Chapter 371 Killing two birds with one stone!
"But, if he knew that we had lied to him... would he take revenge?" Li Qingqiu said worriedly.

Although they are not weak, strong dragons cannot overwhelm local snakes.

If it is true as they think, then this Wangxian Cheng may have something to do with Tianxian Temple.

I'm afraid that I'll frighten the enemy and fall short of the success.

"It doesn't matter!" Wang Wenxin said: "I think that Wang Xiancheng seems to have something wrong with you. If this dispels his disgusting thoughts, it is not a good thing! Even if it is exposed, so what? Just talk about feelings. Isn’t it okay to be wrong?”

"Well, I listen to my cousin!" Li Qingqiu nodded.

Wang Wenxin touched her head and smiled lightly, "Don't be afraid, there is Mr. Xiao Wu to protect you. I have a good eye for people. This Mr. Xiao... looks like a wild man on the surface. He doesn't look too cool, but actually he is very reliable when he gets serious, and he is a person worth trusting."

Li Qingqiu blushed slightly, and after thinking for a while he said: "I think it would be better for me to go less often to places like this where I can see Wang Xian Cheng."

"It's up to you!" Wang Wenxin respects her intention, not to mention that Wang Xiancheng does not seem to be a good person.

Less contact means less danger.

In the past few days, Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jingyao have not been idle. Every day they go to the homes of those who have drank Tianyin Yin water and secretly check the pulses of those people.

Gradually, they discovered some problems.

These people chosen by Tianyin all have something in common more or less.

For example, the time of their birth, their physical condition...

Most of these people are men, and these men are either the mainstay of the family, or like Zhang Ergou, they are the only child in the family.

The family members of those who have died either live in a state of confusion, or they can't bear the blow and die or leave.

This has led to the fact that after so many years, in this county with a population of no more than [-], no one has ever doubted Tian Yin. Instead, they have been fooled by some of her tricks.

After returning to the inn, Xiao Jingyao felt happy, but more importantly, he felt sorry for the lonely old people who had no support because they had lost the backbone of their family.

As soon as he returned, he drank several glasses of water, but Xiao Jingyao still couldn't calm down.

When Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin came back from outside, what they saw was his dejected look.

After hearing the reason for his anger, Li Qingqiu also looked angry.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she thought of something.

"What do you think if we gather those people who have lost their sons and grandsons and have little ability to survive, and provide them with old age care?" Li Qingqiu said happily.

Anyway, the Li family has a lot of money, so they will always donate some of it. If this money falls into the hands of people who are dedicated to serving the people, it will be spent wisely, but if it is embezzled by someone with intentions, they have no way to pursue it.

It would be better to be more direct and spend it directly on these ordinary people.

They have no children and no ability to make a living, so we can give them a way to survive and a place to live.

What's more, if these people from Ba County gather together, they will naturally expose Tianyin's affairs.

"Okay, okay!" Upon hearing this, Xiaonuituanzi immediately raised his little hand and agreed.

"Ran Ran can pay for it~" Xiao Naituanzi smiled with crooked eyebrows, and Yue Yaer's eyes were full of light.


Doing good deeds!We can’t miss her!

She can make a lot of money!

"Since Ran Ran agrees, you shouldn't have any objections, right?" Li Qingqiu looked at Xiao Jingyao and Wang Wenxin with a smile.

"We naturally have no objection to such a thing that kills two birds with one stone, but we can't just see the superficial benefits of this matter! There are dangers hidden in it that we also need to be careful of!" Wang Wenxin said.She considers the issues more comprehensively.

Although it is a good deed, it is also a double-edged sword.

If you do it well, you will naturally win the hearts and praises of the people, but if something goes wrong, you will become the target of public criticism in an instant.

She didn't just say it casually.

"Miss Wang is right. If you want to do something, you must act carefully, and... this matter cannot alert the government and attract attention." Xiao Jingyao said.

"This...if we don't alert the government, it might be a bit difficult to handle!" Wang Wenxin said.

After all, they are not familiar with those old people, so it would be difficult to summon them together.

Li Qingqiu said disapprovingly: "Helping one is also helping, and helping two is also helping. Since we have decided to help these elderly people, it is naturally not limited to those who have been persecuted by Tianyin."

"It won't attract attention this way, right?"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao touched his nose, feeling a little ashamed.

It's because his structure is too small!
It is not as good as a daughter-in-law who is broad-minded and wealthy.

"In that case, then just do what Qingqiu said!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Well, this matter... can no longer be handled by the Li family or the Wang family. We need to find someone with a cool face."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Biao immediately thought of someone, "Fifth Master, Zhao Hu."

"Not bad!" Xiao Jingyao nodded, "Send him a letter immediately."

"Yes." Zhang Biao responded and walked out.

The next day, someone came from Yonglin County. It was Yu Pingting's family brother named Yu Xia.

He is about thirty years old in his spare time. He has dark skin and looks like an honest and loyal person.

When he came this time, he brought a lot of medicinal materials.

Along with him came two doctors from Huichun Hall.

These two people, Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xiao Jingyao, are very familiar with each other, one is named Xie and the other is named Cao.

Both of them are not young anymore. After two days of traveling, their faces are a little pale.

After arriving at the inn, Wang Wenxin asked shopkeeper Tong to take care of them and arrange their daily life.

After everyone rested for a day, they started to get busy.

Opening a shop is not a simple job. Although shopkeeper Tong arranged for help, the location and furnishings of the shop have been prepared, but there are many details that require a lot of effort.

He may seem honest in his spare time, but when he does things, he is not ambiguous at all.

Finally, after five days of busy work, the Huichun Hall in Ba County was ready and ready to open at any time just waiting to be chosen on a good and auspicious day!

At the same time, the news about Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin's donation to Ba County and the upcoming auction in Ba County were also spread.

As soon as these two news came out, many people cheered.

This gave Ba County, which was originally a bit lifeless, suddenly a lot more vitality and joy.

(End of this chapter)

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