Chapter 381 Magistrate Xue’s purpose!

Xiao Naituanzi didn't want to talk so much nonsense, so she took a truth charm and stuck it on Magistrate Xue's body.

After putting it on, he and Xiao Jingyao tore off the invisibility charms on their bodies.

Two living persons, one large and one small, suddenly appeared in front of him. Magistrate Xue was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, "Is... is it you?"

"Otherwise, who do you think you are?" Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Naituanzi put their hands on their chests at the same time, looking down at him.

Two identical faces, two identical expressions.

Magistrate Xue swallowed subconsciously.

"How did you get in?" Magistrate Xue asked as he patted his butt and got up from the ground.

Mr. Xiao really just came in by himself and brought this little baby with him.

I really don’t know how dangerous I am.

Xiao Jingyao glanced at him impatiently, "Stop talking nonsense, didn't you deliberately leave a message in the calligraphy and painting and lure us here on purpose?"

Magistrate Xue pursed his lips slightly and made a shushing gesture to Xiao Jingyao, "Mr. Xiao, please speak softly, those people outside are not vegetarians!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

You look down on her, don’t you?

Xiaonuituanzi immediately yelled so loudly that Magistrate Xue was so frightened that he rushed forward to cover his mouth.

But where are the little breast dumplings that he can come across whenever he wants?
I saw her little body nimbly dodge, and she immediately hid far away.

Magistrate Xue: "???"

"Okay, okay, you won't be able to catch us Ran Ran for the rest of your life. The soundproof formation has been set up outside. It's not something that ordinary people can know and undo. Just keep your worries to yourself. !”

"Tell me, your purpose, why do you know the gestures of my Xiaoyao Palace? Who taught you? Also, how much do you know about Governor Zhou's past? Why did you give us that famous test? The most important thing is do you know the purpose of our coming here?..."

Xiao Jingyao opened his mouth and asked a lot of questions, then took Xiao Naituanzi to sit down beside him, and poured a cup of tea for Xiao Naituanzi and himself without any courtesy.

He looked so comfortable, as if he was the owner here.

The little girl was even more exaggerated. She took out peanuts and cakes from her pocket and placed them on the table one by one, as if she wanted to have a long chat with Magistrate Xue.

Magistrate Xue: "..."

Looking at these two people, he was completely confused!

He was obviously prepared to negotiate terms with them, but in this situation... he was completely crushed by them.

For a while, Magistrate Xue didn't speak.

Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Naituanzi were not in a hurry and ate bite after bite.

Anyway, they have put a talisman on Magistrate Xue, so they are not afraid that he will not tell the truth, nor are they afraid that he will not tell the truth.

Sure enough, without waiting long, Magistrate Xue told them what they wanted to know like pouring beans over them.

It turns out that Magistrate Xue was transferred here eight years ago. At that time, Governor Zhou's affairs had already come out, and Ba County was also a good place. He thought he could make contributions here and make a difference.

Unexpectedly, this place is a wolf den.

Wang Xiancheng arrested his mother and brother and threatened him, asking him to help them do things. He also personally fed his mother and brother medicine in front of him.So, he had to do what they said.

Simply speaking, what they asked him to do was not too much, and there was no trouble.

But then he slowly discovered something was wrong. The county magistrate Wang often went to Tianyin Temple, and the county government servants inexplicably changed their appearance at night, like walking zombies.

Later, he accidentally discovered that those people who had been saved by Tianyin died within a short time.

So he secretly left a thought.

Wang Xian Cheng did not allow him to make any achievements here, so he pretended to be inactive. Many things in the county government were under the control of Wang Xian Cheng, so he often went to the archives room when he was free.

Inadvertently, I found a memorial dropped in the corner.

The memorial was gnawed by mice and was also an incomplete memorial. But from the signature, he knew that it was written by Governor Zhou, so he secretly hid the memorial.

Based on some of the things mentioned in the memorial, Magistrate Xue probably guessed something unusual.

So, he investigated secretly, and he actually got some clues.

Also learned the cause of Governor Zhou's death.

He was hesitant and scared, but he was just a puppet in their hands, so what could he do?

He could only quietly collect evidence, waiting for the day when he would meet an upright official to eradicate all these scourges.

He knew that he was aiding the evildoers and his crimes were heinous, so he hid the evidence carefully. If the day came, he could use it as a bargaining chip to mitigate his crimes.

Not long ago, when he went to see his mother and brother, he met his own son, Ji Feng.

Ji Feng is one of Xiao Jingyao's subordinates.

At that time, he was seriously injured and fell in front of him, and he recognized him at a glance.

He couldn't take him back, so he took the money and got rid of a person with whom he had a good relationship and sent him to the county next door for treatment.

After the monsoon cleared up, I came here again. The conflict between father and son was very deep back then, but this time they were able to put an end to their differences.

But Ji Feng was now from Xiaoyao Palace and was secretly helping King An. He did not tell Magistrate Xue his purpose. Unfortunately, Ji Feng was caught by Magistrate Wang this time.

Magistrate Xue took the risk and quietly went to the dungeon to see him. In order to spread the news, Ji Feng told Magistrate Xue some tellable secrets.

Until a few days ago, Magistrate Xue met Xiao Jingyao.

He recognized him immediately.

Because he met Xiao Jingyao once during the scientific examination in the capital, and also met Xiao Jingxuan. Ba County and Yonglin are not far apart, and some things about Yonglin will also spread to his ears. He knows what kind of people the Xiao family is. .

So, from the moment he met Xiao Jingyao, he knew that his opportunity had come.

That day, he quietly crawled out of the dog hole, and happened to meet a few people from the Wang family asking about Tianxian Temple, so he knew who they were after a few words.

He deliberately pretended to be crazy and dropped the things he had prepared in front of those people.

Later, he even deliberately sent calligraphy and paintings to Li Qingqiu and Xiao Jingyao, hoping that they would know how to rescue him.

As for that gesture, he was actually very unsure. After all, it was rumored that the Xiao family and Prince An would not deal with it.

But he did it anyway, thinking that it would be great if Xiao Jingyao could really understand it. If he couldn't understand it, it wouldn't hurt, right?
(End of this chapter)

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