Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 380 Visiting the county government at night, puppetry!

Chapter 380 Visiting the county government at night, puppetry!

"I'll fetch water!" Li Qingqiu immediately stood up and walked out.

After a while, a basin of water was brought.

Xiao Jingyao threw the calligraphy and painting into the water, soaked it for a while, then took it out and put it on the candle fire to bake.

Sure enough, as Xiao Naituanzi said, after being baked, the original words on the calligraphy and painting disappeared, and at the same time, the paper on which the calligraphy and painting was written was actually split into two.

"There's a mezzanine inside!" Li Qingqiu exclaimed.

Xiao Jingyao carefully tore open the outer layer of paper, and suddenly a piece of paper filled with dense words was revealed.


After reading the words above, Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu couldn't help but take a breath.

The little breasted dumpling heard the movement and moved forward curiously.


The words she knows are limited!
Once again, Xiao Naituanzi felt the terrible meaning of being uneducated.


When she goes back, she will learn to read with her brother Xiaoqi and her fourth uncle!
She never wanted to be illiterate again.

"What's written on it?" Xiao Naituanzi asked curiously, looking at Xiao Jingyao and then at Li Qingqiu.

"This is a copied memorial. It records exactly what Governor Zhou wanted to report to the court about the collusion between the government and Tianxian Temple!" Xiao Jingyao said.

"What does Magistrate Xue mean?" Li Qingqiu frowned, "What purpose can such a memorial serve? If you want to report it, you must have evidence, right?"

The little breasted dumpling looked at Xiao Jingyao, is that so?
Xiao Jingyao nodded and looked at Xiaonuituanzi, "Ranran, let's secretly go to the county government office tonight."

"The fact that Magistrate Xue sent such a copied memorial to us shows that he has seen the memorial, or that the memorial is in his hands."

"As Qingqiu said, Governor Zhou would not write such a memorial without mastering the evidence! So...where is the evidence?"

"So, I suspect that Magistrate Xue did it on purpose, deliberately trying to lure us to find him!"

"In any case, if we want to get those evidence, we have to go find him."

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi nodded his little head, "Okay, okay!"

There are a lot of secrets hidden in the county government office, and she happened to be exploring it to see what kind of monsters there were.

That night, in the dead of night.

Xiao Naituanzi and Xiao Jingyao quietly went out and went to the county government office.

When they arrived near the county government office, Xiao Naituanzi took out the invisibility charms he had prepared in advance, handed one to Xiao Jingyao, and then put one on his forehead.

In this way, the two of them climbed over the wall and entered the county government office.

"Ran Ran, do you feel that this county government office seems to be cooler than other places?" Xiao Jingyao said softly.

Not only is it cooler than other places, it also feels chilly and eerie!


The little girl responded with a pair of big eyes, looking around, and suddenly said, "There is a lot of yin here, so it's cool."

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

The hairs on his arms stood up inexplicably.

Goosebumps fell all over the place!
"Ran Ran, do you feel that there seem to be more guards now?" Xiao Jingyao said again after walking for a while.

He clearly felt that there were not as many guards when he came during the day as there were when he came at night.


The little girl nodded her head. Not only were there more guards, but there seemed to be something wrong with these guards!

As for what was wrong, she didn't see it for the time being.

"Strange, what do these people mean by wearing hoods at night?" Xiao Jingyao was confused.

Xiao Naituanzi's heart trembled.Yes, why do they need to wear hoods?
How strange!

Before the little naughty dumpling could figure out what was going on, Xiao Jingyao directly attacked a government servant.


Xiao Jingyao struck down with a palm, but the officer just turned his head and glanced behind him before continuing to move forward.

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

Small breast dumpling: "???"

what happened?

The two looked at each other suspiciously.

Xiao Jingyao rubbed his aching hands with a confused face.

What happened to that man?

You've practiced Iron Tou Gong, haven't you?
Xiao Jingyao looked at his hand in disbelief.

The little girl followed the yamen servants in a hurry, stared at them curiously for a while, then stretched out her little feet and tripped one of the yamen servants.

With a "dong" sound, the yamen servant fell down and made a loud sound, which showed the force of the fall.

But what puzzled Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Naituanzi was that the yamen servant didn't make any sound.

The government officials walking in front of him only glanced back when they heard the noise. Seeing that the government officials had just fallen down, they continued walking forward.

The yamen servant who tripped over the little breast dumpling glanced around mechanically, and continued to follow after finding nothing.

Xiao Jingyao: "???"

Small breast dumpling: "???"

"Ran Ran, have you discovered anything?" Xiao Jingyao asked quietly and doubtfully.

The little girl looked at Xiao Jingyao's hand, then thought about the yamen servant she tripped over just now, her little face turned serious, "Uncle Fifth, do you think that man's body is particularly hard?"


Xiao Jingyao looked at his hand. If it weren't for the dark night, he might have seen red at this moment.

He had some doubts that the yamen practiced Tietou Kung Fu.

After thinking about it, Xiao Jingyao's eyes widened in surprise, "Ran Ran, do you think they are being controlled?"

"It's the puppet technique!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

Now she somewhat understands what kind of poison Tianyinxiangu cast on those people!
Those people are being controlled!
Xiao Jingyao has heard of the puppet technique. He heard that it was a forbidden technique that was eliminated thousands of years ago. How could it appear here now?
"Let's go, let's go find the county magistrate first and see how much he knows." Xiao Jingyao said.


Xiao Naituanzi nodded and went to Magistrate Xue's room with Xiao Jingyao.


The two pushed open the door and saw Magistrate Xue sitting by the bed fully clothed. His eyes lit up the moment the door was opened, and it was obvious that he was waiting for something.

But when he didn't see anyone at the door, a look of loneliness and disappointment clearly flashed through his eyes.

Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Naituanzi looked at each other.

They understood that Xue County ordered that the people who had to wait were probably them.

Xiao Jingyao turned around and closed the door directly with his backhand.

Magistrate Xue saw that the door was suddenly closed and the bolt was inexplicably fastened. His whole body froze, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

"Who, who is!"

He seemed to be going crazy, full of guard and fear.

(End of this chapter)

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