Chapter 360 Taoist Aunt Tianyin
Li Qingqiu shrugged, took his arm and rested his head on his shoulder, "Hehe, other methods are not as fast, right?"

"But you can't make fun of your own reputation!" Xiao Jingyao said righteously with a dark face.

"I know!" The sweetness on Li Qingqiu's face was in sharp contrast to his dark face.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Suddenly I felt like a chicken talking to a duck.

"Okay, okay! I won't tease you anymore, that's not my cousin, that's my cousin!" Li Qingqiu felt that if he didn't tell him the truth, this person would explode on the spot.


Xiao Jingyao was immediately dumbfounded.

That person who looks like a girl and dresses like a man is actually a man?
Why didn't he notice it for so long?
You have made so many jokes for nothing!
"Yes, she is a woman!" Li Qingqiu explained helplessly: "My cousin and my cousin are twins, they look exactly the same. Something happened to my cousin, so my cousin came here pretending to be my cousin!"

"I didn't recognize it at first, but my cousin saw what I was thinking, so she helped me try yours!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"Where's that little girl Ranran? Does she also know?"

"Yeah!" Li Qingqiu said with a smile: "You should know more about that little girl Ranran than me, right? She could see it at a glance, she just didn't say it. She knew about my cousin's disguise before I did. !”

"If she is really my cousin, even if I don't think about myself, I still have to think about my cousin-in-law, right? I'm not the kind of person who destroys other people's families! When I, Li Qingqiu, identify with someone, that's for life!"

"So... Uncle Xiao, if you dare to betray me, I won't mind making a contribution to the palace and sending you there myself."

Li Qingqiu spoke fiercely, with a warning tone.

Xiao Jingyao inexplicably felt the coolness between his legs and swallowed subconsciously.

"You don't need to tell me, if I do something sorry for you, I will send myself in first!"

"Hehe!" Li Qingqiu smiled brightly, "This is what you said, I will remember it!"


Xiao Jingyao nodded.

In my memory, it seemed that this was the first time that the two of them were so calm and did not really quarrel.

After wandering around the street for a while, the two men had a lot of things in their hands.

Li Qingqiu was in an extremely good mood, because he wanted to take everything he saw back home. As a result, Xiao Jingyao's hands were full of large and small things.

"The holy aunt of Tianxian Temple is out, out! Let's go and have a look!"

Not long after, many people cheered and rushed towards the Taoist temple.

Li Qingqiu paused and looked at Xiao Jingyao, "Let's go and have a look together!"

Xiao Jingyao did not forget the real purpose of coming here today with Xiao Nai Dumpling. After hearing Li Qingqiu's words, he immediately looked around for Xiao Nai Dumpling.

"Uncle Five! Sister Qingqiu, we are here!"

The little dumpling with breasts quickly emerged from a place. She was holding a candy man in her hand, and her little tongue kept licking her lips. She looked so cute and tight.

When Xiao Jingyao saw Wang Wenxin, he couldn't help but stare at her twice.

Wang Wenxin: "..."

"Ahem!" Wang Wenxin coughed uncomfortably, "Um... let's go and see the excitement together! It is said that many people brought their own things to thank the Taoist nun! The people here are almost talking about this place. Became a god!" "That's exactly what we meant." Li Qingqiu said.

There is no doctor in Ba County. When many people are sick, they only need to come here to ask for a bowl of talisman water to cure their illness. Can such miraculous people be regarded as gods?
But it is precisely this that is more problematic here.

Several people walked forward along with the flow of people.

Soon, they arrived under a high platform.

Many people gathered here.

Looking at their clothes and appearance, and then looking at the baskets they were holding, several people involuntarily frowned.

Most of the people gathered here are from poor families. Their clothes are in tatters and their faces are sallow. At first glance, they look like they are living in poverty, but the baskets in their hands are full of some. It is a very valuable thing to them.

For example, eggs, meat, etc.

Look at each of them kneeling on the ground piously, looking at the people on the high platform pleadingly, their eyes full of hope.

"Taoist Sister Tianyin, please show mercy and save my grandson!"

"Taoist Aunt Tianyin, save my son!"


Everyone kneeling on the ground was begging her to save them.

But the Taoist nun stood on the high platform with her eyes closed and her white robes flying. She looked like a savior with an immortal spirit. Facing the prayers of these people, she stood quietly on it and remained unmoved. move.

Wang Wenxin picked up the little breast dumpling so that she could see it more clearly.

Xiao Jingyao inquired with the people nearby who were also watching the excitement.

"Brother, you look like a local here. Do you know why people don't go to the doctor when someone in their family is sick, but go to this Taoist nun? Could it be that this Taoist nun is still a god?"

"Brother, you don't know this! Taoist Aunt Tianyin is a very powerful person. It's not an exaggeration to say that she is a god! No matter how difficult the disease is to treat, if she only takes action, nothing bad will happen!" The man said proudly, as if he was the one who saved people.

"So powerful?" Xiao Jingyao obviously didn't believe it.

certainly! The man glanced at Xiao Jingyao with disdain, "Look at how ignorant you are!"Just wait and see, the fairy only needs a bowl of talisman water!It's just that our fairy girl's Taoism is not enough. We can only save two people a day! "

"So there are so many people here begging her for help, but she doesn't care?" Li Qingqiu asked.

"Taoist Aunt Tianyin said that she only prays for those who are destined to be prayed for! She is not a god and cannot pray for everyone!"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

"Then this Ba County doesn't even have a medical center. Aren't those people who haven't been transferred..."

"So what if there is a medical center? We won't go! Whoever is sick needs to see a doctor. He needs to take so many medicines that make him cry, but he may not be cured! It's not like Taoist Aunt Tianyin, where a bowl of water is enough. ! What’s more, the Taoist nun is so compassionate that she doesn’t take anything from you!”

"Uh..." Li Qingqiu was still a little confused, "So many people are not necessarily the so-called destined ones, so are they just waiting to die?"

"Well, you don't know this. The people the Taoist nun saves must be seriously ill, and they need to be people who have not taken any medicine! Otherwise, the talisman water will be useless!"

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

This means that when you get sick, you don’t go to see a doctor, you just ask for this one person!
(End of this chapter)

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