Chapter 366 Coincidence?


As soon as Xiao Naituanzi and Wang Wenxin returned to the inn, Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu greeted them.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?" Li Qingqiu asked impatiently.

"Use your body to support Gu!" Wang Wenxin said four words with an ugly face.

Xiao Jingyao gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, "It is indeed them!"

Xiao Naituanzi said: "The poisons on those two people are different. Sister Wang, please ask someone to find out how those people who were cured by Tianxian Temple in the past are doing now."

"Okay." Wang Wenxin nodded, and immediately went to shopkeeper Tong and asked him to help inquire.

Shopkeeper Tong agreed and quickly recovered.

In less than two hours, shopkeeper Tong brought a list.

The list is dense, with many names and their addresses on it.

"Shopkeeper Tong, what does the name circled with red cinnabar mean?" Wang Wenxin looked through it and asked in confusion.

"If I go back to my boss' house, those people who were trapped will have passed away." Shopkeeper Tong sighed.

I never paid attention to it before, but now that I have such a list, I can find some clues in it.

Xiao Jingyao took the list over, looked at it carefully, frowned and said, "It seems that these people have one thing in common."


Everyone else looked at him.

Xiao Jingyao pointed to the address recorded on it and said: "Look at these places, they are all small places, which shows that the people selected by Tianyin are not very wealthy people."

"So, these people are also very cautious! They are afraid that things will get too big."

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao looked at shopkeeper Tong and asked, "I don't know how you got this list?"

"Replying to Mr. Xiao Wu, our people got this list from an old drunkard!" Shopkeeper Tong said.

In fact, it happened to be a coincidence. As soon as their men went out to inquire, they met an old drunkard. The old drunkard left the list behind and left in a hurry. After his men went to confirm it, they He brought it up.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"So coincidentally?"

Shopkeeper Tong explained how he got the list.

Everyone: "..."

Then this old drunkard is really suspicious. It is very possible that he has an insight into the purpose of their trip.

"Shopkeeper Tong, where did you meet that old drunkard? Can you find him now?" Wang Wenxin asked.

"When I returned to my employer, my subordinates asked people to look for him afterwards, but they couldn't be found. It was as if the person disappeared out of thin air." Shopkeeper Tong was confused.

Everyone: "..."

"You don't have to look for it deliberately. That person will appear naturally when he wants to appear!" Xiao Naituanzi interjected.

"Yes, my boss, my subordinates have confirmed that this list is accurate, but it only contains the names of people from the past five years, not the previous one!"

As soon as Shopkeeper Tong finished speaking, the money sword in Xiao Naituanzi's pocket buzzed.

Xiao Naituanzi stretched out his hand to comfort the sword, stretched and said: "Ranran is tired. Let's go back to the room first. I want to see what is in the bottle. Don't disturb me until you are eating. Me."

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi waved to a few people and hurriedly entered the room.

Early the next morning, the three brothers Xiao Jingyan and Wu Tong left Ba County in a big way, changed their clothes, and returned.

After a few people came back, they stayed obediently in the other courtyard arranged by shopkeeper Tong. They all had the method of cultivating inner strength given by Xiao Naituanzi, and they also had talismans for emergency summons. If you want to contact them It is also very convenient.Three days have passed.

In July, the temperature is getting higher and higher.

Wang Wenxin has already picked up her brother Wang Wenqun, and he has regained consciousness under the treatment of Xiao Naituanzi.

Wang Wenqun was also confused about what happened to him. If he was asked to tell the reason, he really couldn't explain it himself.

He went to see the county magistrate because of tax matters. In addition, he also wanted to buy a piece of land for planting.

That day he had a very pleasant conversation with the county magistrate.

But for some reason, he suddenly felt something was wrong that night, so much so that he couldn't remember exactly how he came back later.

After learning this, everyone became more convinced that there was something wrong with the county magistrate.

Otherwise, how to explain Wang Wenqun’s incident?
The county magistrate couldn't refuse openly, so he could only make some small moves secretly.

It's really hatefully tight.

"Brother, what land do you want to buy?" Wang Wenxin asked.

"It's a piece of land about ten miles outside the county town. It looks good to me. There are a lot of peach trees planted around it. My sister-in-law likes peach trees the most. I want to buy it and build a separate courtyard. I can bring her here every spring. Stay for a while." Wang Wenqun said.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Hearing that it was the land not far outside the city gate, Xiao Naituanzi remembered the resentment that had gathered in the sky on the day they entered the city.

If nothing else happens, that place is where those people commit crimes.

This brother Wang will come to someone else's place as soon as he opens his mouth. If you are not harmed, who will be harmed?
She also checked and found that Wang Wenqun had been given a drug. It was not fatal, but it could make people fall asleep.

Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu were just hanging out on the street these days. After the two expressed their feelings for each other, their relationship quickly heated up. They were so good to each other as if they were the same person.

Of course, the two of them mainly created a state of just coming over to play.

That day, when the two of them came back, they heard about Wang Wenqun. Xiao Jingyao immediately said, "I think the time is almost here. We will go to the county government office tomorrow."

"Miss Wang and Ran Ran will go with us. Miss Wang will go as the prince and mention the purchase of land!" Xiao Jingyao said: "I want to see how the county magistrate will react. If he keeps doing the same thing If we do it again, then we can just catch her in action so that she can't defend herself."

"Not bad!"

Wang Wenxin and Xiaonai Tuanzi both nodded in agreement.

After a night's rest, several people had breakfast and went to the county government office together.

As soon as he heard that they were from the Wang family, the county magistrate directly sent the county magistrate to greet them.

This county magistrate is not very old, he looks to be at most 30 years old, and he is very impressive!

As soon as the little girl saw him, her eyebrows furrowed tightly.

This man...has a strange smell.

Moreover, there was a black aura lingering around him, which was obviously...something was wrong.

Wang Wenxin walked in the front, chatting with the county magistrate without any sense of disobedience.

Li Qingqiu and Xiao Jingyao walked behind them, while Xiao Naituanzi walked at the back.


It wasn't that she walked at the back on purpose, it was because the people in front didn't take her into consideration at all.

The little girl rolled her eyes and walked quietly to another place.

(End of this chapter)

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