Chapter 376 Notorious!

However, even though all the government officials pretended to be dumbfounded, the news that Wang Xiancheng had pooped his pants yesterday was still spread the next day.

Xiao Jingyao and the others were having lunch when they heard a very "interesting" rumor in the lobby of the inn.

Listening to what they said with gusto, Xiao Jingyao almost burst out laughing.

This is simply more exciting than what was seen live.

"Who is so talented?" Li Qingqiu almost laughed.

Almost every time she saw the man named Wang, she felt very uncomfortable. The look in his eyes that wanted to take her as his own made her skin crawl all over.

When she heard about this man's embarrassment, it would be polite for her not to add a piece of firewood to him.

"It's me, it's me!"

Hearing Li Qingqiu's curious question, Xiao Naituanzi stepped forward and said as if he was taking credit.

"Pfft, it's you?" Li Qingqiu was curious and surprised. He looked at the little breast dumpling carefully and asked, "When did you meet that bitch? Did he do something to you?"

Li Qingqiu knew that Xiao Naituanzi was a very capable person, and now was not the time for them to deal with Wang Xian Cheng.If she hadn't been provoked, she wouldn't have done it so easily.

"He brought it upon himself!" Xiao Jingyao spat.

If the little breasted dumpling hadn't pulled him yesterday, he would have really wanted to put a sack on him.

However, luckily Xiaonuituanzi stopped him.

Otherwise, he will be disgusted to death!

Xiao Jingyao told Li Qingqiu what happened yesterday.

After hearing this, Li Qingqiu was extremely angry, grinding his back molars, "That bitch is so inhuman. He dared to attack Ranran at such a young age!"

"If Ran Ran hadn't been capable, what would have happened to a child as young as her!"

"You can be so kind to a child, let alone other adults."

"Hehe, sister Qingqiu, don't be angry, don't be angry~" Xiao Naituanzi comforted her with a smile, and said in a sweet voice: "Ran Ran has wanted to teach him a lesson for a long time!"

Don't think that she can't tell because she's so young. There was something wrong with her eyes when she first met Sister Qingqiu!
Moreover, the aura on his body was also very wrong.

I don't know what method he used to change his fate against the will of heaven, so that he was still alive today despite his originally short-lived appearance.

"Next time we see him, sister Qingqiu will teach him a lesson with you!" Li Qingqiu tightened the whip around his waist and said angrily.

It had been several days since she had used the whip, and her hands were a little itchy.

She wanted to avoid him before, but now that something like this happened, Li Qingqiu really wanted to cut him into pieces as soon as possible.

"Don't be so impulsive! That bitch is very evil and cannot be dealt with by ordinary people. It's okay to do it secretly, but don't confront him head-on."

What Xiao Jingyao didn't say was that when he came back yesterday, he checked the clothes carefully and found a poisonous needle inside.

Perhaps because of the rush, the location where the poisonous needle was placed was not so obvious.

However, the poison is no ordinary poison. As soon as the needle pricks you, you will definitely see blood sealing your throat.

Being so vicious shows how much he wants to kill him.

But Xiao Jingyao is not a vegetarian!
Otherwise, I would have died countless times.

Li Qingqiu pursed his lips, knowing that he was a little impulsive.

But as soon as he rolled his eyes, he immediately had an idea in his mind.

Now that his notoriety has spread, there's no reason why she shouldn't add fuel to his anger again, right?

"Don't worry! Nowadays, there are more and more tyrants in the county. People talk too much, don't they?" Li Qingqiu raised his eyebrows and smiled mischievously. "That's good!" Xiao Jingyao smiled.

On the same day, several people moved out of the inn and went to the newly prepared courtyard.

On the first night in the other hospital, Xiao Jingyao didn't fall asleep all night, and he had never been so nervous.

After finally squinting for a while, I realized that it was already dawn.

As a last resort, Xiao Jingyao got up again, forced himself to take care of himself.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Xiao Jingyao took a deep breath and walked out.

"Are you up? I was about to call you!" Li Qingqiu came here with Xiao Jingyao in hand, and his eyes lit up when he saw Xiao Jingyao's outfit.

She found that Xiao Jingyao's appearance, characteristics and clothing all depended on her aesthetics! ?
Xiao Jingyao's face turned red when Li Qingqiu stared at him so unabashedly!

"You...why are you staring at me?!"

Li Qingqiu rolled his eyes, "Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course you are good-looking! Well... I, Li Qingqiu, have such a good taste!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

When you praise him, don’t forget to praise yourself too! ?

"Hehe, these are the clothes that my fifth uncle bought after spending an hour selecting them yesterday! I just want to give my uncle a good impression~" Xiao Naituanzi said with a bright smile.

Hearing this, Li Qingqiu smiled even more happily!

Although the two had just confirmed their relationship not long ago, the fact that Xiao Jingyao attached so much importance to meeting her father showed that he also valued her.How does this make her unhappy?
"Thank you, Xiao Jingyao!" Li Qingqiu's face was filled with a happy smile and sweetness.

Seeing the smile on her face, Xiao Jingyao was a little stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a beautiful arc.

He still remembers the first time he met her at the stone gambling party. At that time, she gave him the impression of being cold, arrogant, and proud!
At that time, he felt that he would never like such a woman in his life.

It's even a little annoying.

Unexpectedly, after getting along with her, she was completely different from what he thought.

She is bright and kind. Although she is a little arrogant and looks like a spoiled young lady, she is really aggressive when encountering injustice.

Although sometimes she looks quite stupid, and she is always cheated by him because of her stupidity and money, but I have to say that every move she makes is arrogant and frank.

Perhaps, he had fallen in love with her a long, long time ago, but he didn't understand love, so he always loved to tease her like a primary school chicken.

But now... this is so good. Looking at her smile, he feels so satisfied, even more satisfied than when he made money.

In this life, he recognized her!
In this life, she is enough!

"Let's go. By the time we get to the gate of the city, it will be almost done!" Xiao Jingyao stepped forward and took Xiaotuanzi's hand, but his eyes were always staring gently into Li Qingqiu's eyes.

"it is good."

Li Qingqiu nodded and held Xiao Naituanzi's other hand.

The three of them went out together, a handsome man and a beautiful woman plus a cute and soft little baby, like a family of three.

When we arrived at the gate of the courtyard, the carriage was already parked there.

Xiao Jingyao opened the curtain and saw Wang Wenxin already sitting in the carriage, holding a fan in his hand and fanning himself comfortably.

"You are finally here?"

Wang Wenxin raised her eyelids and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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