Chapter 375: Shameless kid!

Looking at the people coming down from upstairs, the boy bowed respectfully and said, "What you asked me to do, I have already done."


The man snorted lightly, "Shut your mouth!"

"Yes, that's what the master ordered!" said the boy.

After the man left, the boy rubbed his hands vigorously and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, it really is him!"

As soon as the man left the tailor shop, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Naituanzi walked out of a small alley not far away.

The little girl clenched her little fists and said angrily, "Hmph, if you dare to put medicine in the cakes I eat, let's see how I deal with him!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"You were drugged and you still took it? Do you think your life is not long enough?" Xiao Jingyao was extremely speechless, but there was no worry on his face.

The little breasted dumpling is very powerful, and she is also well-measured.

Since she ate it, it meant those pastries couldn't hurt her.

"Hehe, I naturally eat more of those pastries, the better?" Xiao Naituanzi laughed mischievously.

As soon as Xiao Jingyao saw her smile, a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

Of course, this bad premonition was directed at Wang Xiancheng.

"what have you done?"

"Well... I just cast a little curse, and all the suffering that Ran Ran had to endure after eating those pastries will be retribution on him!" The little breast dumpling held his little hands behind his back and raised his little head. He said in a milky voice.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"So, what medicine was in that pastry?" Xiao Jingyao was a little curious.

I wonder if if I follow him now, I can still see the embarrassment of Wang Xiancheng?

"It's just ordinary croton powder. It's not a powerful medicine, so Ran Ran added a little more to it!" Little Milk Dumpling said lightly, as if saying that the weather today is very good.

"What was added?"

"Secret!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Well, this little girl is really... when she gets ruthless, she can even drug herself!
In fact, they had already seen Na Wang County Cheng when they entered the shop.

Only Wang Xiancheng and a few people in the shop thought they were fools!

Looking at the package in his hand, Xiao Jingyao's lips curved into a contemptuous and mocking smile.

Do you really think that Xiao Jingyao is a fool who allows others to manipulate you?
"Ran Ran, your curse is so powerful, why don't you teach it to me?" On the way back, Xiao Jingyao looked at Xiaotuanzi pleadingly.

Well, if he learned how to do it, wouldn't he cast a curse on someone he hated, and then feed himself some poison or something?

Anyway, it was the enemy who died.

why not?

The little girl looked up at him and bared her teeth, "Fifth uncle, you have such a beautiful idea!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

"This spell can't be used casually. If you use it too much, you will be punished!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

And it will also consume the golden light of her merit!

If she hadn't insisted on doing good deeds and she could afford to spend the golden light of merit now, she wouldn't be so stupid!

That's what keeps her alive!
"Will you still suffer retribution?" Xiao Jingyao scratched the back of his head and quickly advised: "Then you can't use such a spell in the future, you know!" "Hey, don't worry! Ran Ran knows it. Oh~" said the little breast dumpling.

"Okay!" Xiao Jingyao touched her little head, "Just know the appropriateness."

Wang County Cheng here is not so good.

As soon as I entered the Yamen, I felt my stomach growling, followed by a burst of cramping pain, and my buttocks kept deflating.

The "pop, pop, pop, pop" sound sounded like firecrackers, and the smell of "ammonia" filled the air, making the government officials who came in and out miserable.

Seeing that his usual subordinates were avoiding him and pointing at him, Wang Xiancheng's sinister eyes really wished he could delay them.

His face was even more embarrassed and annoyed, turning blue and red like a color palette.

"What are you still doing in a daze...Pfft..."

Wang Xiancheng was excited, and there was a loud noise.

At this moment, his own crotch was wet and accompanied by a stream of sticky... stuff.

The stench hit him, making everyone around him retching uncontrollably.

Wang County Cheng: "..."

At this moment, I really wish I could die.

The majesty and image accumulated over the years were completely destroyed at this moment.

"What do you people do for a living that you have people throw shit at the door?"

At this moment, the county magistrate hurried over, covered his nose and said something viciously.

After saying that, he saw Wang Xian Cheng, who was standing at the entrance of the yamen, covering his buttocks and looking extremely ugly. He pretended to be surprised and confused, "Wang Xian Cheng, are you here too? What? Who is this bastard here?" Big shit was thrown at the door of my county government office!"

"What are you guys doing standing around here? Why don't you go out quickly and catch that shameless kid and beat him up hard?"

The surrounding government officials: "..."

How dare they!
What's more, it smells so bad that they don't dare to get close!

They knew that the smell was caused by the county magistrate, but did they dare to expose it?
Wang County Cheng: "..."

Xue Ling, a kid who looks like a slut and a shameless kid, is clearly a reflection of him.

It's abominable!
Well, it’s really good!

Wait for him!

Looking at Wang County Cheng's venomous snake-like eyes, Magistrate Xue's lips curled up into a faint smile.

I don’t know who made this king chase her. If he wants to know who it is, he must build a merit monument for her!

It’s really satisfying.

He's such a face-saving person, maybe the ridicule from these people will drown him, right?

If it were in the past, he might still be able to kill people to vent his anger, but now there are so many people coming to Ba County, unless he doesn't want his own skin, it's almost the same.

"What are you guys doing standing still? Hurry up to the door and throw those pickled things away! Didn't you see that the county magistrate was so smoked that he almost fainted?" Magistrate Xue pointed at the government servants. He cursed angrily.

It looked like he didn't know that Wang Xian Cheng had pooped his pants.

After saying that, he walked away angrily, leaving the government servants alone to look at me and me at you, and finally went to the door to chase away the unnecessary "pickled things" with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

Wang County Cheng: "..."

Don't think that he will let these bitches go!

When those people leave Ba County, he wants them all to die!

(End of this chapter)

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