Chapter 384 County Government Banquet!

"Sure enough, that sentence is correct. Jiang is still old and hot. Uncle Liu will know if he is there as soon as he makes a move!" Li Qingqiu said in surprise.

Hearing this, Uncle Li Liu immediately straightened his face and pretended to be angry: "You little girl is saying that your Uncle Liu and I are old!"

Li Qingqiu stuck out his tongue and said with a smile: "Not old, not old!"

"Hmph!" Mr. Li Liu snorted, "Tonight, the county magistrate and Wang Xiancheng are going to take care of our group. I will mention this matter then."

"This is for the sake of the people of Ba County and a major event that is beneficial to people's livelihood. No matter what, they will not refuse it on the surface. I will find someone to publicize this matter tomorrow, and I will donate it to this charity in the name of the Li family. Please donate some silver coins."

"In this way, this matter is settled!"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you also opened a medical clinic here, right? When we introduced it, we said that this medical clinic has the support of our Li family. The elderly and children in the charity hall will visit the medical clinic every month. The doctor went over to check their pulse and treat them."

"That's very good, very good!" Xiao Jingyao said with bright eyes.

Sure enough, this person must have power, fame and money.

The Li family does things with ease.

In just a few words, things were arranged properly!
It's not like they are willing to pay even if they have money, but because they are unknown, others only regard them as traps, and they don't even dare to eat the pie that is delivered to their mouths!

There is also the matter of the medical center. Although free clinics and operations are being carried out in the name of Mr. Xu and others these days, there are still too few people in Baxian County who are willing to believe in doctors.

The name is not loud enough!
Originally, they wanted to use Xiao Naituanzi's Meridian Cleansing and Marrow Pill to help Huichun Hall gain a foothold in Ba County so that they would not be bullied!
But this approach will undoubtedly put Huichun Hall into another kind of crisis.

Now with the blessing of the Li family, it couldn't be better!
What Mr. Li Liuye said is right, you can count it in one sentence!
In the afternoon, the weather suddenly became hot and muggy, and soon it rained heavily.

There was a smell of dust in the whole air.

When the showers first subsided, a gorgeous rainbow bridge hung in the sky, as if to indicate that Ba County would be as colorful as this rainbow in the near future.

This was the first time for Xiaonuituanzi to see such a beautiful rainbow. He was so excited that he ran around in the yard like a playful puppy.

Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu sat back to back in the pavilion, looking up at the Rainbow Bridge in mid-air.

Neither of them spoke, but they had a sense of peace and quiet.

At some point, the color of the rainbow bridge in the sky gradually became blurry, and at the same time, another rainbow bridge gradually appeared.

The two rainbow bridges appear to be hanging one high and one low, but in fact they are like two lovers walking side by side.

Looking at the Rainbow Bridge, Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu couldn't help laughing.

Not far away, Wang Wenxin was leaning against a pillar with her hands on her chest, her eyes focused on the sky, but there was endless desolation and loneliness in her eyes.

Same scene, different mood.

Not long after, Xiaonuituanzi ran back, with beads of sweat on his forehead and a lot of water drops on his body.

Wang Wenxin took her down to freshen her up.

When he came out again, he had changed into clean clothes.

At this moment, it is already the Youshi hour, and the sky is filled with patches of red clouds, which are particularly beautiful.

The little breasted dumpling looked up at the sky, with a plump little face full of smiles.

The glow is brilliant, which is a good sign!

Wang Wenxin took her little hand to the front hall, and went to the county government office for the banquet with Uncle Li Liu and the others.

This was a reception banquet specially organized for Mr. Li Liu, so when they arrived, many people had already arrived.In addition to some wealthy local businessmen in Ba County, there are also some people who came for the auction.

These people are all respectable people, and many are even people with power and status.

Being able to come to such a banquet is entirely for the Li family!

In the past, the Li family's auctions were held in Jianglin, and the Li family itself was very low-key. How could there be a chance to interact with people from the Li family!
Now that there was such an opportunity, everyone rushed forward one by one.

Mr. Li Liu was already prepared before he came. He walked into the front hall and started chatting with these people.

At the same time, he also introduced Li Qingqiu and others to them, and mentioned the donation by Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin.

In a few words, Li Liuye brought the topic to the old man and the medical center.

All of these people are also good people, and they want to use this to build a relationship with the Li family.

So just after Mr. Li Liu said a few words, they smartly took the initiative and said that they would establish a charity and donate money to the charity.

This is Xiao Jingyao's first time to enter such an occasion. Compared with those boring banquets in Beijing, everyone compares with each other and flatters each other, or forms cliques!He felt that the relationship between these merchants was more pure.

At least what kind of purpose each one has and what kind of interests they are for are all written on their faces.

It smells like copper, but it's not unpleasant.

At least in his opinion, these people were not hypocritical.

Because of Uncle Li Liu's introduction, many people came to establish friendship with Xiao Jingyao and Wang Wenxin.

As for Li Qingqiu and Xiaotai Tuanzi, those people also wanted to get closer, but due to the differences between men and women, they still did not take the initiative to stick to them.

This actually made Li Qingqiu breathe a sigh of relief.

The living room is not a big place, and the weather is pretty good today, so the banquet was placed directly in the garden.

As the sky grew dark, Magistrate Xue ordered people to light a lot of lanterns around the garden, which were extremely bright.

A lot of delicious food was prepared on the table in advance. Xiao Nai Dumpling and Li Qingqiu sat on the edge and ate happily while doing nothing.

Not long after, the banquet started.

Everyone was talking to each other, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

The little breast dumpling had eaten and drank enough, and his eyes were darting around.

Seeing that no one paid attention to them, she took Li Qingqiu's hand, and the two quietly got up and left the garden.

None of the people present paid attention to them, so naturally they didn't notice their departure, except for their own people... and Wang Xiancheng.

Wang Xiancheng's face was very dark. The reason was naturally because these merchants were full and had nothing to do, so they spent a lot of money!

Seeing Li Qingqiu and the little baby leaving, he didn't think much.

After all, he never puts women in his eyes.

Not to mention putting a five-year-old girl in your eyes!

They guessed that they just wanted to get some air or for convenience.

"Ran Ran, where are we going?" Li Qingqiu asked in confusion as he saw the little breast dumpling leading her around.

(End of this chapter)

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