Chapter 365 Feeding Gu with living people!
Xiao Naituanzi and Wang Wenxin also arrived at Zhang Ergou's house in advance.

Zhang Ergou is different from Wang Tiezhu. He is only a child of about six years old. He looks thin and weak and has no energy.

After Xiaotiao Tuanzi took his pulse secretly, a pair of bright eyes revealed a hint of doubt.

Not long after, the two fairy nuns came, and were also welcomed into the house by the Zhang family, and then gave him some medicine.

After leaving, Xiao Naituanzi also went to check the little boy's pulse.

"Sister Wang, I want to know the medicine in the medicine bottle in the fairy's hand." Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Wenxin didn't ask any more questions. She just did as Xiao Naituanzi told her.

"We will lead them to a place where no one is around later, just hide them!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

Wang Wenxin has a little bit of boxing and kicking skills, but not very high. He can deal with local gangsters, but he needs to be more careful when dealing with the two people who know the magic in front of him.

"You're alone, okay?" Wang Wenxin didn't know how high Xiaonai Tuanzi's martial arts was, so she was a little worried.

"Don't worry, just these two can't hurt me!"

The little girl said something, and then she made a hand gesture. Then the scene in front of her changed, and the carriage started moving quickly.

Not long after, the carriage stopped at the foot of Tianxian Temple.

The hand skill in Xiao Naituanzi's hand changed again, and a talisman rose into the sky. However, Wang Wenxin was stunned by the sight in front of her in an instant.

It was obvious that the one who was in front of him just now was the soft and glutinous little dumpling with breasts. Why did the one who appeared in front of him now become that... Tianyin Fairy?

"Are you...are you Ran Ran or Fairy Tianyin?" Wang Wenxin swallowed and asked tentatively.

"I'm Ran Ran!" Xiao Tuanzi touched his little face and smiled, his tone was soft and waxy with a hint of milk.

What he saw in front of him was clearly the appearance of Fairy Tianyin, but when he opened his mouth, it was the voice of Xiaonuituanzi. Wang Wenxin was shocked.

I always thought that my disguise skills were pretty good, but in front of Xiao Nai Tuanzi, I was undoubtedly like a small witch.

"Sister Wang, this is an illusion. What you see in front of you is not real!"

After saying this, the little girl quickly jumped out of the carriage and walked towards the two fairy girls.

At that time, the two fairy nuns had not realized that they had entered the formation that Xiao Naituanzi had prepared for them, and they were still walking proudly.

But not long after walking, we arrived at the entrance of Tianxian Temple.

The little girl was standing at the door with a whisk in her hand, waiting for them.

"Senior Sister Tianyin!"

When the two saw her, they didn't feel anything was wrong at all. They put away their previous arrogance when facing the common people and bowed respectfully to "Tian Yin".


"Tianyin" hummed slightly, looking compassionate and kind, "Is everything done?"

"If I get back to Senior Sister, everything has been done."

"very good."

"Tian Yin" nodded, and before she could speak, the two fairy girls had already handed over the porcelain bottle containing the poison.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

I was originally thinking about how to come over!Now it’s completely effortless to get it!

Xiao Naituanzi put away the porcelain bottle, a smile appeared in her eyes, and the whisk in her hand disappeared.

The two fairy girls only felt a touch of strange fragrance wafting between their noses, and then they felt dizzy, as if they had forgotten something.

Xiaonuituanzi got the porcelain bottle and got on the carriage. "So fast?" Wang Wenxin was confused.

"Yeah." Xiaonuituanzi grinned.

"Ran Ran, since you can easily subdue those two people, why don't you just arrest them and ask them what we want to know?" Wang Wenxin asked doubtfully.

"Hehe, there is still a lot of use for Ranran to keep them, and we still don't know what they want to do, and we don't know how many people in Tianxian Temple are as knowledgeable about magic as Tianyin, so we still don't know what they want to do. You can’t do anything!”

The most important thing is that she can feel that the Taoist priest who cast the spell on her is not far from Tianxian Temple.

The Taoist priest hiding behind him is amazing!
If you want to get all those people out, you can't act rashly!

In fact, she asked Sister Qingqiu to hold the auction in Ba County. The most important thing is that it can attract many people with strong martial arts skills!
This way their chances of winning are much greater.

Wang Wenxin couldn't help but say after hearing her explanation: "But by pretending to be Tianyin, isn't it just a way of alerting the enemy?"

"No, those two sisters won't know!"

She had prepared it in advance.

At this time, Tianxian Temple.

"What about the bottle?"

The Taoist nun named Tianyin looked at the two people with their heads lowered in front of them with an indifferent expression, a sharp look on her face.

"Senior...Senior sister! We lost that bottle at some point!" One of the Taoist nuns named Qing Ning replied tremblingly.

Although they and Tianyin are both disciples of their master, they still have to listen to this senior sister in everything.

The reason was not hers, it was that this senior sister's spells were stronger than theirs, and fighting her was like an egg against a rock.

"Lost it?"

Tianyin's eyes flashed with a hint of cruelty, and he raised his hand and threw out two slaps.

"Crack! Crack!"

A red slap mark appeared on the faces of the two Taoist nuns Qing Ning and Tian Xin.

The two of them were in pain, but they didn't dare to breathe. They just knelt on the ground and buried their heads deeper.


Tianyin cursed, his chest rising and falling, "You should know the importance of that thing very well. If someone picks it up and finds something! You know the consequences!"

"Hurry up and find it!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The two of them hurriedly got up and retreated, searching along the way. But at this moment, they felt that their minds were empty, as if they had forgotten something, and they couldn't even remember the way back.

As soon as the two of them left the main hall of Tianxian Temple, a very rough-looking man walked out of the inner room.

The man slowly reached out and hugged Tianyin from behind, and laughed softly in her ear, "How many people are your opponents in this place? Is it because those two girls usually have too many people?" After looking at me a few times, you feel jealous?"

The man's words were low and hoarse, filled with strong desire and extremely seductive. His hands were not idle either, slowly moving up from Tianyin's waist, teasing Tianyin until her face turned red.

"Why, are you feeling distressed?" Tianyin's eyes were also filled with lust, but her tone was threatening.

"Ha!" The man chuckled, "How can they compare to you?"


(End of this chapter)

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