Chapter 358 Do You Like Me?
After receiving such an answer, Xiao Jingyao panicked for a moment.

He actually likes Li Qingqiu?

"Hey, what are you thinking about!" Li Qingqiu saw him looking at her blankly, and waved his hand in front of him, "Come on, try this, it suits you quite well!"

With that said, Li Qingqiu took the pig's nose and put it on his nose.

Xiao Jingyao reacted instantly and hurriedly took a step back to avoid Li Qingqiu. His eyes flashed slightly, and his mouth was full of disgust, "It's so ugly!"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

I really don’t understand the style at all.

"He doesn't wear it, I will!" At this time, Wang Wenxin appeared at the right time, took a pig's nose from the stall and put it on her nose, "Hoho~"


Li Qingqiu stopped laughing at Wang Wenxin in an instant.

When Xiao Jingyao saw Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin laughing so happily, he felt depressed for a while, and subconsciously snatched the pig's nose from Li Qingqiu's hand and put it on his nose.

"This thing is mine!"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Wang Wenxin: "..."

This person's mind is really different from ordinary people.

He doesn't want the things that are given to him, but he just likes to grab them.

But seeing him wearing that pig nose and playing with them with childish actions, Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, Xiao Jingyao, don't you want it?" Li Qingqiu looked at him angrily and said.

"Hmph! A pig is such a cute little animal, so of course it cannot be insulted by you!" Xiao Jingyao raised his head and replied arrogantly.


Not to mention, this pig’s nose is quite real!
It's quite fun to wear.

Turning his eyes to the one on Wang Wenxin's nose, Xiao Jingyao stretched out his hand and snatched it away, "Look at you bitch, you are not suitable for wearing this!" Xiao Jingyao said while taking off the pig's nose on his face. He took it off and put it on Li Qingqiu, while he put on the one Wang Wenxin wore before.

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Wang Wenxin: "..."

"Boss, I want to come to this pair of pig-nosed boys!" Xiao Jingyao waved his hand, feeling like he was spending a lot of money.

"Xiao Jingyao, did you give it to me?" Li Qingqiu asked tentatively.

In fact, this person was a little too generous today, and she couldn't believe it.

Is this still the same Xiao Jingyao who has nothing to lose?

"don't want?"

Xiao Jingyao frowned.

This woman was obviously very happy wearing it just now, so why didn’t she want to give it to her? ?

Li Qingqiu was suddenly stopped by her question.

"Xiao Jingyao, you...why do you want to give me something?" Li Qingqiu asked slightly nervously.

"Just give it away if you want? Why do you need so many reasons?" Xiao Jingyao's ears were slightly red, he didn't dare to look into Li Qingqiu's eyes, and subconsciously looked away.

"Oh!" Li Qingqiu nodded, with some disappointment on his face.

Biting his lip, he suddenly summoned up the courage to say: "Xiao Jingyao, if I tell you that I like you, what will you do?"


Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao seemed to have a broken string in his mind, his mind went blank, and he forgot his reaction in a daze.

When Li Qingqiu saw that he didn't even look at her, she didn't care and stretched out her hand to straighten his body, looking at him face to face.

(End of this chapter)

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