Chapter 373 Secret, urgent!
When Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu returned to the inn, Wang Wenxin had already sent out those who bought the pills.

Not surprisingly, all of these people were smiling.

Because they knew that the alchemist lived in Wang Wenxin's inn, many people came here to see him.

For a time, the business of the entire inn was so good that shopkeeper Tong was both happy and miserable.

Li Qingqiu said: "Anyway, we still need to stay in Ba County for a long time, why don't we all live in another hospital!"

The inn is not bad, the main thing is that there are too many people!
Another thing is that after knowing the whereabouts of the alchemist, everyone wants to come to ask for medicine.

She was afraid that the alchemist would be driven crazy!
"Don't worry, I've prepared this a long time ago, but I haven't cleaned it yet. We can go there early tomorrow morning." Wang Wenxin said with a smile.

She had already arranged for someone to purchase a separate courtyard after she left the county government a few days ago.

After all, the auction is a big deal, and there are quite a few people coming from the Li family, so they can't all live in the inn.

This person was so talkative that she didn't trust her cousin living in an inn.

When Li Qingqiu heard this, he immediately put his arms around Wang Wenxin's shoulders and said, "Cousin, you are still thoughtful."

"That's right!" Wang Wenxin couldn't help but stretched out her hand to tease Li Qingqiu.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingyao frowned, pulled Li Qingqiu behind him, and said displeased: "Pay attention to your identity and restrain yourself."

Li Qingqiu: "..."

Wang Wenxin: "..."

Wang Wenxin glanced at Li Qingqiu jokingly, raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, I'm just an outsider, I'll be fine now!"

After speaking, Wang Wenxin shook her head helplessly, turned and left.

Li Qingqiu blushed and couldn't help but glare at Xiao Jingyao, but anyone could see the joy and sweetness on her face.

"Don't get too close to your cousin and learn her bad habits." Xiao Jingyao said dissatisfied.

Li Qingqiu glanced at him funny, "Xiao Jingyao, why are you so small-minded? You are jealous of my cousin! Why didn't I see it before?"

Xiao Jingyao's eyes flashed slightly and he said awkwardly: "She is dressing like a man now. If someone looks at her and misunderstands her, it will damage your own reputation."

Li Qingqiu's eyes were smiling, and he suddenly stood up on his toes and kissed her on the face.

The sound of "Boom" shocked Xiao Jingyao.

She just heard her say: "I don't care what others think of me. We are not living for others to see, right?"

"I only care about what you think of me! As long as you treat me well, that's enough. I don't care about reputation or anything like that."

Looking at her bright smile, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but think of himself in the past.

No, just like her, she never cares about other people's thoughts and opinions, she only does what she wants to do!

It's really good now.

I never realized that the two of them were so consistent in certain ideas.

"Others don't care, but I care!" Xiao Jingyao reached out and stroked the bun on her temples and said softly.

Although he doesn't value it, he doesn't like other people making irresponsible remarks about the girl he likes. The most important thing is that he feels uncomfortable when he sees her being intimate with others, even if he knows that she is a woman. .

Li Qingqiu suddenly laughed out loud when he saw the serious expression on his face.

Don't think she doesn't know what he's thinking, but...she likes it very much!
"My Uncle Xiao, what should I do if I find that I like you more and more!" After saying that, Li Qingqiu quietly approached him again and whispered in his ear: "Tell you a secret!"

"What?" Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows and listened attentively.

"My dad is coming in two days!"

The smile on Xiao Jingyao's face suddenly stiffened, and he forgot how to react for a moment.



Seeing her expression, Li Qingqiu was overjoyed and winked at him, "What, are you scared?" Xiao Jingyao pursed his lips and said bravely: "Who is scared?"

After saying that, Xiao Jingyao turned and left.

"Pfft, hahaha..."

Li Qingqiu looked at his stiff body and walking posture, and suddenly laughed even louder.

This man... really!
She usually behaves like she's not afraid of anything, but she didn't expect to be afraid of meeting her father!
Xiao Jingyao was calm and calm when he was at the door. As soon as he entered Xiao Naituanzi's room, he couldn't pretend any longer and had a frown on his face.

"what's wrong?"

At this time, Xiao Nai Tuanzixiu was still studying the two bottles obtained from Tianxian Temple and cultivating young Gu insects.

Seeing Xiao Jingyao's appearance now, he couldn't help but feel curious, so he asked this question without raising his head.

Xiao Jingyao twisted his fingers around a piece of his hair, suddenly stood up, walked over to Xiaonuituanzi and turned around, "Ran Ran, what do you think of Uncle Fifth's appearance?"

The little girl glanced at him doubtfully, "'s a bit dazzling!"

Xiao Jingyao: "???"


What does dazzling mean?
"Dazzling eyes are good-looking?"

The little girl bared her teeth, "My eyes hurt when I look at it!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Xiao Jingyao raised his hand and looked at what he was wearing, questioning his taste for the first time.

"Let's go, stop looking and go shopping for clothes with your fifth uncle!" Xiao Jingyao picked up the little breast dumpling and walked out.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"So anxious?" Xiao Naituanzi's little face wrinkled into a meaty dumpling.

"Aren't you anxious? It's going to burn your butt! It's extremely urgent!" Xiao Jingyao said: "Whether your fifth uncle can get a wife depends on this time!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

"No, sister Qingqiu likes you very much!"

The little girl thinks that her fifth uncle has become stupid. What does wearing clothes have to do with marrying a wife?

Xiao Jingyao looked at the confused look on this little girl's face and felt that he was just talking to a duck.

"Don't worry about it, just go with me!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"Okay!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded helplessly, "Then why don't we call Sister Qingqiu?"

"No, please don't tell her, fifth uncle has to give her a little surprise, you know?" Xiao Jingyao said.

If he wants to let Li Qingqiu know that he went to buy clothes because he was afraid that his future father-in-law would dislike him, why don't he laugh at him?He had to do it without any trace, not so deliberately.

"Oh oh~"

When the little girl with breasts heard the surprise, her eyes lit up and she nodded.

"let's go!"

Soon, two people, one large and one small, went out.

At this time, it was still early, and the streets were very lively with people coming and going.

Looking at their clothes, they are all rich or noble people, and they should all be here for this auction.

Of course, there are also many martial arts knights with swords, which are scary to look at.

(End of this chapter)

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