Chapter 346
As Xiao Naituanzi spoke, his two little brows were wrinkled like caterpillars.

"Little girl, what do you mean?"

The shopkeeper was furious when he heard this. He held up the big knife in his hand and made a fierce look, trying to scare Xiao Naitanzi.

But the little breast dumpling didn't look frightened at all. His little body was straight and upright.

Even... there was even a smile on that little face, as if he was laughing at them.

"Hey, you guys are so stupid, literally!" Xiao Naituanzi replied with a smile.

As she said that, her eyes rolled around again, "Well... if you want to take away the banknote in my hand, it's not impossible~ You can do it if you beat me~"

After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, the air seemed to pause for a few seconds, and then he heard a burst of laughter.


The people in black seemed to have heard some funny joke, and everyone burst into laughter.

"Boss, did we hear it wrong! What did this little girl just say? Defeat her? Hahaha... It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

"No, little sister, do you believe that your uncle and I can crush you to death with just one finger?"

"That's right, for a young man, his tone is quite serious! It's a pity that it was us who met him!"

"Little girl, stop talking so much nonsense and hand over the banknote in your hand quickly, otherwise... humph... uncle, my big sword doesn't have a good eye!"


The people in black burst into laughter as they spoke one by one, and none of them took the little breast dumpling to heart.


At this moment, a "dang" sound was heard, and the arrogant laughter stopped abruptly.

I saw that the big knife in the hand of the leading man in black suddenly broke into two halves, and one half fell to the ground.

The night is beautiful tonight and the moonlight is very bright.

The half of the knife still reflects light when it falls to the ground. this time, none of those men in black dared to laugh anymore.

"Boss...Boss...could it be haunted?" One of the men in black looked around and said tremblingly.


As soon as he finished speaking, he received a slap from the black-clothed boss, "What nonsense are you talking about! I... this knife is just... I just used it for too long!"

Just now, none of them noticed how the knife broke.

"It's not a ghost, it's Ran Ran! Ghosts aren't as cute as Ran Ran!" Xiao Tiao Tuanzi replied in time, not forgetting to rub the fat on her face as she spoke.

People in black: "..."

" Hahaha...she said it was her? Hahaha...weird things happen every year, especially this year!" The boss in black was very happy, "My knife is just blunt, what's the point?" Strange!"

Hearing this, the other men in black also laughed.

"What? Don't you believe it, uncles?" After they finished laughing, Xiaonuituanzi raised his head and looked at them innocently, "Well... how about we make a bet?"


The people in black were all stunned again. Looking at the overly calm little dumpling in front of them, they felt something strange inexplicably.

Could it be that the knife...

No, not possible!

How big is the little breasted doll in front of you!

And they just stood in front of her and didn't see her move at all. Her little hands were probably not as big as their knife handles!
"What? Don't you dare, uncles?" Xiaonuituanzi raised his chin and waved a stack of silver notes in his hand, "If you win the bet, these banknotes are yours. If you lose the bet...hehe, How about all your banknotes belong to me?" Xiao Naituanzi's voice was clear and crisp, just like the cry of a nightingale. It was particularly pleasant, making people unconsciously think as if they were being bewitched. I want to bet with her.

" to bet?" The boss in black asked first.

"It's very simple, beat me!"

The little breasted dumpling crossed her chest with her hands, and she always kept a sweet smile on her face.


The people in black laughed wildly again!

But... the next second, I saw a small breast dumpling suddenly rising into the air. As soon as my small leg was lifted, a man in black was kicked a long way away with a "bang".


The man in black screamed, and after struggling on the ground for a moment, he tilted his head and fainted immediately.


When the remaining men in black saw this scene, they all took a few steps back. The swords they held in their hands tightened unconsciously, and their faces looked at her with vigilance.

"You...what on earth are you!?"

The man in black swallowed, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"You are the toy, I am a cute little dumpling with breasts!" The dumpling with innocent looks on his face replied in a milky voice.

If the people in black hadn't witnessed this little breast dumpling knocking one of their brothers unconscious with their own eyes, they wouldn't have been able to believe that the little breast dumpling in front of them was actually a man-eating tiger!

"Come on, uncles, do you want to come together or one by one?" Xiao Naituanzi asked.

"No... bang!"

One of the men in black was about to shake his head and say no, but who knew that Xiao Naituanzi just kicked him out and kicked him out.

"Well... why don't we come together! I'm a little sleepy! I'm going to go back to bed soon after I finish playing!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

"Clang clang clang!"

As soon as she finished her good words, the remaining men in black threw the knives in their hands and knelt on the ground with a "bang".

"Auntie, auntie, please spare your life! Please spare your life, we are blind, please spare us!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Is this the case that you have already given up your armor before even competing?
Hmm... boring!
It's so boring!

"So you're giving in?" Xiao Tiao Tuan Zi held his chin and looked at them and asked.

"Uh... admit defeat, admit defeat! Let's admit defeat!"

The people in black nodded hurriedly.

It’s a joke, if you don’t admit defeat at this time, will you be beaten until you admit defeat?
It is very important for people who live in the world to know the current affairs and be a hero!
"Well... in that case, the bet we just made..."

People in black: "..."

Several people looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and reluctantly took out their own wallets and handed them to Xiao Naituanzi.

What is this called?
Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice!
The little girl took the purses and put them in her hands to cushion them, her little face wrinkled into a bun.

"That's it?" Xiao Naituanzi's tone was obviously dissatisfied, and he pouted his mouth and said: "We have already agreed, and it's all the money!"

People in black: "???"

Could it be that... she also knew that they still had money hidden away?

(End of this chapter)

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