Chapter 359 Express your feelings~
"Xiao Jingyao, did you hear clearly what I just said? I said I like you!" Li Qingqiu mustered up the courage and looked at him seriously and solemnly, "If you also like me, let's get engaged! "

Li Qingqiu's words instantly attracted the attention of many people, and everyone subconsciously looked towards them.

Xiao Jingyao seemed completely stunned and made no movement at all.

Li Qingqiu just looked at him for a moment, but time seemed to have passed as long as a century, and Xiao Jingyao still didn't react at all.

Li Qingqiu was a little disappointed, the brightness in his eyes gradually turned into loneliness, his hand slowly moved down, the corners of his mouth twitched, and aura gradually gathered in his eyes.

After all, he still let her down.

He...sure enough, he doesn't like her!

Li Qingqiu's eyes were red and she turned around to leave, but at this moment her arm was suddenly held by someone.


Li Qingqiu turned around and saw Xiao Jingyao grabbing her arm, looking at her with a stupid face, and asked doubtfully, "Don't you like your cousin?"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

I always thought this person was fake and stupid, but I didn’t expect that he was really stupid!

Li Qingqiu didn't answer, and directly told him who he liked with practical actions!
The moment the soft lips fell on his face, Xiao Jingyao was even more stunned.

At this time, I heard Li Qingqiu's charming tone in my ears, "Xiao Jingyao, it was you who held my hand, and I also put a seal on your face. You will be my, Li Qingqiu's, from now on. You took a break and ditched me!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

It's a bit like dreaming.

"Master Xiao, since my cousin has chosen you, you should treat my cousin well, otherwise I will not let you go!" Wang Wenxin said with a smile while shaking the folding fan in her hand.

"Hehe, fifth uncle, your stupid brain has finally come to its senses~, Ranran will ask her elder brother to write a letter to her grandmother and father when she gets back!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Afterwards, he seemed to realize that he seemed to have fallen into Li Qingqiu's trap.


Xiao Jingyao coughed unnaturally, blushing and not daring to look at Li Qingqiu and Xiaonuituanzi.

"Ouch, some people seem shy! Ranran, I think we two should stay farther away!" Wang Wenxin said with a smile.

"Okay, okay!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded hurriedly and smiled mischievously.

Wang Wenxin held her little hand and walked in front. Before leaving, she didn't forget to wink at Li Qingqiu and give her a meaningful look.

Li Qingqiu gave Wang Wenxin an angry look and waved at them to tell them to disappear quickly.

Pinch his head, Li Qingqiu saw Xiao Jingyao looking at her with a red face, his eyes a little erratic.


Li Qingqiu smiled brightly at him and took the initiative to hold his arm. "Whether you want it or not, you will be mine from now on. Don't even think about getting rid of me! Come on, I'll buy you whatever you want." go."

Xiao Jingyao touched his nose, why did he look like a pretty boy?


With his arm held like this, he felt not only no resistance but also a feeling of joy in his heart.

"Li Qingqiu, do you think you have fallen in love with me a long time ago? Did you deliberately get close to me before?" After being awkward for a while, Xiao Jingyao quickly returned to his scoundrel look. asked teasingly.

"Yes, yes, yes, Uncle Xiao, you are so handsome that everyone loves you. I, Li Qingqiu, have been attracted by you since the first time I saw you, and I have tried every means to attract your attention! "Li Qingqiu said angrily.

After all, she didn't know when she fell in love with this person.Maybe it was when he rescued her for the first time, or maybe it was when he silently lured the man in black away and finally sent her home secretly.

This man made her angry every time she saw him, but she was inexplicably attracted to him.

How could Xiao Jingyao not hear such a perfunctory answer?
But thinking about how he liked her without knowing why, he stopped asking questions like this. Seeing that many people around were staring at them and pointing at them from time to time, Xiao Jingyao was busy He took his hand out.

"Ahem! Be more reserved!" Xiao Jingyao blushed and said, "There are many people around looking at us!"

Li Qingqiu glanced over, raised his neck at those people, and said domineeringly: "What are you looking at, what are you looking at, this is my future husband, we are already engaged, what's wrong with walking together? Will it bother you?" "

After saying that, Li Qingqiu continued to pull Xiao Jingyao's arm back.

It took a lot of effort to get the person, how could he let him go so easily?Li Qingqiu would hold this hand for the rest of her life.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Suddenly I felt like she was so arrogant and domineering, so why was she a little cute?

He likes this feeling.

"Xiao Jingyao, I didn't see it. Your face is usually as thick as that of a city wall. Why do you still care about what others say?" Li Qingqiu tilted his head and looked at him funny.

This person is really good at pretending!
"Uh..." Xiao Jingyao didn't dare to look her in the eyes, and said awkwardly with strong jealousy and some dissatisfaction: "I'm not like your cousin. I always have to take care of you in public. of reputation."


Seeing him like this, Li Qingqiu felt that he was really getting cuter and cuter.

"What? Do you admit that you are jealous?"

Xiao Jingyao pursed his thin lips into a straight line, his eyes wandering and did not answer his words.

Wouldn't it be nice to know this kind of thing?Why do you need to ask so clearly?
Is he shameless?
"Ahem, um... let me tell you a secret!" Li Qingqiu looked at him funny and said, "Actually, my cousin is married!"


Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao was like a tiger whose tail had been stepped on, and his fur immediately exploded, "Li Qingqiu, is there something wrong with you? He has already married a wife, how can you still go with him? So close! Do you still want your reputation?"

"No, I'm going to teach him a lesson!"

As Xiao Jingyao said this, he rolled up his sleeves and angrily went forward to fight with Wang Wenxin.

Li Qingqiu: "..."

It felt funny and sweet in my heart!

"Don't go!" Li Qingqiu hurriedly pulled him back and said with a smile: "We did it on purpose. I asked my cousin to help me!"

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

"What do you mean?"

Li Qingqiu pouted, blushed and gave Xiao Jingyao a look, "It's not because of your stupid head!"

"I like you, but I clearly feel that you like me too, but you have to argue with me about everything, which makes me very unsure. I have to find someone to try! Didn't I just meet my cousin? Well~ so I asked him for a favor!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Li Qingqiu, I think there's something wrong with your brain!"

Xiao Jingyao was so angry that he poked Li Qingqiu's head with his finger, "You can use other methods to test my mind, how about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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