Chapter 353 Cousin becomes cousin?
This woman!
Do you have any sense of proportion?

Even if the relationship is between cousins, we still need to avoid suspicion!
Do you understand what "men and women cannot sit at the same table at the age of seven, and men and women cannot kiss each other?"

Li Qingqiu never came back, and Xiao Jingyao kept wandering back and forth at the door of the lobby downstairs.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper Tong in the hall couldn't help but shake his head.

"Shopkeeper Tong, where did Mr. Wang take Li Qingqiu?"

After waiting for half an hour, Xiao Jingyao finally couldn't bear it anymore. He walked in and grabbed shopkeeper Tong by his collar and asked.

Shopkeeper Tong was startled. Seeing Xiao Jingyao's face full of suppressed anger, he could not help but beat someone with his violent temper. Shopkeeper Tong quickly held the hand that was holding his collar.

"Master Xiao Wu, calm down! We have something to talk about, but don't do anything!" the shopkeeper said quickly.

"Tell me! Where have they gone!" Xiao Jingyao's eyes were blazing and he was gnashing his teeth.

"I...I...I don't even know, little one!" Shopkeeper Tong said with bitterness on his face, "Master Xiao Wu, I'm just a small shopkeeper. To put it plainly, I'm a slave. I don't care about the master's affairs. How can a slave dare to inquire?"

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, the expression on his face was still ugly, but he also knew that the shopkeeper was right. It was normal for him as a slave to not know the whereabouts of his master.

"Let me ask you, did the man named Wang grow up with Li Qingqiu, their childhood sweethearts? Do the two families want to get engaged?" Xiao Jingyao restrained his temper and helped shopkeeper Tong tidy up his clothes.

"Uncle Xiao seems to be very interested in Wang's personal affairs!"

At this moment, Wang Wenqun's voice suddenly appeared at the door.

Xiao Jingyao turned around and saw him standing at the door with a gentle and elegant look, holding a folding fan in his hand, looking like a decent gentleman.

Li Qingqiu stood beside him.

As Xiao Jingrui said, these two people standing together are very handsome and handsome, which is very eye-catching.

"Who is your Uncle Xiao? Don't mistake your relatives!" Xiao Jingyao's eyes fell on Li Qingqiu, but he was talking to Wang Wenqun.

Wang Wenqun glanced at Li Qingqiu indifferently, with a just right smile hanging on the corner of her mouth, her tone and voice were flat and without any fluctuation, as if she was stating a fact, "Qingqiu calls you Uncle Wu. Naturally, I will also call you Uncle Wu according to my seniority!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

His face is really thicker than the city wall!

"Besides, didn't Fifth Uncle remind my nephew to respect his elders yesterday? Shouldn't I call him Fifth Uncle today?" Wang Wenqun continued.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Why did he fight for the moment yesterday and grab those insignificant things?
Now it felt like he shot himself in the foot.

"You call me fifth uncle and I answer? Besides, that girl Li Qingqiu respects me!" Xiao Jingyao said with some lack of confidence.

"Yes, to me, Uncle Xiao is just an insignificant outsider! In the future, Qingqiu and I will get married. If she is willing to call you Uncle, I will be happy too. If she is not willing, we just don't want to be strangers. people."

"What? Become...married?"

Xiao Jingyao's breath was suffocated, and he stared at Li Qingqiu in disbelief with his eyes widened.

"What? Uncle Xiao thinks that if I call you Uncle, you will become my elder? Do you also want to take care of my marriage?" Li Qingqiu glanced at Xiao Jingyao with a half-smile, and then took the initiative to reach out and hold Wang Jingyao's arm. With her arms in the skirt, she raised her head and smiled brightly, "My cousin and I are childhood sweethearts. If we get married, it will be a matter of great joy for everyone!"

"You're right!" Wang Wenqun smiled back, stretched out her hand and gently scratched Li Qingqiu's nose, smiling lovingly.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

He smiles cheerfully towards others, but towards him he either waves his hair or makes his heart ache.At this moment, he really wanted to rush up and tear her face off.

"Let's go, cousin, let's go upstairs! Go to my room!" Li Qingqiu smiled at Wang Wenqun.

"it is good!"

Wang Wenqun nodded, "Cousin, look what you ordered, I'll arrange for someone to go out and buy it again!"

"No, as long as my cousin is here, I still want to talk to my cousin! Let's talk more about our childhood!" Li Qingqiu said.

"Okay, cousin, I'm very happy to invite you!" Wang Wenqun responded with a smile, then turned around and asked the shopkeeper to make some food and bring it to the room.

The shopkeeper quickly agreed and waved the waiter to go to the kitchen to give orders.

Xiao Jingyao just froze on the spot, watching the two people chatting and laughing as they went up to the second floor, and then entered the room again.

My heart suddenly felt as if it was empty, and it felt uncomfortably tight.

Stupid woman!
Are you blind?
He actually likes such a pretty boy!

Are you great at doing business?

He will too!
Is it amazing to be rich?

He has too!
Xiao Jingyao went upstairs angrily, and then closed his door with a bang. The sound was as loud as he wanted!


In the small breast dumpling's room, the three of them heard the sound, looked at each other, and laughed in unison.

Wang Wenqun said: "Cousin, have we gone too far?"

"Hey, he couldn't stand it and got angry even at such a young age. It seems that he is not so indifferent in his heart~" Li Qingqiu smiled sweetly.

She almost failed in front of Xiao Jingyao just now!
Small sample!
"Ran Ran is right. To deal with Xiao Jingyao, you need strong medicine! If he makes no move today, then I will give up!"


The little girl smiled happily, "Ranran said, I want to help Sister Qingqiu! My brothers and I have all seen that Uncle Fifth likes Sister Qingqiu very much, so we will all help you! Isn't that right, Sister Wang?"

Wang Wenqun: "..."

Li Qingqiu: "..."

" do you, a little girl, know that I am a woman?" Wang Wenqun touched her face and asked.

He was very satisfied with his disguise skills. Even the shopkeepers didn't notice anything was wrong. This girl Qingqiu wouldn't have discovered it if she hadn't confessed. I didn't expect this little girl to know.

Yes, she is a woman!
Not the real Wang Wenqun, but Wang Wenxin.

She and Wang Wenqun are twin siblings, but...something happened to her brother suddenly a few days ago, so she had no choice but to come here to investigate on his behalf.

Unexpectedly, he met his cousin Li Qingqiu.

She already knew the relationship between Qingqiu and Mr. Xiao after just a few words of conversation yesterday. Of course, those things yesterday were also intentional on her part.

(End of this chapter)

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