Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 374 The ugly son-in-law meets his father-in-law!

Chapter 374 The ugly son-in-law meets his father-in-law!
"Hehe, this auction was very effective, right? Ran Ran!"

Looking at the people on the street, Xiao Jingyao felt an inexplicable sense of pride.

What a great idea!
"Well, when there are more people, the filthy air above here is reduced a lot!" Xiao Naituanzi said crisply: "Sister Wang said that Taoist Aunt Tianyin suddenly went into seclusion!"

"I'm afraid she's hiding, but she just gave us some time!"

"Yeah." Little Nipples nodded.

The two entered a ready-made clothing store. Xiao Jingyao felt a headache as he looked at the rows of ready-made clothes hanging on the side.

This is really confusing.

"Ran Ran, help me choose! This is a shirt!" Xiao Jingyao said.

The little girl blinked her eyes and raised her head in confusion, "Is the fifth uncle going to fight?"


Xiao Jingyao choked and almost forgot that the person in front of him was a little baby.

"Ahem... no, in short, just choose a mature and stable dress for me." Xiao Jingyao said.

Now that my future father-in-law is wearing his clothes, he must look stable and reliable no matter what he wears!

This one on him...

There seems to be nothing wrong with him, but hasn't his mother always said that he is not calm?
Mature and steady?
The little girl tilted her head and thought carefully, her brows furrowed into two caterpillars.

After a while, her eyes suddenly lit up and she said in a sweet voice, "Just follow daddy's standards!"

"Dad looks the most mature and stable. My mother and grandmother often praise him."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao immediately thought about what his eldest brother wore on weekdays.

"What do you call your father, mature and stable? He looks like an old man, but he doesn't have the self-consciousness of a young man!"

"Fifth uncle, I'll take note of what you said, and I'll tell daddy when we get back!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Xiao Jingyao raised his hand and slapped his mouth, showing a flattering smile to the little breast dumpling.

"I was wrong, wrong! Your father is the head of the family. Naturally, he has to dress more maturely. Only in this way can he be dignified, right?"

Looking at the fifth uncle who was full of desire for survival, the little breast dumpling covered his little mouth and laughed again.

" about buying Fourth Uncle's daily clothes?"

Xiaonuituanzi is also a little entangled. It would be nice if her third aunt was here. Her clothes are usually chosen by her third aunt!
"Well..." Xiao Jingyao crossed his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other, and said, "It seems not bad, then just dress up according to what your fourth uncle usually wears!"

His fourth brother doesn't like luxury, and his clothes on weekdays are all very simple. Because of his own temperament, his whole body reveals an indescribable dignity as soon as he stands there.

At first glance, he seems to be the kind of person who is very reliable, trustworthy and worthy of being trusted for life.

He was meeting his future father-in-law, which was perfect!
"Boss, take down those sets of ready-made clothes. I want to try them on!"

After thinking about the style he wanted, Xiao Jingyao immediately asked his boss to take off all the clothes of this style.

As soon as the boss saw Xiao Jingyao, he knew that this person was a wealthy owner, so he hurriedly ordered a boy to come out to greet them.

Xiao Jingyao, who always hated these tedious things, tried on the selected clothes one by one.

But rather...

Obviously every piece of ready-made clothing is very good, but when he wears it, it always feels like something is missing.Each bite of the small breast dumplings was ugly, and each bite was eye-catching. Xiao Jingyao's little patience was quickly worn away.

Seeing her swaying pair of short legs, happily eating the pastry in her mouth, with crumbs of pastry filling the corners of her mouth, Xiao Jingyao was extremely distressed.

"Is there anyone you like, sir?" After trying on more than a dozen sets of clothes in a row, the boy's patience was almost worn out, so he asked bitterly.

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao had to hold back from throwing the clothes in his hands.

"Brother, the clothes in your shop look pretty good, but why do I feel something is wrong as soon as I put them on?"

Boy: "..."

The young man rolled his eyes and said tentatively: "Master, why don't you take a look at what's going on over there?"

The boy eagerly took down a set of clothes and handed them to Xiao Jingyao.

Xiao Jingyao looked at the clothes and frowned.

This piece of clothing is indeed in line with my daily aesthetics and habits.


"Brother, let me tell you the truth. I bought these clothes to meet my future father-in-law. Your clothes are indeed good, but they are not mature enough!" Xiao Jingyao said with a headache.

"Oh, sir, look what you said! The most important thing is that these clothes suit you! My maturity and stability have nothing to do with these clothes!"

"It is indeed a big event to meet my future father-in-law, but if you are not dressed appropriately, it will make you look worse than what you are on the outside! Besides, look at this... the green bamboo on it is embroidered with silk thread. The piping on the cuffs is also made of gold thread."

"At first glance, this gentleman looks like a man of extraordinary status and noble aura. This outfit complements each other and brings out your temperament."

"Why don't you try?"

When Xiao Jingyao heard this, he was a little moved. He looked at the little breast dumpling beside him who was about to fall asleep, and then at the eager young man. Xiao Jingyao said, "I can tell you, young master, it doesn't look good on it." , Master, I dug out your eyes."

The boy was immediately sweating, lowered his head and nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Soon, Xiao Jingyao took the clothes and entered the fitting room again.

He walked out in a short while.

"Master, I think this outfit suits you very well. It is generous, noble, solemn and steady, as if it was tailor-made for you."

As soon as Xiao Jingyao came out, the boy immediately transformed into a praise master and praised him with a smile.

Hearing this, the little girl couldn't help but look over. Seeing Xiao Jingyao looking towards her, she grinned, "When the fifth uncle puts on these clothes, he immediately looks like a human being~ This is it, this is it. !”

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

If you don’t know how to use idioms, can you not use them?
Looks so uneducated!

If she is not urged to read and practice calligraphy for a period of time, her knowledge will fall behind!

"Ahem!" Xiao Jingyao glared at the little breast dumpling, "Okay, let's take this one! Little brother, wrap it up for me!"


The little boy grinned and went to pack the food in a hurry.

After seeing them off, the boy breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face quickly faded, and he looked up in the direction of the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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