Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 387 Brothers and sisters cheat on each other!Unlucky Xuan Yin!

Chapter 387 Brothers and sisters cheat on each other!Unlucky Xuan Yin!
Everyone was shocked by the speed of Xuan Yin's face change.

Who was feeling guilty one moment, and turned into a debt collector the next?

Thirty middle-grade elixirs?
Still mean?
Why don't you go grab it?

Does he know how much a mid-grade elixir is worth?

However, at this moment, Xiao Naituanzi obediently took out three silver notes of one hundred taels and slapped them into his palm.

"I'll pay, I'll pay!" Xiaotiao Tuanzi bared her teeth at him, smiling so hard that her eyebrows were crooked and the dimples at the corners of her mouth were exposed.

Xuan Yin froze.

This expression is too familiar to him!
"Senior brother, please count carefully. Is it 300 taels of silver? You told Ran Ran that there are [-] taels of silver for one medium-grade elixir!"

Xuanyin: "..."

It’s over, the little breast dumpling found out!
Xuan Yin's hand holding the bank note trembled inexplicably, and his face suddenly changed again, "Hey, hey, you're kidding, you're kidding!"

"Ran Ran, you are the great treasure of my senior brothers and masters, but it's just... thirty middle-grade elixirs? Why should I ask you to pay for it, right?"

"Take this money back, take it back quickly! Senior brother is a monk, and it is not suitable to leave such things in your body."

"Senior brother, when you are hungry, it is better to beg for alms! If you cannot beg for alms, there is no harm in starving to death!"

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone saw that the great monk Xuan Yin and Xiao Nai Tuanzi were very similar in some places, and they couldn't help but think of their master, Master Kong.

Could it be...

Master Liao Kong also has such a character?

Everyone in the Xiao family felt that they had discovered the truth!
But this senior brother Ran Ran is really a scam!

A middle-grade elixir was sold for only ten taels of silver according to Xiao Nai Danzi!
However, what they didn't know was that every time these senior brothers from Xuan Yin went down the mountain and sold the elixirs, they only took back a bunch of candied haws!

It's like exchanging a middle-grade elixir for a bunch of candied haws.

The ignorant and uneducated little breast dumpling was cheated by the senior brothers until she almost lost her pants!

"Senior Brother Xuanyin, Master said, brothers and sisters also have to settle accounts openly! Senior Brother Xuanyin sells a medium-grade elixir for ten taels of silver, and he didn't forget to buy a bunch of candied haws for two cents for Ranran. Senior Brother Xuanyin For being so kind to Ran Ran, Ran Ran naturally wants to repay Senior Brother Xuan Yin! Take the 300 taels of silver!" Xiaotiao Tuanzi smiled so hard that his big eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a little sparkle.

Xuanyin: "..."

He is wrong, okay!
Xuan Yin was pitiful and was forced to catch the banknote that Xiao Naituanzi put into his hand.

Tears almost fell down.

Others were dumbfounded and gritted their teeth at this Xuan Yin.

Even brothers and sisters are not so cheating!

However, the next second they saw Xiaonuituanzi lower his head, pick up his fingers, and start counting.

After counting for a while, she raised her little head and said in a crisp voice: "Brother Xuan Yin, you took a total of [-] primary pills and [-] mid-grade pills from Ran Ran. Woolen cloth!"

"Well... although you only sell one pill for ten taels of silver, Ran Ran can sell it for 20 taels per pill!"

"Well, considering that we are brothers and sisters, Ranran will give you a discount! When will you give me money!"

Xuanyin: "..."

The junior sister has only been down the mountain for half a year, so it’s hard to lie to her!
"Well...except for the bunch of candied haws you bring to Ranran every time, I still owe a lot!" Xiaotuanzi puffed out his cheeks and hummed. "That's what Second Master said. Monks don't lie! Although Senior Brother, you may be a Taoist priest for a while, but Second Master is your master! Be careful that he cuts you!"


The little girl talked nonchalantly for a long time, almost training Xuan Yin to become a grandson.

Xuan Yin felt extremely wronged.

In fact, he is also very difficult, okay?

Although pills are very profitable, they are not enough for junior sister to spend!

Several masters had to spend a lot of money to train this little girl!

And the little girl was born short of life, so he had to spend money to extend her life all the time!


He was the one responsible for all the bad guys in the entire division!

But he also promised the masters not to tell the little girl the truth!
He is determined to carry this big pot!
He is really not easy!
Seeing that he stopped talking, Xiao Naituanzi snorted and pouted: "Forget it, forget it, Senior Brother Buren Ranran is very loyal, so I don't need Senior Brother to pay back the money!"

Xuanyin: "..."

He felt like he was almost moved to tears, right?
"Hey, senior brother knows that Ran Ran is the best, but Ran Ran can't bear to embarrass senior brother!" Xuan Yin said with a smile.

Xiao Naituanzi rolled her eyes when she heard this. In fact, she knew that the sect was very expensive. Senior Brother Xuan Yin and Senior Brother Kong Ming were in charge of the sect's expenses, and the money was all deducted!
With so many prodigal masters, it’s no wonder that Senior Brother Xuan Yin can become rich!
"Senior Brother Xuan Yin, how did you get into the county government office?" Xiao Naituanzi changed the subject and finally got down to business.

"Ugh...Junior sister, this is a long time to say!" Xuan Yin almost cried when he thought of the scene after he came down the mountain!

When she saw him like this, Xiaonuituanzi immediately took out her ears with her fingers.

With a straight face, he raised his little fist and threatened fiercely, "Senior brother, if you do this again, believe it or not, I will beat you up!"


Xuan Yin immediately sat upright like a good baby, and then slowly told the story of how he entered the secret passage.

Not long ago, Xuan Yin came down from the mountain and heard that an auction was going to be held in Ba County, and a high-grade elixir for washing the meridians and cutting the marrow appeared at the auction.

So he wanted to come over to see if this was true, and to see who could make the elixir more powerfully than his junior sister.

But who would have thought that as soon as he came down from the mountain, the silver coins would be lost.

Originally, he planned to make some money by treating people, but who knew that the people in Baxian County believed in that Fairy Tianyin and didn't trust the doctor at all.

So he had no choice but to put on a wig and dress up as an immortal to tell fortunes for others.

But who would have thought that he would be kidnapped as soon as he walked onto the street!

When he woke up again, a Taoist priest brainwashed him, saying that if Qianqiu Daye joined them, he would become an immortal.

He retorted a few words, was beaten up, and then was thrown into the gloomy dungeon, and he was fed some inexplicable medicine.

Fortunately, he had been tricked a lot by Xiao Nai Tuanzi using medicine, and he still had some pills on him, so he was lucky enough to escape.

On the other hand, Ji Feng, who was locked up with him, was tortured to the point where life was worse than death.

After two or three days like this, he was rescued by Xiao Naituanzi.

(End of this chapter)

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