Chapter 345
"You little girl, are you easy to raise?" Xiao Jingyao pretended to be disgusted, "If a little one eats so much, no one born in an ordinary family can really afford it, right?"


The little girl puffed up the fat on her face and snorted, "Uncle Five is so stingy, of course he can't afford it!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

He is stingy?
I really want to dig out the chicken legs she ate before!

"Don't worry, he won't support Sister Qingqiu to support you! Sister Qingqiu has a lot of money, Ran Ran can eat as much as she wants!" Li Qingqiu stretched out his hand and rubbed the small breasts on the little breast dumpling's face.

"Hehe..." Xiao Naituanzi suddenly smiled with his eyebrows crescent, like a little crescent moon, and his eyes were bright and bright, "Sister Qingqiu is the best to me!"

"Tsk!" Xiao Jingyao snorted lightly, "He was sold to help count the money!"

"I'm happy to help Sister Qingqiu count the money! Fifth uncle, you don't even have a chance to count the money!" Xiao Naituanzi retorted.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

It really breaks my heart!
Seeing that Xiao Jingyao was deflated, Li Qingqiu was happy. He raised his voice and shouted to the second brother over there, "Brother, here are ten more chickens. We will pack them up and eat them on the road!"

"Okay, okay!"

The younger brother suddenly smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into slits, "Guests, please wait a moment. It will be over in a while."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

What are you showing off for?

Isn't it just a few bad money?
As if he didn’t!
He wouldn't be envious, jealous or hateful!

The other people had something to watch and something to eat, and all of them were overjoyed.

These two people are born to be enemies!

After eating and drinking, they set out on the road again. This time Xiao Jingyao did not squeeze Li Qingqiu's carriage, so the two of them had a temporary truce.

When we stopped again, it was already sunset.

"Several guest officials, do you want to stay in the hotel or stay at the top?"

As soon as a few people got off the carriage, a younger brother came to greet them.

The place is remote, there are no people around, and the inn doesn't look too big. Maybe it's because it's on the side of the road, but there aren't many guests.

"Servant, if you have any good wine or food here, give us some! And prepare some rooms for us! We're going to rest here for the night." Xiao Jingrui said loudly.

"Okay, okay! Please invite the guests inside! Please come inside!" The younger brother nodded and bowed and invited people into the room.

"We have a guest!"

As soon as the waiter entered the room, he shouted loudly.

Immediately, the shopkeeper and other waiters came out to welcome him.

"Brother, do you feel..." Xiao Jinghan, who was walking at the back, frowned and glanced at the shopkeeper and waiter in the room, and whispered to Xiao Jingyan.

But before he finished asking, he was interrupted by Xiao Jingyan with a cold voice, "Follow me!"

"oh oh!"

Xiao Jingyan touched her nose and followed him a little unnaturally.

"Guests, we have guest rooms on the second floor here. Seeing that you are so busy with work, why don't you take a rest first? After the food is ready, can I serve it to you?" The second brother said respectfully. road.

"Okay, we have been traveling all day, why not prepare some hot water for us first!" Li Qingqiu said.

"Okay, I'll bring it up to you shortly." After the waiter responded, he winked at the person not far away.

Xiao Jingyao snorted softly when he saw Li Qingqiu's eldest lady's expression of being ignorant of worldly affairs.The eldest lady is indeed the eldest lady. She doesn't have any precautions when she goes out.

Thinking about it, Xiao Jingyao's eyes wandered around the inn, and he quickly put his hands behind his back and walked in the front.

The little girl has to live with Li Qingqiu, so the two of them live in a room, and the others live in a room alone.

After a day of suffocating in the carriage, everyone was tired. After taking a bath and having dinner, everyone fell asleep.

That night.

The night was dark and windy, the bright moonlight hung high in the sky, surrounded by stars.

Everything was silent except for the crickets in the grass that kept singing happily.

Suddenly, several men in black holding broadswords appeared in the inn and quietly went up to the second floor.

Then they looked at each other, took out a few small bamboo tubes, and blew a wisp of smoke into the window.


At this time, the door in the middle was suddenly opened from the inside, making a slight sound.

The people in black holding broadswords were startled, and all looked towards the door.

I saw a little girl with small breasts rubbing her misty eyes and walking out of the door on her short legs.


The little girl yawned loudly, and then made a shushing gesture towards the stunned people in black.

"Uncles, do you want this?"

The little girl smiled and took out a stack of banknotes and waved them in front of the men in black.

People in black: "..."

"Shh, the money is all here Ran Ran, let's go down, please, and don't wake up my brothers and sisters!" Xiao Tiao Tuanzi's face was full of innocence and innocence, and her big eyes were like those black grapes. The voice was also soft and waxy, making people's hearts melt.

The men in black suddenly became envious of the people sleeping inside.

How could she be such a cute little sister!

And she’s so considerate~
Knowing that they wanted money, she took the initiative to give it to her. In order not to disturb her brothers and sisters' sleep, she also asked them to keep their voices down.

Where can I find a sister like this?

Several men in black looked at each other and made a shushing gesture at the same time.

The little breasted dumpling laughed, then took the banknote in his hand and carried it behind his back, and walked downstairs with his short legs.

When several men in black saw this, they immediately followed her downstairs quietly.

It wasn't until he arrived at the door of the inn that Xiaonuituanzi stopped, turned around and bared his teeth at them, tilted his head and asked sweetly: "Are you the legendary bandits?"

Her tone was innocent and curious.

"Yes, we are bandits! Little girl, we are moral and principled bandits. We only steal money and do not kill people. As long as you hand over the money in your hand, how about we let you go?" The leader of the men in black said.

Xiao Naituanzi realized that the person speaking was the shopkeeper of the inn.

"That's right, little girl, because you are so cute, we can't spare you!" Another man in black also said.

This person was the waiter who welcomed them into the inn.

"Hehe..." Xiao Naituanzi laughed, looked at the waiter and said: "This uncle has very good taste, Ran Ran also thinks he is very cute! But... my money is also mine. I’ve earned it through so much hard work, I can’t bear to part with it!”

(End of this chapter)

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