Chapter 370: Vomited all over him!
"Hateful!" Wu Tong clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth.

The Xiao family brothers all knew about the relationship between Wu Tong's family and Zhou Xun. Seeing how angry he was, they didn't say much for a while and could only pat him on the shoulder to comfort him.

Xiao Jingyan gave him a short buffering time and continued: "From this list, it can be seen that there is only one county magistrate left! Therefore, instead of doubting the county magistrate, it is better to conduct a thorough investigation That county magistrate."

"I'll send a message to Fifth Uncle and the others right away," Xiao Jingrui said.

"Yeah." Xiao Jing nodded slightly.

When Xiao Jingyao and the others received the letter from Shopkeeper Tong, it was already getting late, and the corners of their mouths twitched as they read the contents.

But this also made them more certain that Wang County Cheng was a problematic person.

The next day, Wang Wenxin's eldest brother was already in good health, but compared to his sister Wang Wenxin, he was a little weaker!

Therefore, in order not to expose Wang Wenxin's identity, he secretly went to another hospital to recuperate.

On this day, Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin went to the county government together.

As soon as I entered the county government office, I met Na Wang, the county magistrate.

This person looked even more annoying than the last time I saw him.

Li Qingqiu felt sick when he saw his eyes falling on her body without restraint.

"Wang County Cheng?" Wang Wenxin subconsciously blocked Li Qingqiu, stepped forward and bowed to him, "Wang County Cheng!"

"Young Master Wang, Miss Li!" Wang Xian Cheng's half-smiling eyes fell on Li Qingqiu, and he nodded politely, "Who are you two here today???"

Wang Wenxin tried hard to maintain a smile on her face, "We promised to donate to the county government, and of course we have to fulfill it. In the past few days, we have visited the places that need support, and also learned about the situation from the local people. , so I plan to help them as soon as possible!"

"You two are really kind-hearted. I would like to thank you on behalf of the people of Ba County!" said Wang Xian Cheng.

"Our Wang family is doing business here, and we rely on the care of Wang Xiancheng! We should do something for the people, that's what we should do!" Wang Wenxin said politely.

"Please come inside!" Wangxian Cheng invited the people in with a smile.

Li Qingqiu deliberately walked towards Wang Wenxin, staying away from Wang County Cheng. For some reason, as soon as she smelled Wang Cheng's scent, she felt like vomiting.

How could Wang County Cheng not see such deliberateness.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Miss Li is afraid of me!"

The more Li Qingqiu didn't want to get close to him, the more he wanted to get closer.


Subconsciously, Li Qingqiu actually vomited, and unfortunately, he vomited on the official uniform of the County Magistrate Wang.

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Deserve it!Well, she admitted that she did it on purpose!
Wang Wenxin: "..."

How disgusting is this? I actually vomited!

Wang County Cheng: "..."

This woman... on purpose?

Seeing that Wang Xiancheng's face was as dark as if he could drip ink, Wang Wenxin reacted very quickly and exclaimed: "Cousin, you can't be...couldn't you be pregnant?"

When Li Qingqiu heard this, his face instantly turned red.

If she hadn't lowered her head at this moment, she might have been so red that she was about to bleed.

Seeing that Li Qingqiu didn't respond, Wang Wenxin hurriedly apologized to Wang Xiancheng.

"Wang County Cheng, I'm really sorry. This woman... is pregnant, so some reactions are normal! I will prepare a generous gift to sincerely apologize to Wang County Cheng some other day, and I ask for your forgiveness." Wang Wenxin He said this sincerely, and if he continued to dwell on this matter, he might seem too stingy.

Suppressing the depression in his heart, Wang Xiancheng took a deep breath, "It's okay, I understand! I just didn't expect Miss Li to be there so soon???"

Li Qingqiu raised his head, wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, touched his belly and smiled softly, "God has mercy on me, I have been feeling uncomfortable a few days ago, but I didn't think about it that way."

"Wang County Cheng, I'm so sorry!"

When Wang County Cheng heard this, his suppressed temper surged up again.

"The county magistrate is waiting for you two in the living room. I will ask someone to take you there!"

Wang County Cheng said with a dark face and winked at the person behind him.

The officer behind him nodded slightly, "You two, please come in!"

Wang Wenxin and Li Qingqiu nodded and walked forward!

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Wang Xiancheng reached out and touched his chin, with a flash of interest in his eyes.

Not bad!

Not even more exciting! ?
Li Qingqiu shivered inexplicably.

She swore that she would definitely take a detour when meeting this man named Wang from now on.

After entering the living room, the yamen servant retreated and stood respectfully guarding the door.

Seeing the county magistrate again, Wang Wenxin and Li Qingqiu both felt that this magistrate seemed to have changed a lot.

Compared to the last time I saw him, he seemed to be a lot brighter.

A few people exchanged pleasantries with each other, but the county magistrate actually turned the topic to Xiao Jingyao.

When Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin were a little surprised, the county magistrate sighed again and told a story about his past.

These words seemed to indicate something, but it also seemed that they were overthinking!

I heard that Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin were confused!

Finally, Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin handed the banknotes they brought to the county magistrate.

The county magistrate didn't seem to care that much. After accepting it with a smile, he didn't look at it carefully and said, "I will definitely publicize the matter of Miss Li and Mr. Xiao getting married, so that both of you can get it." Blessings from the people of my Ba County."

"By the way, I once had a daughter. If she were still alive, she should be about the same age as Miss Li. Now that Miss Li and Mr. Xiao are getting married, I am always thinking of giving something to her!"

"But after much deliberation, I didn't expect it, so I personally gave it to you two. Please don't dislike it!"

As the county magistrate spoke, he asked someone to take out a set of words and handed it to Li Qingqiu.

Li Qingqiu took a look and saw that the writing was very good, with quite a character and arrogance, comparable to that of a master!

Li Qingqiu put away the ordinary words of blessing without thinking too much.

After thanking each other, they chatted a few more words and then left.


As soon as he walked out of the county government office, Li Qingqiu breathed out a heavy breath.

She never wanted to come to this place again. As soon as she entered, it seemed as if something was pressing on her, making it difficult to breathe.

"Cousin, when I faced that Wang County Cheng just now, it's lucky that you came to the rescue, otherwise I would have been afraid that Wang County Cheng's eyes would kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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