Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 364 The purpose of small breast dumplings

Chapter 364 The purpose of small breast dumplings
Wang Wenxin is indeed a businessman, but she has already thought about this matter clearly in a short while.

"Yes, yes, that's what it means~" Little Nipples nodded his little head and gave Wang Wenxin a thumbs up, "Sister Wang is still awesome."

"If you want to say you're awesome, you're still a little girl! If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have thought of such a good idea!" Wang Wenxin said modestly, but her admiration for the little breast dumpling was also sincere.

When she was as big as a little girl, she was still playing in the mud!
But what about people?

Can't compare, can't compare.

"In that case, let's do it according to this!" Xiao Jingyao said.

Li Qingqiu also immediately spoke, "I'm going to write a letter to dad right now!"

Everyone got up and went to prepare themselves.

Not long after, Xiaonuituanzi and Wang Wenxin went out together.

After getting on the carriage, the carriage quickly headed in one direction. After driving for almost half an hour, the carriage stopped in a remote alley.

"Ran Ran, are you sure this is where it is?" Wang Wenxin asked in a low voice.


The little girl took out the two talismans, handed one to Wang Wenxin, then picked up the one in her hand and put it on her forehead!
In the blink of an eye, the figure of the little breast dumpling disappeared.

Wang Wenxin didn't understand the function of this talisman. When she saw the little breast dumpling disappearing in front of her, she immediately became anxious.

"Ran Ran? Ran Ran?"

"Sister Wang, I'm here!" Xiao Naituanzi said, "Sister Wang, what Ran Ran gave you is an invisibility charm. Hurry up and put it on your forehead. You'll be able to see me soon~"

Wang Wenxin: "..."

She put the talisman paper on her head suspiciously, and soon the figure of the small-breasted dumpling appeared in front of her.

Looking at that bright little face, Wang Wenxin breathed a sigh of relief and pinched her little cheek, "You have to make it clear next time, otherwise my sister will think you lost it!"

"Hehe~ Ranran won't lose it~ Sister, don't worry." Xiaotai Tuanzi said confidently.

"Sister, this is our invisibility charm. Let's go to Wang Tiezhu's house later and don't make any noise~" Xiao Nai Tuanzi reminded.

"Okay!" Wang Wenxin nodded and asked uncertainly, "Can those people around you really not see us?"


The little breasted dumpling nodded affirmatively, "Sister, if you don't believe it, you can try it!"

Wang Wenxin pursed her lower lip slightly and said, "Let's go!"

"it is good."

The two of them didn't walk for a while and soon arrived at the entrance of a small fenced courtyard.

At this time, Wang Tiezhu's wife was walking anxiously around the door with her hands in her arms, as if waiting for something.

Looking at the situation of Wang Tiezhu's family, they are not wealthy.

It was in tatters, even the window paper was torn. If it were winter, you could imagine how miserable the situation would be.

Xiaonuituanzi was not here to sympathize with them, so she walked in with Wang Wenxin.

In the house, a blind old woman was groping for sewing with needle and thread. A thin and frail little boy was nestled next to her, and an unconscious young man was lying on the kang not far away.

Judging from the man's complexion, he looked like he was seriously ill. His lips were so dry and chapped that there was no color left, and his cheekbones were almost bulging out on his thin face.The little girl stepped forward and gently put her three small hands on the man's wrists, and then went to lift his eyelids.

After she put it down, her delicate brows were wrinkled like two caterpillars, and her plump little face was full of seriousness.

Wang Wenxin opened her mouth, wanting to ask a question, but thinking of Xiao Naituanzi's reminder, she did not say anything.

After a while, the words of Wang Tiezhu's wife rang at the door.

"Mr. Wang Li of the slave family has met two immortal aunts!" Ms. Wang Li knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully.

"Get up!"

The fairy who spoke held her neck high and looked condescending, and her tone of voice revealed a hint of arrogance and contempt.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Mrs. Wang Li hurriedly got up from the ground, patted the dust on her butt, and invited the two people in with a flattering smile.

The little girl was afraid something would go wrong, so she took Wang Wenxin and hid.

When the two fairies entered the door, the blind mother-in-law quickly stood up and led her little grandson to stand aside.

Both Wang Wenxin and Xiao Nai Tuanzi recognized that these two fairies were the two who were standing next to Fairy Tianyin today.

After the two people entered the room, they took out a small porcelain bottle, and then poured the contents of the porcelain bottle into Wang Tiezhu's mouth.


After a while, Wang Tiezhu coughed and then slowly opened his eyes.

Xiao Naituanzi and Wang Wenxin saw with their own eyes that the moment Wang Tiezhu opened his eyes, a touch of blue appeared in his pupils, which was the same color as Tian Yinxiangu's eyes today.

The color just flashed across Wang Tiezhu's eyes, and then disappeared very quickly, as if it was just their illusion.

"Wake up, wake up!" Seeing Wang Tiezhu wake up, Mrs. Wang Li hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed with "bang bang bang", "Thank you, fairy aunt, thank you fairy aunt! There is no way to repay the kindness and kindness. Bow down, little lady!”

When the old woman next to her heard this, she hurriedly pulled her grandson and knelt down to express her gratitude.

"Okay, all of you, get up! Our Tianxian Temple is also doing things according to destiny. Your husband and son are the chosen ones who are destined to be with our Tianxian Temple!"

After that, the two turned and left.

That look of being aloof and not needing any reward is consistent with the kindness of an immortal.

As soon as the two people went out, Xiaonuituanzi hurriedly sneaked out, and three little fingers gently placed on Wang Tiezhu's wrist.

After a short while, he let go again, winked at Wang Wenxin, and hurriedly chased him out.

When they arrived at a place with no people around, Wang Wenxin asked: "Then what kind of disease does Wang Tiezhu have? And what about the magical talisman water?"

Xiao Naituanzi looked very unhappy. After hearing Wang Wenxin's answer, he said, "There are poisonous insects in the talisman water. They are cultivating poisonous insects from that person's body!"

When Wang Wenxin heard the word "gu", she immediately thought of a bunch of insects in her mind, and her body shuddered involuntarily.

She couldn't help but feel sick when she thought about those wriggling bugs swimming around in her body.

"Sister Wang, let's go to Zhang Ergou's house later!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a cold face.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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