Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 382 Puppet magic, the real purpose of the person behind it!

Chapter 382 Puppet magic, the real purpose of the person behind it!

After hearing what he said, Xiao Jingyao suddenly felt incredible, "You said Ji Feng is your son?"

This is too much of a coincidence, right?
In fact, he was the one who picked up Ji Feng. I still remember that when he picked up Ji Feng, he was dying and almost starving to death.

The inner disciples of their Xiaoyao Palace have always been orphans without fathers and mothers.

The reason why he brought Ji Feng into Xiaoyao Palace was because he had no father or mother!

Unexpectedly... Magistrate Xue is actually Ji Feng's biological father?

Speaking of Ji Feng, Magistrate Xue's face was full of guilt, his old eyes were red, "I said I was sorry to them, mother and son!"

The story of Magistrate Xue and Ji Feng’s mother and son is actually a story of Chen Shimei.

When you have a new love, you forget about the old love. In the end, you become a loner.

After becoming the county magistrate, I originally wanted to find someone else, but my situation was that it would be better if I didn't die, so I gave up that idea.

Ji Feng naturally assumed that his father was dead.

I just didn't expect that by such a coincidence, I would meet here again.

"You said Ji Feng was arrested? What about the others now?" Xiao Jingyao asked worriedly.

Ji Feng is one of the few talents under his command, so how can he not be worried?

"do not know!"

Speaking of his son, Magistrate Xue looked like he was always in tears, "Since I went to find him secretly that day, he was taken away the next day. I don't know whether he is alive or dead."

His mother also went there a few days ago, and his brother suddenly broke his leg for unknown reasons.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had such a concern in his heart, plus he still harbored the illusion that Ji Feng was still alive and the mission he had given him had not yet been completed, he would probably have wanted to do this earlier.

Such a miserable life is really too painful.

"What's going on with the county government officials?" Xiao Jingyao took a deep breath and asked.

Magistrate Xue shook his head, "I don't know, those people only started to exist two years ago, and they suddenly appeared!"

"These people are like dolls. They can't feel pain or speak, and their whole bodies are so stiff! And they can't be killed!" Magistrate Xue couldn't help but get angry when he thought about when he first met these people. white.

These people are like monsters.

And it was all-pervasive, so he felt inexplicably scared at night.

If he hadn't been mentally strong, he would have been frightened to death or stunned.

Therefore, he wished that it would never get dark, so that he would never see those people again.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Suddenly, I felt some sympathy for Magistrate Xue.

It seems that these individuals have big plans.

When I returned from the county government office, it was already the third watch.

The two of them didn't say anything the whole way, and after returning home, they washed up briefly and then went to sleep.

After struggling for most of the night and not having any rest the day before, Xiao Jingyao slept until noon of the next day.

The same goes for small breast dumplings.

When the two of them got up, Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin had already finished lunch with Mr. Li Liu.When they passed by, Xiao Jingyao looked a little embarrassed and annoyed!

It was the first time I had dinner with Qingqiu's family. I didn't expect that I would oversleep, and I didn't know if it would leave a bad impression on Uncle Six.

The little breast dumpling didn't have any worries. After going to the front hall, he could eat whatever he wanted.

Uncle Li Liu was also surprised when he saw such an edible baby.

This little kid is so capable and has a huge appetite!
Although he eats quickly, the appearance of eating is not ugly, but rather makes him cute.

When Xiao Jingyao saw Uncle Li Liu's eyes falling on the little breast dumpling, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and ate quickly. Xiao Jingyao told Li Qingqiu and others what happened last night.

He did not shy away from Uncle Li Liu. After all, if they wanted to do something next, they would probably need Uncle Li Liu's cooperation.

Uncle Li Liu didn't expect that a domineering county would hide such dirty things.

Puppet art?

Even such a vicious technique was used, which shows that the person behind it was really thoughtful.

Uncle Li Liu thought for a while and said: "This puppet technique is called a forbidden technique, and it only exists in legends. I didn't expect that someone would use it!"

"I once read in an ancient book that using such evil magic to make a puppet will produce a lot of filthy air. Once such air permeates, a county or a city, or a country at worst, will be completely devoid of life. There’s nothing to say.”


Hearing these words, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath.

The little breasted dumpling looked up at the sky, and his plump little face suddenly turned into a serious meaty bun.

Xiao Jingyao's mind was full of doubts.

If the people behind it want to use this evil magic for something, they can just refine those puppets quietly. Then what is the purpose of those Taoist priests targeting the Xiao family everywhere?

Don’t you think it’s unnecessary?

Or is it that the people who took away their Xiao family's luck were not the same people as those who refined the evil arts?

Or... what obstacles does the Xiao family have to the people behind them refining evil arts?So why do you want to kill them again and again?

In the past, they only focused all their attention on the little feud with the Ye family, but now it seems that there may be something hidden in it.

"This matter concerns the people of the entire Zhou Dynasty, and also concerns the entire world!" Li Liushu said seriously: "I will write a letter later and send it to the head of the family and the old family head! What do you want to do next? We, the Li family, all Cooperate!"

Wang Wenxin heard this and said loudly, "If there is any place where my Wang family can be used, my Wang family will be obliged to do so."

Xiao Jingyao stood up immediately and bowed deeply to the two of them, "The Li family and the Wang family are righteous, I, Xiao Jingyao, admire them!"


Hearing Xiao Jingyao's words, Uncle Li chuckled lightly and said solemnly: "There is a country before there is a family. Although my Li family is not in the imperial court, they are also the people of the Zhou Dynasty. Now it concerns the country, and I, Li, It’s my duty to be at home!”

"You kid, don't think we are helping you!"

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Well, he was wrong!
Also, this kind of thing is not the responsibility of the Xiao family.

It's just that the Xiao family has been persecuted by these people for a long time, so they subconsciously attribute this matter to their Xiao family's private matter.

Xiao Jingyao bowed to Uncle Li Liu and apologized respectfully.

Uncle Li Liu was not a fussy person to begin with, so he waved his hand casually, "Okay, we are businessmen, don't give me all this nonsense! Let's hear what your plans are next. !”

(End of this chapter)

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