Chapter 385 County Government Secret Road
"Well, sister will know later!" Xiao Naituanzi said while watching.

Xu Shi didn't see the person she wanted to see around, so she immediately pulled Li Qingqiu towards the back office.

Sure enough, when walking deep into the bamboo forest of Houya, Xiao Naituanzi saw a secret passage.

"Sister Li, stick this on!" Xiao Naituanzi gave Li Qingqiu an invisibility charm.

Li Qingqiu did not doubt that he had it, and immediately attached the invisibility charm to his body.

There was a formation at the entrance of the secret passage. Xiao Naituanzi raised his hand and the formation quickly dissipated.


"Okay." Li Qingqiu followed Xiaonuituanzi into the secret passage, and a foul smell hit her immediately, making her hold on to the wall and vomit.

Xiao Naituanzi quickly took out another talisman and stuck it on her body, which made her feel better.

The two walked for about a quarter of an hour before finally seeing a figure.


Looking at those people locked in cages, Li Qingqiu exclaimed.

After realizing where this place was, he subconsciously covered his mouth tightly.

"Don't be afraid, sister, they can't see us." Xiao Naituanzi warned, holding her big hand with his small hand, his small face showing no expression at this moment.

"Are they the... puppets that Ran Ran said?" Li Qingqiu said in disbelief.

"Yeah." Xiao Naituanzi nodded, "But they haven't completely become puppets yet."

Xiao Naituanzi looked at those people who kept wailing and struggling, and slowly walked forward.

"Ranran, don't go!"

Li Qingqiu was afraid that those people would hurt Xiaotai Tuanzi, so he quickly held her back.

"Don't worry, sister, they just look scary right now." Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

As she said that, she continued to get closer.

After staring at one of the puppets for a while, he said, "It's exactly what Ran Ran thought, these people have been bewitched!"

"That Gu is used to control these puppets!?" Li Qingqiu couldn't believe it, but quickly raised a question, "But some of the people who used the Gu under the sound are children."

Xiao Naituanzi shook his head. She didn't know this clearly, but he had just seen it. The reason why these people were wailing was because they were not dead yet, and they still felt pain, because the poison in their bodies was still causing trouble.

And the puppets she and her fifth uncle met were completely dead.

As for what happened to those children, there is no clue yet.

After thinking about it, Xiao Naituanzi took out a rope from his pocket. After chanting a few spells, the rope immediately flew to the puppet and tied it tightly.

After a while, she took out another talisman and fixed it on the puppet.

After the puppet fidgeted for a while, there was no movement at all.

Li Qingqiu: "..."

"Ranran, what do you want to do?"

"Take it back." Xiao Naituanzi said.

Take...bring it back?

Li Qingqiu's eyes narrowed, the little girl couldn't be joking, right?

How can she bring back such a big goal?

Before she could figure it out, the little breasted dumpling continued to pull her deeper.

The further inside you go, the louder the wailing sound becomes.

Li Qingqiu felt goosebumps rising on his body.

But Xiao Naituanzi seemed to have seen nothing and walked as if there was no one around.

Li Qingqiu forced himself to follow.

Finally, when they reached the innermost part, they saw a living person.

"Brother Ji Feng!"

Xiaonuituanzi suddenly called out.

Li Qingqiu: "???" Monsoon? ? ?

That subordinate of Xiao Jingyao?

Ji Feng, who was lying in the cage holding his body and shivering, looked up but saw nothing.

Xiao Naituanzi opened the lock of the cage with a wave of his hand, took another talisman and stuck it on Ji Feng's body.

Two people suddenly appeared in front of Ji Feng, their eyes filled with horror.

" are?"

Ji Feng's consciousness was still clear, and the face that looked up at the little breast dumpling was full of astonishment.

Could this be the master's daughter?
Xiao Nai Tuanzi didn't give him time to think wildly, so she said in a huffing voice: "Brother Ji Feng, can you still leave?"


Before Ji Feng finished speaking, he was knocked unconscious by a palm from Xiaonuituanzi.

Li Qingqiu: "..."


Suddenly, the person who was staying in the same cell as Ji Feng suddenly started coughing.

Then he looked towards them.

"Ran Ran?"

Li Qingqiu: "???"

Ran Ran: "???"

Didn't they put invisibility charms on them?
No, he still knows Ran Ran, is he an acquaintance?

Just when Li Qingqiu was confused, the person huddled in the corner forced himself to stand up, peeled off the hair that covered his face, looked at the little breast dumplings, and said: "Ranran, is it me?"

The little breasted dumpling blinked, then blinked again.

The person in front of me looks a little familiar, but also a little strange.

"I am your senior brother Xuan Yin!" Xuan Yin said.


Xiaotai Tuanzi took a closer look and saw that it was indeed his senior brother Xuan Yin, and he jumped towards him with a cry of wow.

But before they touched the edge of Xuan Yin's clothes, the two of them took a step back in perfect agreement.

"Wow, senior brother Xuanyin, you stink so much!"

"Ran Ran, don't come near me! Stop burning you!"

The two spoke in unison.

After confirming with their eyes, they are indeed brothers and sisters!
Li Qingqiu: "..."

What's the situation! ? ?
"Ranran, why are you here?"

"Senior Brother Xuan Yin, have you done something immoral again?"

The two spoke in unison again.

After saying that, Xuan Yin reached out and grabbed the small knot on Xiao Nai Tuanzi's head, and Xiao Nai Tuanzi raised his foot to kick Xuan Yin.

The two get along very well.

Li Qingqiu was speechless again, with countless black lines sliding down his forehead.

"Ahem, Ran Ran, this is not a place to stay for a long time, let's leave first!" Li Qingqiu reminded.

"Okay." Xiaotai Tuanzi nodded, and then waved his hand in the cell, using a small illusion to make some awake people in the next cell fall into drowsiness. Then he mentioned the monsoon, and quickly walked outside.

When he reached the door, Xiao Naituanzi lifted up the puppet again, which was like a trapped animal.

Looking at Xuan Yin and Li Qingqiu, who were carrying two adult men weighing hundreds of kilograms each on the left and right without any effort at all, they said: "..."

After leaving the secret passage, Xiao Naituanzi asked Li Qingqiu to wait for her return by the county government garden, and he took Xuan Yin quickly to the yard where Xiao Jingyan and the others lived.

At this time, the brothers were all there, and Ran Ran didn't explain anything. He only left a sentence asking them to take care of him for the time being, and then flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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