Chapter 369 Found the file~
Before Xiao Naituanzi could speak, Li Qingqiu said: "I always feel that something is not right about County Magistrate Wang. The County Magistrate always subconsciously asks for his opinion when he speaks and does things, and... that's so embarrassing. The eyes are very annoying. "

"Yes, I can feel it too!" Wang Wenxin felt the same way.

The county magistrate gave people the impression that he was looking at people's faces. For a county magistrate to act based on the faces of his subordinates, this was... too unbelievable.

It's like being controlled by others!
Could it be that the county magistrate had some leverage that the county magistrate had in his hands?

After all, it seems that the county magistrate is not the kind of person who doesn't think about the people. When they proposed to hold the auction, it was obvious that he showed joy.

"Hmm~ There's that uncle's smell on that list~" the little girl said in a sweet voice.

Several other people couldn't help but be shocked.

"You mean... that old drunkard is the county magistrate?"

Several people looked at each other, unable to believe this.

If this is the case, why would the county magistrate give them what they want in this way?
What does he mean?
What exactly do you want to do?
"I don't know~" Xiao Naituanzi shook his head, "Looking at that uncle's face, he is not a treacherous or evil person. He is not very popular with children!"

"Are you being threatened or controlled?" Xiao Jingyao asked doubtfully.

This possibility is not impossible, after all, there is something weird about the county government office.

"We must be more careful in our actions in the future!" Wang Wenxin said seriously: "If that list was really written by the county magistrate, then he would have already understood our thoughts! Judging from his behavior today, It’s not like he can make the decision!”

"Such a person has guessed our actions, but what about the person behind it?"

"Well, my cousin is right."

That night, Xiao Naituanzi sent all the files to the other courtyard and asked the Xiao Jingyan brothers to sort out all the files.

The three brothers of the Xiao family looked at so many files, and all of them had big heads.

"Ran Ran, why don't you arrange some other time for us to check these files? Wouldn't that cost us our lives?" Xiao Jingrui wailed.

Among the three brothers, he is the one who escapes the most and the one who can’t hold on any longer!

There seems to be no difference between doing such a thing and taking his life.

"Look carefully, it will sharpen your temperament!" Xiao Jingyan glanced at him with a cold look, and his tone was irresistible.

Xiao Jingrui: "..."


walk alone!

Old fashioned!

More boring than my own father!

But I can't beat him, let alone fight him, otherwise my mother won't want him if she knows his monthly money!
Xiao Jinyan had already spoken, but Xiao Jingrui had no choice but to check it obediently.

The remaining Xiao Jinghan has always been an obedient baby, while Wu Tong is eager to help Governor Zhou reverse the case, and investigating case files is also his strength.

After Xiaonaituanzi left the matter to them, he left quietly.

At this time, Tianxian Temple.

After a storm, Tianyin snuggled into the man's arms and kept drawing circles on his chest with her fingers.

"Did those people you mentioned do it on purpose? Or were they hypocritical for the sake of a well-deserved reputation?"

The man is none other than Na Wangxian Cheng.

He caught Tianyin's hand that was making trouble on him, put it on his lips and kissed it gently.

Thinking of Li Qingqiu's beautiful face, his Adam's apple rolled involuntarily.

Then he chuckled, "Whether it's true or not, their arrival has hindered our plan. If you want to escape unscathed, you have to ask me if I agree." "Tsk."

Tianyin scoffed a little when he heard this, "Do you want to take it all?"

The corners of Wang Xiancheng's mouth raised in a sinister arc, "Why not?"

"There's no reason not to eat the meat delivered to your door? It's hard to refuse, so why not just eat it in one bite!"

"Aren't you afraid of burning your mouth? Don't forget, those people are not ordinary untouchables. If something happens here, it may affect our plans."

"Don't worry! I have my own sense of discretion." Wang Xiancheng said arrogantly.

Li Qingqiu is bound to win!

The money donated by Li Qingqiu will also go into his pocket, and even the money from the auction... Hehe!
As for the other few, they are just here to die!
Don't care!

"By the way, if the auction is really held, more and more people will come to Ba County. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, you should try your best to avoid the limelight in Tianxian Temple!"

"Yeah." Tianyin nodded.

The missing porcelain bottle hadn't been found yet, and she felt inexplicably uneasy.

Anyway, every year she takes a break for a period of time on the grounds of seclusion. This time... just treat it as early!
Five more days passed, and Xiao Jingyan and the others finally found the files on Zhou Zhongren's case.

Looking at the bits and pieces recorded on it, Wu Tong frowned.


Xiao Jinghan asked.

This Wu Tong is the son of Wu Tongpan. He has been exposed to this kind of files since he was a child, so he should be able to pick them up easily.

What made him frown must be what he discovered!
Wu Tongtong: "Judging from this file, we can't find any flaws. If Uncle Zhou hadn't said the cause of his death personally, this would be a very perfect closing file."

"How could it be?" Xiao Jingrui was a little disappointed, "Then we were looking for nothing in vain?"

"No!" At this time, Xiao Jingyan suddenly said, and then brought over a book that looked like an account book.

"Look at this!"

Xiao Jingrui and Xiao Jinhan looked at it for a long time and were both confused. "Isn't it just some names? What's so strange?"

"This records the list of all the people who have served in the county government since the establishment of Ba County."

"The previous list didn't seem to change much from year to year, but look at this year's list..."

"Almost all the personnel were replaced in a short period of time!" Wu Tong said in surprise.

"Not bad!" Xiao Jingyan nodded, "Look at the year again!"

When Wu Tong heard this, his heart trembled and his pupils shrank, "It was the year when Governor Zhou's accident happened!"

"That's right!" Xiao Jingyan nodded.

"Did someone kill people and silence them!?" Xiao Jinghan asked doubtfully.

Xiao Jingyan did not answer, but analyzed: "The current county magistrate was transferred here the year after Governor Zhou's death, but before that, the county magistrate was always here. The original county magistrate has now been transferred to the capital. , became the minister of the Honglu clan."

"A governor died within his own jurisdiction. Not only was he not demoted, but he was promoted. This is too strange." Wu Tong said with a cold face.

"It's not that strange. After all, many people say that Governor Zhou died because he was punished by God. It is a credit to the county magistrate that he was able to solve this case."

"Governor Zhou's character means different things to those who know him and those who don't! We say he is a good official, but others say he is not a good official!"

(End of this chapter)

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