Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 386: The eyes confirmed that the two are real brothers and sisters!

Chapter 386: The eyes confirmed that the two are real brothers and sisters!

When the little breast dumpling came back again, Li Qingqiu was already anxious!

Apparently, the party over in the garden is almost over!

Seeing her appear, Li Qingqiu breathed a sigh of relief and asked softly: "Has everything been arranged?"

"Yes." Xiaonuituanzi nodded. Seeing that there was no one around, he tore off the invisibility charm and returned to his seat holding hands with Li Qingqiu.

As soon as he sat down, Xiao Jingyao, who was full of alcohol, leaned over and rested his head on Li Qingqiu's shoulder.

"Where have you been?"

Li Qingqiu tilted his head and looked at Xiao Jingyao, whose face was slightly sullen, and felt a little alluring inexplicably.

When the warm breath hit her neck, a numbing feeling suddenly spread throughout her body, making her heart beat like thunder.

I really want to knock the person down and take a few bites.


Li Qingqiu coughed lightly, gave up his shameless thoughts, and whispered: "We found your subordinate, and Ran Ran has brought him back!"

Xiao Jingyao pursed his lower lip slightly and looked towards Xiaonuituanzi. He was relieved to see that they were safe and sound, but he still asked uneasy: "No one found them, right?"

"Don't worry, we're fine!" Li Qingqiu replied and pushed his head away.

This man...does he know how attractive he is right now?

There is no time to seduce her.

Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but laugh softly when he saw Li Qingqiu's face turning red even under the candlelight.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Qingqiu looked a little embarrassed and glared at him.

"I think you look good!" Xiao Jingyao whispered in her ear.

Li Qingqiu's face suddenly turned redder, his eyes flickering and he didn't know where to look!

"Stay away from me, Ran Ran is still watching! Don't spoil the child!" Li Qingqiu pushed him away again.

"You say you, Ran Ran can't hear you!"

After Li Qingqiu finished speaking, he saw Xiaonuituanzi looking up at them with an innocent face and saying something with a smile.

Li Qingqiu: "..."

If you can't hear me, do you still know what I said?Who are you kidding!
Xiao Jingyao put his hand to his lips and laughed twice, holding the pastry in front of him and passing it to the little milk dumpling, "Eat more."


The little girl smiled at him, picked up the cake and started eating again.

Hmm...this apricot blossom cake is not bad, delicious!

When the banquet was over, the little breast dumplings hadn't been finished yet, so they simply took the plates in their arms and took them away.

Not far away, Wang Xiancheng looked at the behavior of Xiao Naituanzi, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved in a mocking way.

He narrowed his eyes and an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin sent Uncle Li Liu back to another courtyard, while Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Xiao Jingyao himself, Zhang Biao, took another carriage to Xiao Jingyan's courtyard.

Just as he entered the courtyard, he heard a tragic wailing sound.

Xiao Jingyao's heart trembled and he quickly moved towards the source of the sound.

That sound came from the monsoon.

When they passed by, they happened to see Xuan Yin blocking the Xiao family brothers and telling them not to pass.

Ji Feng, on the other hand, kept grabbing at himself, scratching out wounds one after another on his body.

When the pain was unbearable, he would bang his head against the wall again and again!

Seeing his brother who had been with him through life and death become like this, Xiao Jingyao's eyes turned red instantly, and he felt indescribably uncomfortable in his heart. "Ran Ran, he..."

As soon as Xiao Jingyao opened his mouth, he saw a flash of light in front of his eyes, and the little breast dumpling had already flown away, and with lightning speed, he put several talismans on Ji Feng's body.

As soon as the charm was applied to his body, Ji Feng passed out quickly and fell to the ground with a "thud".


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuan Yin hurriedly walked up, "Ranran, you're finally here? If you don't come, he's probably going to kill himself!"

The little girl raised her head and tilted her head to look at Xuan Yin's bald head, puffed up her face, and hummed out two words, "Liar!"


Xuan Yin's expression froze, but in an instant he changed into a pitiful look, and said pitifully: "Ran Ran, you haven't seen your senior brother for so long, don't you even miss him?"

"Hmph!" Xiaonuituanzi snorted, pouting her little mouth and saying arrogantly: "I don't miss you!"

"Since you don't miss me, I don't miss you either! Humph!"

Xuan Yin followed her example, folded his hands on his chest and turned around proudly.

Everyone: "..."

These two are indeed brothers and sisters!

Forget about the small-breasted dumplings, this Xuan Yin... I'm afraid he's not more than five years old.

"Ran Ran, what's wrong with Ji Feng? Show him quickly!" Xiao Jingyao stepped forward and said.

As soon as he spoke, Xuan Yin looked towards him. At this glance, his eyes suddenly widened and his mouth turned into an "oh" shape.

"You...are you the bastard beast of Ran Ran's biological father who abandoned her as soon as he spoke out?" Xuan Yin glared at Xiao Jingyao, smoothed his sleeves and looked like he was going to fight with Xiao Jingyao.

Xiao Jingyao: "..."

Inexplicably, he once again became the scapegoat for Xiao Naituanzi's biological father.

If he wants to know who Xiao Naituanzi's real father is, he won't be able to bear the blame for so long unless he beats him up all over the place.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I am not that beast. Like you, I also want to find that beast and beat him up." Xiao Jingyao said with a smile.


Xuan Yin touched his bald head, his eyes resting on Xiao Jingyao's face that was too similar to Xiao Jingyao's, expressing some doubts.

Xiao Jingyao had no choice but to explain, "Probably, Ran Ran is my sister's daughter. My sister and I are twins and look the same, so it's normal for Ran Ran to follow my sister and me!"

"Is this really true?" Xuan Yin looked at Xiao Jingyao, and then at the Xiao family brothers standing behind him.

"Yes." The Xiao brothers nodded at the same time, "That's right!"

While they were talking, Xiao Naituanzi had already checked Ji Feng’s pulse and given an injection!
"Ran Ran, how is he?" Xiao Jingyao asked again.

Before Xiao Naituanzi could say anything, Xuan Yin spoke first, "I've been poisoned!"

"Yeah." Xiaotai Tuanzi nodded, and then looked at Xuan Yin, "Did you give him random medicine?"


Xuan Yin's body froze, his expression became a little embarrassed, and he felt guilty, "A monk doesn't lie, yes, give him medicine!"

Everyone: "..."

Why does Ran Ran's senior brother seem so unreliable?
"Well, at that time he was also crazy like today. If I didn't give him medicine, he would have either turned into those puppets or tortured himself to death! I am not... this is not to save him. Will he die?"

"Wow...Ran Ran, in order to save him, I used all the elixirs in my body to save him. Since he is one of yours, you have to pay compensation to me, senior brother!"

"Not much, just thirty middle-grade elixirs! It's nothing to you, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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