Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 351 Wang 8 looks at mung beans, is it a perfect match?

Chapter 351 The bastard looks at the mung bean, is it a perfect match?
After resting one night at the inn, everyone got up early the next day.

During breakfast, Xiao Jingyao saw that Li Qingqiu was not there, and looked at him with confusion as he was happily eating a small milk dumpling that looked like a squirrel.

"Ran Ran, where is the woman who lives with you?" Xiao Jingyao complained while eating, "This eldest lady is the eldest lady, she doesn't even know how to pay attention to the time! It's really nice to sleep in the sun while you are away from home. What?"

Xiao family brothers: "..."

I want to ask people if I ask directly, will I die?No wonder I can’t get a wife!
The little girl didn't even raise her head. She slurped the food in her mouth and replied casually: "Sister Qingqiu went out with brother Wang early in the morning. She said she wanted to go for a walk. Well...I I also heard Sister Qingqiu say that she will be Brother Wang’s daughter-in-law in the future!”

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

After Xiao Naituanzi finished speaking, everyone else looked at Xiao Jingyao with their eyes.

Xiao Jingyao's face suddenly turned dark.


I saw him put the chopsticks on the table with a "snap", and said with disgust, "What kind of eyes do you have? The bastard looks at mung beans. Is it a perfect match?"

Everyone: "..."

They just think that some people can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

The smell of vinegar in this room is almost spreading outside.

"Ahem, Uncle Xiao, Miss Qingqiu and Mr. Wang are childhood sweethearts. The two families are still relatives. If they can get married, it would be a close marriage! Besides, Mr. Wang is elegant and gentle, so he stands with Miss Qingqiu. Together, they are both talented men and beautiful women, which is pleasing to the eye!" Wu Tong said naively.

"That's right, Fifth Uncle, since you don't like them, who does they go out with? What does it have to do with you?" Xiao Jinghan teased.

Xiao Jingrui immediately echoed, "A dog takes a mouse, mind your own business!"

"Yeah, yeah, that's right!" Wu Tong nodded.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Hey, I'm talking about you little brats, what's going on? I...she called me Uncle Xiao at least. I'm concerned about what's wrong with my niece?"

"Besides, he came out with our Xiao family. If he went out with others casually, how would we explain to the Li family what happened?"

Everyone: "..."

"Fifth uncle, don't explain! We all understand, we all understand!" Xiao Jingrui smiled meaningfully.

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

You all understand?

Do you understand what?
A few little furry kids!The hair hasn't even grown yet, so it's all adults' business!
Does he care about that heartless, heartless and cruel woman?

Is he afraid of getting into trouble?

"You guys go ahead and eat. After you finish eating, go separate ways to find out what's going on. I'm going out!"

Xiao Jingyao stood up as he spoke, put down his chopsticks and went out!

The others looked at each other and laughed involuntarily.

"You damn duck has a tough mouth!" Xiao Jingrui complained.

"I drank a bowl of thick vinegar early in the morning. I'm afraid my fifth uncle will be sore for a few days." Xiao Jinghan responded faintly.

Wu Tong, with a big beard on his face, echoed naively, "If I were a Qingqiu girl, I would also choose the handsome prince!"

On the other hand, Zhang Biao, who was standing next to him, chuckled lightly and said calmly with a look of understanding: "Everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables!"

"I'm afraid that Fifth Master didn't notice the difference in his feelings for Miss Qingqiu. It just needs a little stimulation so that he can understand his feelings."

"Hehe..." Xiao Naituanzi smiled and said, "Whether you can successfully marry your fifth uncle depends on your brothers!"

Hearing this, everyone laughed involuntarily!
They suddenly realized when they thought that it was Xiaotuanzi who said Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenqun were together in the first place.

Now Luo Hua is aware of it, but Liu Shui is not aware of it!

After the meal, everyone dispersed and went out.Xiao Jingyan still stayed in the house to repair his internal energy, while Xiaonai Tuanzi stayed in his room and took out his own tools to draw some talismans.

As noon approached, the money sword in Xiao Naituanzi's pocket suddenly buzzed.

The little girl didn't have time to say hello to Xiao Jingyan next door, so she quickly walked out the door with the money sword in hand.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xiaonuituanzi appeared at the door of the county government office.

Looking up at the top of the county government office, Xiao Naituanzi felt a shiver in his heart and a serious expression on his face.

After she put an invisibility charm on her forehead, she walked into the county government office in a swaggering manner.

The further inside she went, the more she realized something was wrong.

As she walked, she smelled a foul smell. This smell...


There is an evil god in this county government office!

The expression on the little breasted dumpling's face became even more serious!
After walking for a while, Xiaonai Tuanzi came to a bamboo forest behind the county government office. As soon as she stepped into the bamboo forest, she discovered that there was a formation in the bamboo forest.

The little breasted dumpling pinched her hands slowly, her chubby fingers were put together in front of her body, her eyes were slightly closed, and she muttered a few words.

When she opened her eyes again, the scene in front of her suddenly changed.

It was pitch black all around. It was obviously June or July, the hottest time of summer, and I felt a chill here.

"Tick, tick!"

The sound of water drops echoed in my ears, even accompanied by a fishy smell.

"Ran Ran?"

At this moment, Zhou Zhongren's shadow floated over. The black energy around him was very light, and he had obviously suffered a serious injury.

"Uncle Zhou!"

The little breasted dumpling exclaimed, his eyes widening.

Before coming, she had received a signal from Zhou Zhongren to crush the talisman. Unexpectedly, he suffered a heavy blow.

His soul body has been refined into the realm itself, and coupled with these days of training in the money sword, his force value is not weak.

did not expect……

"Ran Ran, go back quickly and leave here first!" Zhou Zhongren said weakly.

"it is good."

Xiao Naituanzi nodded solemnly, quickly took out two coins and placed them in the palm of his hand.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhongren hurriedly got in.

Xiao Naituanzi put away the coins and walked back along the way he came.

When we returned to the inn, it was already past noon.

Several members of the Xiao family were there, and their expressions were all a bit anxious.

Seeing the little naughty dumpling coming back, Xiao Jingyao rushed up first, "My little aunt, where have you been? Why didn't you say anything? We are so anxious!"

"Yes, Ran Ran, didn't you say you were waiting for news at the inn? Where have you been?" Xiao Jinghan asked.

Seeing pairs of concerned eyes looking at her, Xiaotuanzi grinned, "Fifth uncle and brothers, don't worry, Ranran is fine! Look, am I not fine?"

As the little breasted dumpling spoke, he did not forget to spin around in front of them to prove that he was fine.

(End of this chapter)

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