Chapter 368 Set fire
Xiao Jingyao subconsciously looked towards the county magistrate, but saw the magistrate showing him a friendly smile, as if the feeling just now was his illusion.

Xiao Jingyao is not such an ignorant person. Judging from the county magistrate's every move, this person feels that he is not simple.

And the way he looked at Li Qingqiu made him feel like he wanted to punch someone.

However, he is not a vegetarian.

Seeing the county magistrate looking at him, he calmly responded with a friendly smile.

"Wang County Cheng, are you satisfied with our donation?" Xiao Jingyao asked with a smile.

"Of course, the Li family is so considerate of the people of Ba County, which is a blessing for us in Ba County! 20 taels of Fupo is more than enough, don't you think so, Lord County Magistrate?" Wang Xiancheng looked at the magistrate and said.

Don't waste the money that comes to your door.

As for Fupo~
Haha, can't we just do it for a show?
"Yes, yes, yes!" The county magistrate nodded, smiling a little reluctantly, and his echoing tone was dry.

"In that case, we will deliver the banknotes in a few days. However, we are donating to be a blessing, and please spread the word about the purpose of our donation." Li Qingqiu said.

"Definitely, definitely!" The county magistrate agreed with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, we are still holding an auction in Ba County. I wonder if it is allowed?" Wang Wenxin asked.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Xiancheng's eyes narrowed subconsciously, and a hint of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

They are donating money and putting it up for auction. What is the real purpose of these people?
He would never believe the talk of receiving a blessing. After all, both the Wang family and the Li family had kept a low profile in the past, and even if they made donations, there had never been any publicity.


The county magistrate's eyes inevitably showed a glimmer of light, but it disappeared in a flash, and then he was seen looking at Wang Xiancheng again.

Wang Xiancheng laughed loudly, "We adults always like to work down-to-earth. The people and businessmen in our Ba County are not as prosperous as those in other counties. I'm afraid this auction will be..."

"Does the county magistrate think there is something wrong?" He was interrupted by Xiao Jingyao before he finished speaking. He only heard him say: "The benefits brought by the Li family's auction are not small. I don't know how many people are asking for capital." As for those who can't get it, doesn't the county magistrate want Ba County to be better than other counties? Don't you want the people in Ba County to live a richer life than the people in other places?"

Wang County Cheng: "..."

If he didn't agree to such a big hat, the people in Ba County would probably... attack him if the news spread.

But if you agree...

Suddenly, Wang Xiancheng was in a dilemma.

At this time, the county magistrate said with a smile: "Our county magistrate has always thought about the people. It's just that our county is not big or small, and there are no other places that are rich. I'm afraid it will be... I neglected those distinguished guests who came from afar."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you prepare it in advance." Wang Wenxin said: "Sir, most of the people who come to the auction are wealthy businessmen. Ba County has the characteristics of Ba County. If people take a fancy to this, then Ba County The development of the country is beneficial and harmless!”

How could the county magistrate not know this?

But some things are not that simple. Otherwise, how could he be trapped here for so many years?
After thinking about it, the magistrate couldn't help but tighten his hands and made an important decision in his heart.

"Since the prince has brought such a good opportunity to his door, why shouldn't we agree? Right!" said the county magistrate.

"Yes, yes, yes, our county government is naturally willing to cooperate with this kind of thing for the sake of the people!" Wang County's Prime Minister accepted the words with a smile, and after speaking, he took a drink from the tea on the table. And done.

"Brother Wang, Sister Qingqiu, have you finished talking about your affairs? Ran Ran is hungry!"

At this moment, the little girl ran in, touched her belly and stood in front of Li Qingqiu aggrievedly and said.

Li Qingqiu touched her little face with a gentle expression, "Are you hungry? Where did you run just now? Did you make any trouble?"

The little girl with small breasts pouted her mouth, "I don't have any!"

As he said that, the little breast dumpling rolled his eyes and stared at the county magistrate for a few seconds, then grinned at him and waved his little hand, "Hello, uncle county magistrate~" The county magistrate was stunned and didn't know. Why are those old eyes a little wet?

"Hello, little doll!"

"Hehe~" Xiao Naituanzi continued to smile at him, "Uncle, Ranran is hungry. Can uncle eat with Ranran?"

"Okay! That's right!" The county magistrate looked very excited. He waved his hand and said, "Come here, get ready to eat!"

"Yes!" Someone at the door responded.

Several people were well entertained at the county government office and then left the county government office.

But just when they stepped out of the county government office, the place where the county government files were placed suddenly caught fire.

Several people looked back at the blazing fire in confusion, their brows furrowed.

"How could this good thing catch fire?" Xiao Jingyao frowned and said worriedly: "There are still files from Governor Zhou in there!"

"Hehe, don't be afraid~"

The little breasted dumpling patted his little pocket and said.

Everyone: "..."

"Ran Ran, you were the one who started the fire, right?" Li Qingqiu said in surprise.


The little girl rubbed her head in embarrassment, held her neck high and said confidently, "I don't know so many words, so I moved everything there!"

"Since it's all useless, wouldn't it cause big trouble if we don't burn it?"

Everyone: "..."

It seems to make sense!
"Let's go back!" Xiao Jingyao said.

It was burned anyway, they were stupid to admit it.

Back at the inn, Xiaonaituanzi took out a pile of files.

Looking at the room full of files, several people's heads couldn't help but feel pain.

I'm afraid Xiao Naituanzi has moved back all the files that have been in Baxian County for decades!
"Ran Ran, why not move these files to another courtyard?" Xiao Jingyao came up with an idea.

Wang Wenxin: "..."

Li Qingqiu: "..."

"Anyway, they don't have anything else to do in other courtyards, so if you don't leave this matter to them, who can you leave it to?" Xiao Jingyao said confidently.

"Well... what the fifth uncle said makes sense!" Xiao Naituanzi also agreed with what Xiao Jingyao said, "When night falls, I will deliver it to my brothers."

"Well, not bad!" Xiao Jingyao touched the head of the little breast dumpling, "Put it away quickly!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Naituanzi took all the files back, and after a while, they heard Xiao Jingyao ask: "Ran Ran, I saw that you were staring at the county magistrate when you were at the county office just now. I don't know if you were. What's coming out?"

ps: I only updated one chapter for the exam a few days ago. In the past two days, I risked being edited by the editor and added three more chapters. Two chapters will start tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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