Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 348 1 I didn’t see you last night, has the weather changed?

Chapter 348: After not seeing each other for one night, the weather has changed?

The next day.

Xiao Jingrui woke up early!

No, I was mainly worried about whether those men in black would come back, so I didn't sleep much all night.

No, it was just dawn that day, so he got up.

As soon as he walked downstairs, he saw several men in black coming back exhausted and carrying a lot of things.

Xiao Jingrui: "..."

Are these people really back?
Several men in black looked at Xiao Jingrui with bitter expressions on their faces, which looked uglier than crying.

"Ahem..." Xiao Jingrui coughed lightly, pretending not to know what happened last night, and asked doubtfully: "Shopkeeper, second brother, you... just came back?"


The shopkeeper responded bitterly, with a very reluctant expression.

They don’t want to come back either, can they just not come back?
OK is OK!
Unless it's life-threatening, it's almost the same!

"Hey, young master, please wait a moment. We are going to make breakfast for you right now! What do you want to eat? Whatever you want, whatever you want!" The younger brother smiled politely and was respectful. Respectfully.

"Yes, casually. I heard that the little girl in your family likes to eat chicken legs, right? We went to the mountains overnight last night to catch more than a dozen pheasants and they were all still fresh. Why don't we make them into roasted chickens?"

"Yes, yes, roasted chicken is good, roasted chicken is good!" Others agreed.

Xiao Jingrui: "..."

So they went to catch pheasants at night?
Looking at the pheasants they just brought back, they looked like they had just been caught!And the tiredness on these people's faces doesn't seem to be fake.


Why not escape?
"Hehe, it's better not to eat something so greasy early in the morning. Just make some steamed buns and millet porridge! But...since you all caught this chicken, why not just bake it and we'll bring it back later? Eat on the road!" Xiao Jingrui said.

"Okay, okay!"

Several men in black nodded hurriedly and smiled very attentively.

Xiao Jingrui touched the back of his head, and there were a hundred thousand whys in his mind!
An hour later, the little breast dumpling was woken up by a burst of fragrance. Smelling the smell, her little mouth kept smacking, and the lump almost fell off.

Li Qingqiu had no idea what happened last night. After getting up, he went downstairs to fetch water.

Seeing that Xiaonuituanzi was already dressed, he smiled and said: "The shopkeeper is really good at things. I don't know where he got the pheasant, and he is making it! He said he would pack it up for us to take away later. .”

"Seeing how hard they worked, I feel embarrassed. I gave them a few taels of silver as a reward, but they still don't want it! Tsk tsk... There really aren't many people doing business honestly like them nowadays!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Xiao Jingyao, who was about to knock on the door: "..."

This woman really... I don't know how she grew up. She was probably still counting money for others after she was sold!

Sure enough, the eldest lady is just the eldest lady and does not know the dangers of the world.

"Dong dong dong... dong dong dong..."

Xiao Jingyao knocked on the door, and then called at the door, "Ranran, hurry up, it's time to have breakfast!"


The little girl responded, washed herself, and asked Li Qingqiu to comb her hair into a braid, and then they went out together and went downstairs.

"Hey, my aunt, you're up, go and see if there's anything you want to eat? If there's anything you want to eat, just let me know. As long as we have it, we won't be stingy!"

When the little girl got downstairs, she saw several people in the inn. They were all standing in a row respectfully, looking at her expressions as eager as they could be.

Li Qingqiu: "???"

Why does it feel like the whole day has changed after one night?
What happened that she didn't know about?

Obviously they were not like this yesterday!

"Hehe, no need!" Xiaonuituanzi waved his hands with a smile and went downstairs.Looking at her smiling face, the men in black didn't feel relaxed at all, they just stood there laughing as if the wood had turned into spirit.

"Ran Ran, are you treating people?"

As soon as he sat down, Li Qingqiu asked doubtfully.

"!" Xiaonuituanzi took a bite of the bun on the table and said vaguely, "I just gave them a talisman!"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

What kind of talisman should I give to people?

"Ran Ran, it turns out you gave them a talisman. No wonder they ran away and then came back. They even went to catch chickens for you this late at night!" Xiao Jingrui looked like he suddenly realized something.

Xiao Jinghan smiled and said: "Thanks to Ran Ran last night, we were able to have a good sleep!"

"Yes, yes!" Wu Tong also agreed.

Li Qingqiu: "???"

So...what happened last night?
Why does it feel like everyone in the world knows about it, but she doesn't?

"Hey, look at your idiotic look. I don't know how you have grown up in these years!" Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but said something disgusting when he saw the confused look on her face.

"Xiao Jingyao, what do you mean?"

Li Qingqiu became angry as soon as he saw his expression, as if he was talking about how awesome he was.

Xiao Jingyao took a sip of porridge, nodded slightly, and said with a bit of scorn, "It doesn't mean anything, it's just what it means literally!"


Li Qingqiu's eyes immediately widened, "Who are you calling an idiot! If you have the guts, can you say it again? Let's see if I can beat you to the point where you have teeth all over the floor!"


Xiao Jingyao snorted disdainfully.

"You know how to shout and kill all day long, treat your own people harshly, and even give money to the enemy. If you say you are not an idiot, who is the idiot?"


Li Qingqiu choked and his face turned red, "Stop putting your own face on others, who is your own friend!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

This woman really knows how to grasp the key points!

Did that mean what he said?

He doesn’t want to be his own person with her yet!
"Fifth uncle, you obviously care about others, why can't you talk properly?" Xiao Jinghan said.

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he rolled his eyes, "Who cares about her? You must be blind! Go back and ask Ranran to prescribe you some Chuanqiong Gastrodia and your mother to give you some fish soup!"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"So many of us, so many pairs of eyes saw it!"

Xiao Jinghan muttered something.

"Well, I saw it too!" Xiao Naituanzi echoed Xiao Jinghan with a smile.

As soon as Xiao Naituanzi opened his mouth, the other brothers and Zhang Biao all nodded in agreement with Xiao Jinghan's words.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Li Qingqiu: "..."

The two looked at each other, then snorted and turned away their heads.

Xiao Jingyao's face was full of guilt, while Li Qingqiu's rosy cheeks and brows were tinged with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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