Chapter 347 Lost the wife and lost the army

"Sister-in-law, we only have so much money. We know we were wrong, so just let us go!" One of the men in black looked up at Xiaotuanzi and said.

"Yes, yes!" The other two men in black also nodded in agreement, "If we were rich, why would we do such a thing!"

"That's right. Look at our place. It's hard for a few people to come here even in a few days! How much money can we have~"

The men in black looked like they were about to cry as they talked.


The little girl held her chin and walked around a few people. She said in a very serious voice, "Well, Ran Ran believes in you!"

Hearing this, the people in black breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good!

Although the little girl in front of her was powerful, she was still too young after all. She believed them after they casually lied to her.


At this moment, they heard Xiao Naituanzi shouting into the inn, "Fifth uncle, fifth uncle, did you hear that? They said they only have this money!"

The man in black turned around and saw that there was a theatergoer standing behind them.

As soon as they saw Xiao Jingyao, their hearts lifted again.

This little girl is easy to fool, but this big one...

Just when these people's minds were spinning rapidly, thinking about how to fool Xiao Jingyao, they suddenly heard a bolt from the blue.

Just listen to Xiao Naituanzi say in her sweet and soft voice: "Fifth uncle, since they only have that silver, then the things in their room must not be theirs! Let's take them all!"

"Hehe... Aren't you very happy to pick up so much money for nothing?"

When several men in black heard this, they almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Damn it, these people had already dug out their old background before they took action, and even came to take advantage of them!
They are really... losing their wives and losing their troops!
When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he stared at the men in black over there and looked at Xiaotuanzi funnyly, "Well, it seems that we are quite lucky today. We can find money in other people's rooms!"


The little breasted dumpling smiles like a little fox!

"Well, it's indeed good luck." Xiao Jingyao also laughed.

"This eldest brother, my aunt! We have realized our mistake and you have taken away the money. Can we...can we leave?" One of the men in black asked tentatively.

"Not yet!" Xiaonuituanzi replied with a smile.

Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, why did the little girl keep them?
The people in black also had puzzled faces, and said bitterly: "We really don't have any money left. Auntie, just let us go!"

"Yes, yes, just let us live!" The other two people also echoed.

"Well... you don't have any money anymore, I can give it to you!" Xiao Naituanzi said softly, blinking his big eyes.

People in black: "???"

Is this little girl really so kind?

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

What else does this little rascal want to do?
"Really...really?" The man in black asked very uncertainly.

Anyone could see the expression on his face, they didn't believe it.

"It's true, it's true! Ranran will never lie!" Xiaotai Tuanzi's face was full of sincerity. As he spoke, he took out a money bag and handed it over.

This money bag was just taken from their hands, and it was bulging with money.

"No, here it is for you!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

The people in black looked at each other, and there were rows of black lines on their foreheads.Looking at the money bag in front of me, I didn't dare to reach out to take it for a long time.

They were afraid that if they stretched out their hands, their claws would be chopped off by this little girl, right?

"Huh? Don't want it?"

Xiaonuituanzi was very confused and didn’t even want any money?
"No, no, no... don't dare! We don't dare!"

Several men in black knelt on the ground, shaking their heads like rattles, and stammered in reply.

The little girl puffed up the fat on her face and looked at Xiao Jingyao with a confused expression: "Fifth uncle, does Ran Ran look scary?"

Xiao Jingyao glanced at the men in black kneeling on the ground, and tried to suppress his laughter, "No, our little girl looks like a dumpling, soft and waxy, how can she be scary? ?”

People in black collectively complained: This is the scariest thing, okay?
Although he has an angelic face, he doesn't feel weak at all when he kicks someone up.

Which family's little baby looks like this!

Although the people in black were complaining in their hearts, they still echoed Xiao Jingyao's words on their faces, "This young master is right, little sister, you look like the little fairy boy in heaven, you are indeed beautiful!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Naituanzi touched the small breasts on his face and smiled so much that he showed two cute little tiger teeth, "Hey, I didn't expect that although these uncles don't look very good, they have great eyesight. It’s still pretty good~”

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

People in black: "..." Is it necessary to step on them and praise yourself?

"Well...since you won't accept my money, then you have to figure out your own way for our breakfast tomorrow~" Xiao Naituanzi said.

People in black: "???"

So you give them money for breakfast tomorrow?

Caught them, robbed them of their money, and asked them to make breakfast?

A few men in black thought they were going to be autistic!
This little girl really makes the best use of them!
Several people looked at each other, and then one of them said: "Hey, no problem, isn't it just breakfast? Let's do it, let's do it!"

What to do?They will run away when they find an opportunity. Who is still here?
Waiting to be slaughtered?
So a few people decided to pretend to agree first, and then find and almost leave.

"Well... then it's settled~" Xiao Naituanzi said and yawned greatly, looking very sleepy, "Ranran is sleepy, let's go to bed first~"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi really didn't care about them, and walked into the inn with his short legs.

Xiao Jingyao glanced at them and reminded them kindly, "Don't think about running away in the middle of the night, otherwise... humph..."

"Yes, yes, yes! We will never run away!" Several men in black said hurriedly.

Xiao Jingyao chuckled, shrugged his shoulders and immediately yawned and went upstairs to sleep.

Once I see them leaving, where can I stay if I send it to the man in black?
After getting up, he dragged his two companions who had fainted and left quickly.

It's really whimsical to want to stay with them to make breakfast.

Upstairs, several brothers of the Xiao family watched the people in black fleeing away. Xiao Jingrui said: "You just let them go? I'll catch them back! Let's see if I don't beat them until they are all covered with teeth!"

"Are you making breakfast tomorrow?"

After hearing his words, Xiao Jingyan asked coldly.


Xiao Jingrui: "???"

What do you mean?
Xiao Jinghan looked at him and said: "I guess these people are not running away, but going out to look for food!"

Xiao Jingrui: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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