Chapter 349 It’s so rude to take advantage!
After breakfast, everyone continued to move forward.

This time, Xiao Jingyao didn't join in the fun. Instead, he and the brothers Xiao Jingyan squeezed into the same carriage to practice.

The carriage was traveling very fast, and it entered the territory of Ba County in a few days when the sun set over the Western Mountains in the afternoon.

As soon as he entered Ba County, the money sword in Xiao Naituanzi's pocket began to buzz and shake.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi was shocked and took out the money sword.

She waved her little hand gently, and a black shadow appeared in front of her.

"Uncle Zhou?"

The little girl blinked her big eyes and looked at the black shadow in front of her, and called out.

When Li Qingqiu heard this, although he couldn't see anyone, he immediately sat up straight.

Xiao Jinghan next to him looked confused. Who did the little girl call uncle?

The little girl didn't look at Xiao Jinghan, nor did she explain anything to him. She just looked at the black figure suspended in the carriage.

"Little girl, I don't know if you feel it, but there is a lot of filth in the air above this place, and there is no life at all." Zhou Zhongren said.

"Hmm." Xiao Naituanzi nodded, and then asked softly: "Hmm... Uncle Wu and Brother Wu Tong said that uncle died here. I don't know if you came here, uncle. What do you remember?"

Zhou Zhongren shook his head, "No!"

"Well... okay then!" Xiao Naituanzi had a little disappointment on his face, but he comforted him with a sweet voice: "Uncle, don't worry, we are here just for your uncle's time and those who died in the secret passage. !”

"Yeah." Zhou Zhongren nodded, "Then I will stay outside these days and look at those familiar things. Maybe I can remember something."


Xiao Naituanzi nodded, "Uncle, please follow us closely~ The Taoist priests who escaped here are quite good at it. Uncle needs to be careful."

"okay, I get it!"

After a while, Xiao Jinghan saw that Xiao Naituanzi had stopped talking, so he tentatively asked, "So... Ranran, were you talking to a ghost just now?"

"Nonsense, am I talking to you?" Li Qingqiu rolled his eyes.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Really, he had never seen a ghost before, and he was a little curious.

At the same time, he also felt that it was chilly inside the carriage, which seemed to be much cooler than just now.

The carriage continued to move forward, arriving at the city of Ba County, and slowly stopped in front of an inn.

Ba County is not as prosperous as Yonglin County, but it is not too bad. A group of people directly dispatched three carriages, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

"Secretary, hurry up and prepare a few rooms for us, and bring us some delicious food and drinks!"

Xiao Jingyao took the lead in getting off the carriage, entered the inn and gave instructions in a loud voice.

"Okay, okay! Please invite the guests inside, please come inside!"

Seeing so many people suddenly coming, the shopkeeper smiled from ear to ear and immediately went out to greet them in person. Then he ordered someone to help them move some of their luggage upstairs, and then led the horse behind.


As soon as he stepped into the inn, he saw a man in rich clothes at the counter staring at Li Qingqiu who was holding the hand of a small-breasted dumpling with bright eyes. "cousin?"

Li Qingqiu seemed a little surprised when he saw the man. He was stunned for a few seconds and then greeted him with a smile.

The shopkeeper next to me: "???"

"Master, who is this?" The shopkeeper couldn't help but ask.

"It's my cousin, Li Qingqiu, the eldest lady of the Li family!" The man replied gently and politely, but when he spoke, his pair of peach blossom eyes looked at Li Qingqiu for a moment, and there was unconcealable joy in his eyes.

"It turns out it's Miss Cousin. Cousin, please come in quickly!" When the shopkeeper heard that it was the Li family, the smile on his face couldn't help but become more sincere.

"Cousin, why are you here? Is my aunt in good health?" Li Qingqiu stepped forward to greet her with a normal expression.

"Cousin Lao, I'm worried. Everything is fine with my mother!" the man replied, looking at the others with concern and confusion, and asked, "Who are these?"

"Oh, these people are all named Xiao. This is Mr. Xiao. Over there are his three nephews. The two at the end are... the guards, Wu Tong and Zhang Biao. The one in front of me is Ran Ran !" Li Qingqiu introduced the man one by one, and then introduced to everyone: "This is my cousin, my aunt's son, Wang Wenqun."

"Everyone, since everyone is friends with Cousin Qingqiu, they are also friends with me, Wang Wenqun. You can feel free to stay in my inn, and all the expenses will be borne by me." Wang Wenqun Raise your voice loudly and generously.

"This..." Li Qingqiu was a little embarrassed, "Cousin, it's... not good for you to do this, right?"

"What's wrong! I went to live with Li's family for a while when I was young. At that time, my cousin took great care of me. Now that we meet in Ba County by chance, my cousin won't let me do my best as a landlord. If my mother finds out about my friendship, she will definitely scold me!" Wang Wenqun smiled brightly, acting like an elegant gentleman.

"In that case, I will thank you, Mr. Wang!"

Before Li Qingqiu could reply, Xiao Jingyao agreed for her with a smile!
As he spoke, he added with a half-smile, "We are all family members, why should we be so polite?"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

It’s really rude to take advantage of someone like this!
"In this case, we will be disrespectful. Thank you cousin!" Li Qingqiu said.

The little girl smiled and glanced at her fifth uncle who looked like he was drunk. He looked at Wang Wenqun sweetly and said, "Thank you, brother. Brother, I want to eat chicken legs, lots and lots of chicken legs!"

"Little girl, why don't you call me brother? Call me uncle!" After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, Xiao Jingyao tapped his head.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Who is the fifth uncle who always likes to take advantage of names?
Seeing that the eldest nephews behind him were looking at him in amusement, Xiao Jingyao's eyes flickered slightly, he looked away slightly uncomfortably, and then stretched his body without any image, "Oh, it's been a long day's journey. worn out!"

Hearing this, Wang Wenqun hurriedly bowed to Xiao Jingyao and said, "The shop is neglectful. Shopkeeper Tong will take someone to the room."


Shopkeeper Tong responded and personally led the people upstairs.

"Cousin, you should rest first. I will stay in Ba County for a few days. If my cousin is free tomorrow, I will go shopping with her!" Wang Wenqun said politely.

"Okay!" Li Qingqiu agreed with a smile, "I'll bother my cousin! But we probably need to stay here for a while, will it... disturb my cousin's business?"

"How is that possible! How can business be as important as the friendship between you and me? And there are so many of you, and you have added a lot of popularity to my inn!"

"If my cousin needs anything, just ask the shopkeeper directly!"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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