it would be a bit... crowded.

Xiao Jingyao was just about to say that he would just sit with Xiao Naituanzi, but before he said this, Xiao Jinghan said: "Uncle Five, sit here with me. I'll go sit with Ran Ran and Sister Li. It's just right." I have some questions about formations that I want to ask Ran Ran. I feel bored along the way, so I just practice."

As Xiao Jinghan said this, he jumped off the carriage and quickly headed towards Ran Ran and their carriage.

"Etc., etc!"

When Xiao Jingyao saw this, his face turned dark!He quickly grabbed Xiao Jinghan, "How could you get on that carriage?"

Xiao Jinghan touched the back of his head and wondered, "Fifth uncle, why can't I get on that carriage?"

"Men and women cannot sit at the same table at the age of seven, haven't you learned?" Xiao Jingyao said angrily: "Don't forget that besides Ran Ran, there is a woman in there!"

"Oh, it seems so!" Xiao Jinghan looked at the carriage, and then suddenly remembered that Li Qingqiu was also inside, and nodded.

"I don't mind, third brother Xiao, please come up!" Li Qingqiu poked his head out of the carriage and looked at Xiao Jingyao with a rather sinister tone, "Some people, if their hearts are not clean, they will feel everything they see Not clean."

"What are men and women guarding against? Third brother Xiao is just like my biological brother! We are all our own people, who can say anything like that long-tongued woman?" After Li Qingqiu said this, he waved to Xiao Jinghan , "Come up quickly!"


Xiao Jinghan smiled brilliantly, raised her feet and got on the carriage.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

What this means is that he is as unclean as a tongue-tied woman!
You're such a manly woman, how dare you mock me like this!
"In that case, I won't be polite, young master!" Xiao Jingyao said to Li Qingqiu with a smile.

Regardless of whether others agreed or not, he just followed Xiao Jinghan into the carriage.

Everyone: "..."

The Fifth Master (Fifth Uncle) is getting thicker and thicker!

Li Qingqiu: "..."

"Who asked you to come up? Didn't you just talk about the defense between men and women? What? You only target others, but don't restrain yourself? Or..." Li Qingqiu paused deliberately and moved closer to him. , stopped just a few inches away, " you have a crush on me?"

"Uh..." Looking at Li Qingqiu's bright eyes and white teeth, Xiao Jingyao was suddenly stunned, and inexplicably remembered the scene where the two of them spent the night in the forest.

At that time, she was still so close to him in a daze.

He was so close that he could almost smell the faint fragrance emanating from her body, and could clearly see the fine hair on her small, white face.

"Plop, plop!"

Suddenly, Xiao Jingyao felt his heart beating uncontrollably, and his face began to heat up inexplicably.


Suddenly, the face in front of him smiled, and his bright eyes seemed to flash with amusement.

Xiao Jingyao suddenly trembled and sobered up for a moment.

"Just talk, why are you so close? For a girl, do you know what shame is?"

Xiao Jingyao turned his face away uncomfortably, his heart beating so hard that he couldn't control it at all.

His voice suddenly rose a little higher, and it sounded very unnatural, with a certain hint of guilt.

Li Qingqiu suddenly laughed, very happily.

"Xiao Jingyao, you are blushing! Your neck is red. Could it be that you are... tempted by what I just said? What, you like me?"

Li Qingqiu looked at him steadily, his words were a little tentative, but also a little expectant and teasing.

Xiao Jingyao's eyes flashed and his brows furrowed.

like her?
How can it be!

Unless it rains red in the sky today, it’s almost the same!

Don't even look at who you are!

Is there anything about her that looks like a female doll?

"What nonsense are you talking about! I...I just think the weather is a bit hot."

While talking, Xiao Jingyao did not forget to fan himself with his hands. If one hand was not enough, he used two hands.

Hmm...the weather seems to be extremely hot today, as if he can't get rid of the heat no matter how hard he fans.


Seeing his expression, Li Qingqiu couldn't help laughing again, making a pun, "Xiao Jingyao, since you took the initiative to get into my car, then you... are the person in my car!"

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

My brain seems to be a bit overwhelmed!
what does it mean?

"Yes... you said you don't mind. Your carriage is spacious, San'er, don't you think so!" Xiao Jingyao felt that he couldn't defeat her, so he had to use Xiao Jinghan as a shield.

Xiao Jinghan pursed her lips and lowered her head to hold back her laughter.

At this time, Xiao Jingyao named him, he coughed slightly, and nodded calmly, "Well, yes, this carriage is indeed quite spacious."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

The little girl laughed out loud and said disgustedly, "Uncle Fifth, you are so cowardly!"


After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, the three people in the carriage couldn't help laughing, and Li Qingqiu laughed the loudest.

She finally saw that this guy, like a woman, likes to play the game of duplicity.

Also, I’m afraid even he himself doesn’t know what some of his actions mean!

He looks like he is a veteran in love, but in fact he is just a young boy who knows nothing.


Xiao Jingyao, I have fallen in love with you, you are my mother’s!

Once you get in my car, don’t even think about getting out of there!
(End of this chapter)

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