Chapter 350 It's cheap and good-looking!
After a few people went upstairs, Xiaonaituanzi released Zhou Zhongren's ghost again.

"Little girl, have you also noticed that the cold air in this city seems to be not as strong as the place that just stepped into Ba County?" Zhou Zhongren said as soon as he appeared.

"Yes." Xiao Naituanzi nodded, with a serious look on his face. He thought for a moment and said, "Evil cannot prevail against good. There are many people here and there is enough yang energy!"

"It's not impossible!" Zhou Zhongren nodded, and then said: "In the dead of night, when everyone is quiet, I will go to the Yamen to have a look. Maybe I will remember something."

"I'll go with my uncle, it's dangerous here!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

"No need." Zhou Zhongren waved his hand, "I'm just wandering around. Although the talisman you use to control the movement of the carriage also consumes a lot of internal energy, it's important that you take a good rest!"

"Well... that's fine!"

Xiao Naituanzi moved his little hand and drew a talisman in the air. He waved his little hand and the talisman fell on the black shadow.

"Uncle, if you are in danger, just crush this talisman!" Xiao Naituanzi explained.

"it is good!"

Zhou Zhongren accepted Fu Zuan and floated out of the window.

After a while, the door was knocked from outside!

Li Qingqiu walked over and opened the door, and saw shopkeeper Tong standing at the door looking at her with a smile, "Miss, my boss asked me to come and give you something!"

Shopkeeper Tong said and turned sideways.

At this time, I saw several boys holding bathtubs, Xiangyizi and other toiletries standing behind me.

"Miss, my boss specially ordered these to be brought to you. They are all brand new." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"Uh..." Li Qingqiu was stunned, and then quickly made way for them to go in, with a smile that happened to be everywhere on his face, "Shopkeeper Tong, please thank my cousin for me, but... I don't have to go out. You’re so particular, so there’s no need to bother!”

"No trouble, no trouble!" Shopkeeper Tong waved his hands repeatedly, "That's all our business!"

"Shopkeeper Tong, since it's her duty, why doesn't she have us? Why, do you look down on me?"

At this moment, the door of the room farthest from Li Qingqiu was suddenly opened. Xiao Jingyao leaned against the door, folded his hands on his chest, and looked pointedly in their direction.

Shopkeeper Tong: "..."

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Everyone in the Xiao family heard the noise in the room: "..."

Uncle Fifth, can you be more shameless?Could the tone be any more sour?

What is your relationship with them?Why should they give it to you?
"Haha..." Shopkeeper Tong's face twitched, and the smile on his face was a little stiff, "Look what Young Master Xiao said, little one..."

"Treasurer Tong!"

Before shopkeeper Tong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Qingqiu.

"Haha, well...since Uncle Xiao needs it, give these to Uncle Xiao!"

Li Qingqiu had a smile on his face, but the smile did not reach his eyes. Although he was talking to shopkeeper Tong, he was facing Xiao Jingyao with a full warning.

In particular, the words "Uncle Xiao" were emphasized very strongly to remind him of the relationship between them.

However, Xiao Jingyao pretended not to see it and looked at the ceiling.


Shopkeeper Tong was a little hesitant. This was something the boss had specially ordered to give to his cousin.

"Shopkeeper Tong, just do as I say! Mr. Xiao Wu is a noble man with fine skin and tender flesh. We can't neglect him!"

"Yes!" Shopkeeper Tong responded respectfully, and then ordered people to send the things to Xiao Jingyao's room. "Shopkeeper Tong, thank you so much, Mr. Xiao!" Xiao Jingyao replied with a smile, not forgetting to tell him, "Bring me some basins of water. I have been on the road for two days, so I need to wash myself well." !”

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Shopkeeper Tong: "..."

I really don’t know what politeness means!
Get cheap and sell well!
However, Shopkeeper Tong was someone who had seen some ups and downs. Although he felt a little unhappy when he heard Xiao Jingyao's words, there was no other displeased expression on his face.

"You guys follow the instructions and move all these to Mr. Xiao Xiao's room! After all, he is my cousin's fifth uncle, so you can't neglect it! Otherwise, it will be spread out and say that our Wang family does not respect the elderly!" Shopkeeper Tong said .


When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood!

What are you talking about?

Respect the old?
He is young and strong, do you think he is old?
"Yes, yes, yes, shopkeeper Tong is right, you should respect your elders!" Li Qingqiu couldn't help but laugh, and did not forget to give Xiao Jingyao a provocative and teasing look.

Small sample!
Don't you want to be her uncle?
Then let you be good enough!
Xiao Jingyao: "..."

The Xiao brothers in the room couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Jingyao took a deep breath and said with a smile, almost grinding his teeth: "Thank you to my eldest niece!"

There are cheap but not the bastard!

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao snorted at Li Qingqiu, turned around and entered the house.

Li Qingqiu curled his lips, snorted coldly, turned around and closed the door with a bang.

"Ran Ran, what kind of person is your fifth uncle? I've never seen anyone like him before. His face is thicker than the city wall!"

Li Qingqiu said angrily.


Hearing these words, Xiao Tuanzi covered his small mouth and smiled like a little fox. He said in a soft and serious voice: "My Sixth Master said, if you want to deal with shameless people, you have to Thicker-skinned than him!"

"Sister Qingqiu, if you want to be Ran Ran's fifth aunt, you have to work hard!"

Li Qingqiu blushed instantly when he heard this. He turned his head away and did not dare to look at the little breast dumplings. He said carelessly: "Who wants to be your fifth aunt!"

"You!" Xiaonuituanzi tilted his head, his face full of doubts, "Isn't it?"


Li Qingqiu was speechless for a moment, his face turned even redder, and he stammered: "I...I just can't stand him!"

" sixth master also said that if you don't like it, you can get used to it after seeing it for a few more times. How about Sister Qingqiu marrying my fifth uncle home and seeing him for a few more times?"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

"You little rascal, don't talk nonsense! You haven't even written your horoscope yet!" Li Qingqiu turned around with a red face, pinched the small breasts on the little breast dumpling's face, and said shyly: "Besides, your fifth uncle That person is just a piece of wood! It’s useless even if I like him!”

"Hehe... As long as you like it!" Xiao Tuanzi smiled mischievously, patted her breasts and said in a sweet voice: "Ran Ran will help you~ Secretly tell Sister Qingqiu, my mother and grandmother have three My aunts like Sister Qingqiu very much!"


"Of course, it's more real than real gold!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded heavily.

Hearing Xiao Naituanzi's words, Li Qingqiu felt reassured instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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