Chapter 389 Pay the price for your stupidity!

Just as Xiao Jingyao thought, Wang Xiancheng quickly discovered that a puppet was missing. Not only that, even Ji Feng and Xuan Yin, who were locked up in the innermost room, were also missing.

Looking at the empty cage, Wang Xiancheng was so angry that he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists loudly.

"Sir, could it be those people who came today?" Wang Xiancheng's bastard asked tremblingly.

This puppet's matter is a big deal. Once exposed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"It's impossible. Those people are just ordinary merchants. How could they get into this secret prison?" Wang Xiancheng thought it was completely impossible. If someone didn't understand the formation, no matter how powerful they were in martial arts, they wouldn't be able to get into it. Maybe you can get in here.

Just like that idiot Magistrate Xue, after so many years, he has only had doubts about what they were doing, but he still can't find any clues?
Most of the people who came today were from other places. How could they come to the backyard for no reason?

"My officer can see very clearly that those people have not left the garden. It cannot be theirs."

"But..." The bitch hesitated, lowered his head and said uncertainly: "During the banquet, I saw the young lady from the Li family and the little girl from the Xiao family going out, and it was a long time! "

"Ha!" A flash of danger flashed in Wang Xian Cheng's eyes, "Do you think I am stupid?"

"My lord, this subordinate..."

"Okay! The person is lost now and must be found as soon as possible! Go to Wuming Mountain to send a message!" Wang Xiancheng waved to the subordinate impatiently and rubbed his temples.

There is just too much going on these days.

And it was Xiao Jingyao and those individuals who caused all this!

For some reason, he always felt that what happened that day was very evil.

I'm afraid it was Xiao Jingyao's fault that made him so embarrassed!

But that person doesn’t seem to have much ability...

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to test it out!

Xiao Naituanzi didn't return to Ba County until the evening of the second day.

When he first entered the territory of Ba County, he happened to meet the loser who usually followed Wang County Cheng.

At this time, this bitch was accompanied by a Taoist priest who looked like an immortal.

They seemed to be quite anxious.

The little girl rolled her eyes and immediately followed the old man quietly.

Soon, she followed them to the county government office and entered the secret passage where the formation was cast.

The little girl put an invisibility charm on her body and followed in.

"Master Wang, how do you do things! How come a good puppet suddenly disappears?" As soon as the Taoist priest came in, he cursed Wang Xiancheng!

"Taoist Master Qinghe!"

Wang Xian Cheng looked extremely ugly, "I asked you to come here not to scold me, but to help me find the puppet as soon as possible! Please pay attention to your identity!"

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."

"Hmph!" Taoist Master Qinghe flicked the fly whisk in his hand and said with a straight face: "Wang Xiancheng is not in a good position to look after the puppet. Isn't it possible that the poor Taoist can't say a few words?"


Wang Xian Cheng knew that he was in the wrong, so he just waved his sleeves coldly and did not dare to say anything more!
"Okay, now please tell me what happened on the day when the puppet was lost. I heard that two women, one old and one young, left the banquet that day?"

Hearing this, Wang County Cheng turned his cold eyes towards the bitch.

Gouzizi lowered his head in a hurry, knowing that the adults were blaming him for talking too much.

"Ha!" Wang Xiancheng smiled sarcastically, "Why, Chief Qinghe thinks that a woman and a baby can take the puppet away under his nose?" "Oh, no! There were more than just people who disappeared at the same time that day. That puppet, but also a Taoist priest you sent over who was unwilling to cooperate and a prisoner who was bewitched!"

"Do you think you can take them all away just by relying on them?"

"Instead of doubting them, it's better to doubt the Taoist priest you sent here!"

"You..." Taoist Qinghe gritted his teeth in anger at Wang County Cheng's words, "You are clearly shirking your responsibility!"

Wang County Cheng snorted and stopped talking.

Suddenly, the director of Qinghe seemed to have thought of something, and his figure suddenly trembled, "Wang County Cheng, I would like to ask you, what is the name of the child you just mentioned?"


Wang Xiancheng sneered, and everyone in the house was ridiculed, "Why, you don't have any ability, so you want to blame this on a baby?"

Wang Xiancheng looked down upon this Taoist priest more and more.

That guy really accepts all kinds of dogs!

The little girl hiding in the corner couldn't help but pout when she heard what Wang Xiancheng said.

Hmm... It seems that the lesson given to this scoundrel Wang last time was not enough, and he actually underestimated her!

She is Ran Ran who is afraid of her master and senior brothers!
The little girl raised her pink fist, rolled her eyes, and thought about how to give this person an unforgettable lesson.

Over there, Taoist priest Qinghe was so angry with the Prime Minister Wang that he snorted coldly in his heart when he thought of the jokes he overheard about the Prime Minister Wang when he entered the city.


I'm afraid I don't know when someone has plotted against me!
If it was really the legendary little doll, he would definitely have to pay the price for his stupid behavior for underestimating that little doll!


Taoist Master Qinghe didn't say anything more and walked all the way to the innermost part of the secret passage.

When he walked to the cage with the puppet, he paused and carefully checked the lock on the cage.

Then he walked to the innermost cage where Ji Feng and Xuan Yin were imprisoned.

After looking at it carefully, his eyes swept over the trembling and still conscious people imprisoned in several cages around him.

"Are these people interrogated?" Taoist Chief Qinghe asked.

He didn't even bother to look at Wang Xian Cheng when he spoke, and directly asked the loser next to him.

It’s much more comfortable to communicate with a loser!

"In reply to the Taoist leader, I have been interrogated and found nothing!" The dog-legged man glanced at his master and replied respectfully.

The main reason is that these people were bewitched and their consciousness did not last long.

They couldn't find anything through interrogation!

Taoist Master Qingfeng looked at those people, took out a few talismans, and kept pinching them with his fingers.


Suddenly, the talisman in his hand suddenly lit up with sparks.

Seeing this, the little girl with big breasts not far away blinked her big eyes, then smiled, waved her hand, and a yellow light that could not be seen by ordinary people flashed past, heading straight towards the flame in the Taoist priest's hand.

The flame in the Taoist priest's hand suddenly turned into a big fire with a "swish" sound. The Taoist priest Qinghe panicked and jumped up and down.

(End of this chapter)

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