Chapter 352: Cause of Death of Governor Zhou

Seeing this, everyone in the Xiao family breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Jingyao hugged her into the house, put her down and then asked seriously: "Where were you just now?"

Everyone behind him also followed in. Xiao Naituanzi had no intention of hiding it, so he asked Xiao Jingrui, who was standing by the door, to close the door, and then set up a small soundproof formation. Then he slowly told the story of going to the Yamen. come out.

After hearing this, everyone was shocked, especially Wu Tong. As an official serving the people, he really couldn't accept that the government, a place where people ask for orders, has become a place where filth and evil gather.

"Damn it! I'm going to pick this Yamen right now!" Wu Tong clenched his fists tightly and said angrily while grinding his molars.

"Don't be impulsive!" Zhang Biao shook his head at him, "This is a yamen, not a casual place, and you are just a small warden of Yonglin yamen. Being impulsive will only give people a reason to catch Mr. Xiao." They are all involved.”

"That's right!" Xiao Jingyao nodded, with a serious look on his face, "If you want to deal with officials, naturally you need an official from a higher level to act."

"What's more, the magistrate of this domineering county dares to do such a thing blatantly in the county government office. It shows that the people behind him are not simple."

"This matter needs to be considered in the long term."

"Yes." After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, everyone nodded.

"I have a way!" Xiao Jingyan suddenly said.

"What can we do?" Everyone looked at him.

"Set fire!" Xiao Jingyan said in a simple and crude way.

Everyone: "..."

"Is this... wouldn't this be good?" Wu Tong asked tentatively.

Being in the Yamen, he knew what it would mean if something happened to the Yamen!
"There's nothing wrong with it! The most taboo thing for us when we are marching outside is hesitation. The county government in Ba County has become a hell on earth, and those people inside are all accomplices!"

Zhang Biaohao spoke angrily, and with Xiaonuituanzi's soundproof formation, he was not afraid that his voice would be too loud and others would hear him.

"By the way, the third brother and I went out to inquire about the news today. I heard that the county magistrate still cares about the people. Is there any misunderstanding in this? Does the county magistrate not know about it?" Xiao Jingrui touched the back of his head. , I said this in hindsight.

"Yes, but the county magistrate is not very capable. He has been here for ten years and still has not made any political achievements. Just some time ago, it was said that many refugees came to the county. The county did not hesitate to save people. Starve yourself to death." Xiao Jinghan said.

"Yes, that's right!" Xiao Jingrui nodded in agreement.

Hearing these words, the room fell silent again for a moment.

Xiao Jingyao thought for a while and then turned his attention to Xiaotuanzi, "Ranran, you are not very good at reading people's faces. Why don't you go and see who this county magistrate is?"

The little girl raised her head, and instead of answering his words, she took out some talismans from her pocket and put them on the table.

"One for each person, stick it on your body~"

Everyone did not doubt that he was there and put the talisman on their foreheads.

Xiao Naituanzi took out the money coin again, and suddenly a black mist flowed out of the money coin, gradually forming a shadow suspended in the air.

"Governor Zhou! It's really Governor Zhou!" Wu Tong exclaimed.

When Governor Zhou died, Wu Tong was not very old, but there was a painting of Governor Zhou in his father's study.

Therefore, he recognized this person at a glance as Governor Zhou Zhongren.

Others were more shocked than shocked.

After all, this was the first time I really saw such a thing as a ghost.

Zhou Zhongren raised his eyes and turned towards Wu Tong, not remembering who he was for a moment.


"I remembered part of what happened!" Zhou Zhongren looked at Ran Ran and said, "I died in that dark secret room!" "For three days and three nights, I died of bleeding!"

Although Zhou Zhongren's voice was a bit ethereal, it was hard to conceal the sadness in human ears.

"What? Mr. Zhou, are you remembering it wrong? As we all know, you were killed on Yong'an Street. The murderer climbed up a sky rope in the street and then disappeared." Wu Tong said in disbelief. .

"So later, many people spread rumors that you might have acted in an extreme way and angered the gods, so you were killed by the messengers appointed by the gods."

Everyone: "..."

They originally wanted to say that there were no such things as gods, but when they thought about it, even ghosts existed in this world, so it was not surprising that there were gods.

Was it just Governor Zhou who angered the gods?Killed by a messenger sent by the gods?

The more I hear about this, the more unreliable it becomes.

Zhou Zhongren was also very confused when he heard this statement!

It was only after he entered the familiar secret room that he remembered a little bit. He was killed in the secret room.

But now someone told him that what he remembered was wrong?
Is the memory wrong?

"I believe what Uncle Zhou said. The gods are very busy and have no time to care about the affairs of the human world!" Xiao Naituanzi said in a sweet voice.

Although she doesn't know if there are gods in this world.

But Master has said that good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation.

There is a sense of righteousness in Uncle Zhou's face at first glance. He is not a bad person!

If the god really wants to kill someone, wouldn't it be nice to just hit him with a thunderbolt and send someone to kill him?

Are gods that weak?
If a man of the gods kills someone, do they still need to climb the rope?Wouldn't it be better to just disappear?
She can use the invisibility charm, wouldn't the people of the gods know how to use it?

So she believed Zhou Zhongren's words that his concentration was related to that secret passage.

Everyone felt that it was very reasonable when they heard what Xiao Naituanzi said.

However, so many people in Ba County saw Governor Zhou being killed, could it be false?
It can't be a fake corpse, right?

While everyone was thinking, they heard Zhou Zhongren speak again, "I also remembered a place!"

"Where?" Xiao Jingyao asked.

"Tianxian Temple!"

Tianxian Temple?
After everyone looked at each other for a while, they heard Zhang Biao say: "I have inquired about this Tianxian Temple. There are many nuns living there who practice Buddhism. These nuns are very capable!"

"It is said that just a bowl of talisman water can cure all diseases. So we wandered around for a long time and didn't see a single medical center."

"Yes, Brother Zhang and I are planning to go to Tianxian Watch tomorrow!" Wu Tong also nodded in agreement.

"So powerful?" Xiao Jingyao sneered, "I would like to know if Tianxian Temple is so capable!"

"In the next two days, we will first investigate the matter between Tianguan and the county government before making a decision."


Everyone nodded in unison.

A few people discussed the specific implementation plan for a while, assigned tasks to everyone, and then left the room!

When he came out of the room, it was not too early. When Xiao Jingyao saw that Li Qingqiu hadn't come back yet, he subconsciously frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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