Chapter 344: This ability is really impressive

The carriage continued to move forward slowly.

What was different from before was that there were a lot more quarrels in the carriage at the back.

Xiao Jinghan originally wanted to ask Xiao Naituanzi about the formation, but who would have thought that along the way, she would instead be eating melon and watching a show with Xiao Naituanzi.

He really didn't expect that his fifth uncle could be so naive, that the two of them could have a whole quarrel because of a disagreement over a trivial matter.

The carriage without anyone driving it traveled very fast, but in just one noon, several people had already left the boundary of Yonglin.

This speed made everyone feel incredible.

Especially Xiao Jingyan's brothers, who didn't know much about Xiao Nai Tuanzi, couldn't help but admire Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

"Ran Ran, are we going to go straight like this? Is there no destination?"

During lunch, Li Qingqiu couldn't help but ask.

"You're just a follower, why are you asking so many questions? Just follow along! What? Do you think we can sell you like you are?"

As soon as he heard Li Qingqiu speak, Xiao Jingyao reacted reflexively.

Li Qingqiu rolled his eyes at him. They had been arguing all morning, and this person really didn't stop talking!

A grown man has the nerve to argue with a little girl like her!

How out of character!

Sometimes I have to admit that I am blind, but I actually fall in love with her!

It's all because I lived too happily when I was little, but now, I'm just looking for abuse!

"Xiao Jingyao, when you say that my aunt is a drag, you should first consider whether your skin is thick enough and can withstand my aunt's whip."

"What? You want to beat me up again! Come on, do you think I'm afraid of you? I tell you, in the past I was a good man who didn't fight with women! I left it to you!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Tch, who wants you to give in? You can have a good fight with me!" Li Qingqiu said angrily.

"Fight, fight, who is afraid of who!"

Xiao Jingyao stood up as he spoke. He didn't want to eat the food in front of him and looked like he was going to fight.

"Fifth uncle, fifth uncle, calm down!" Seeing this, Xiao Jingrui, who was sitting next to him, hurriedly grabbed Xiao Jingyao and persuaded him: "Demeanor, demeanor!"


Xiao Jingyao snorted coldly and said arrogantly: "For the sake of my fourth nephew, I won't argue with you!"

"We men have a broad mind and a noble attitude!"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Everyone else: "..."

"Hey, sister Qingqiu, don't worry, our carriage will go all the way to the west, and we can reach our destination in less than two days!" Xiao Naituanzi answered Li Qingqiu vaguely while eating the food on the table. Previous questions.

"Two days? To the west?"

Wu Tong knew the terrain of the south of the Yangtze River best. Hearing Xiao Naituanzi's words, he calculated the distance they traveled in one morning and said, "It seems like the place we are going to is probably Ba County."

"Ba County?"

Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows, "This place sounds familiar!"

Wu Tong subconsciously tightened his palms and said in a deep voice: "That's where the incident happened to Governor Renzhou in the middle of Zhou Dynasty."

"Yes!" Xiao Jingyao nodded, "I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me!"

Xiao Jingyao said, looking at Xiao Nai Tuanzi and said: "We are going to Ba County this time. Maybe we can investigate Governor Zhou's affairs." Xiao Jingyao vaguely felt that Governor Zhou's death was related to those Taoist priests.

They all exuded an unusual aura.

Li Qingqiu looked at Ran Ran and said, "Isn't the ghost of Governor Zhou still in your sword?"

"How about releasing him when we get to Ba County? Maybe he can remember something that will help us investigate his affairs."

When Wu Tong heard that Governor Zhou's ghost was actually being kept in Xiao Nai Tuanzi's sword, Wu Tong's expression froze, "Ranran, you are raising... you are raising Governor Zhou's ghost?"

No wonder Wu Tong was surprised, it was true... Governor Zhou had been dead for many years!
His father used to be considered a subordinate brought by Governor Zhou, but he has been secretly investigating this matter all these years!
But his father was just a small judge, and many things were never investigated at all.

Even if you want to check the files from that year, it is very difficult.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Naituanzi quietly kept Governor Zhou's own ghost beside him.

After the three brothers of the Xiao family heard this, except for the eldest Xiao Jingyan who was still calm, Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui were so shocked that they dropped their chopsticks on the table with a "bah" sound.

I thought that this little sister had better martial arts skills, better medical skills, could refine elixirs, and usually talked a little bit...

did not expect……

Actually raising ghosts?

This ability is really worth a billion points.

"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded, "That's when we met in that cemetery before I rescued Brother Min!"

"Uncle Zhou didn't want to be reincarnated and had no place to go, so he stayed with Ran Ran. The money sword contains a lot of evil energy, which can be provided for him to practice!"

What she didn't say was that if she could cultivate all the three souls and seven souls she had during her lifetime, she might be able to become a human again in the future!
After saying that, the little breast dumpling held his chin and tilted his little head, thinking carefully, and said, "Uncle Zhou may be able to remember something after going to a familiar place~"

"Really? That's great!"

The happiest person here is Wu Tong. If he could really investigate what happened back then, he wouldn't know how happy his father would be!

"Don't worry! There are some things that you can't just report before the time comes!" Xiao Jingyao patted Wu Tong on the shoulder and said seriously.


Wu Tong nodded seriously.

"That's right. Some people don't want to retaliate, it's just that the time has not come yet!" Li Qingqiu raised his brows and said quietly. The meaning of it against Xiao Jingyao should not be too obvious.

"Hey... I said you..."

Xiao Jingyao gritted his teeth and looked at the woman opposite him angrily.

Is this woman not born to defeat him?
"What are you? Did I mention you? Did I name you? Or...are you afraid of retribution for doing something bad?" Li Qingqiu said amusedly.

As long as she sees some people jumping in anger, she feels very happy.

"Sure enough, the sage is right, only women and villains are difficult to raise!" Xiao Jingyao muttered angrily while poking at the food in the bowl with his chopsticks.

"Fifth uncle, Ranran is also a woman. Ranran is easy to raise! Just give me the chicken legs!" Xiaotuanzi blinked his big eyes and said in a milky voice.


Hearing the soft and childish interpretation of these words, the others couldn't help but laugh out loud!

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

The two women in front of him are here to defeat him!
Double grams!

(End of this chapter)

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