Chapter 390: Taking money to deceive children!
Wang County Cheng and his henchmen were stunned by this scene!
"Gluck... cluck..."

The little breasted dumpling was hiding in the dark. When he saw this scene, he covered his little mouth and giggled.

Old thing, let you do all the bad things!

As a disciple of the Patriarch, she was so unbearable, so she just cleaned up the house for the Patriarch!

It looks like she knows this thing!

They can't let him ruin their plans!

As soon as his eyes rolled, Xiao Naituanzi had an idea in his mind.


Over there, Taoist Master Qinghe shook the talisman paper in his hand vigorously, but no matter how he shook the burning talisman paper, he could not get rid of it.

The burning of the fire caused him endless pain, and he let out bursts of miserable screams.

Wang County Cheng: "..."

Dogleg: "..."

"Sir, there seems to be something wrong with this... this Taoist priest? That fire..."

The dog-legged man was full of doubts. He looked at Taoist Master Qinghe who was jumping up and down miserably and said hesitantly.

Wang Xiancheng also had some doubts about whether the Taoist priest had been burned by his own fire.

But when he thought of Taoist Priest Qinghe's mocking and contemptuous expression and tone just now, he pursed his lower lip slightly and said coldly: "Taoist Priest Qinghe is an expert outside the world, how can we understand such things as magic? "

"But...but the fire seems to have burned him!" said the dogleg.

"Is Taoist Master Qinghe afraid of people who are a little bit angry? If something really goes wrong, he should ask us for help!" Wang Xiancheng crossed his arms and glared at the hesitant man who was about to speak. , "Shut your stupid mouth. If you disturb the Taoist priest, you are the only one asking."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The bastard didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he stood on the side and acted like a wooden stake for becoming a spirit.

Taoist priest Qinghe over there felt miserable. It wasn't that he didn't want to ask for help, but that he seemed to be restrained by something. He could only scream but couldn't speak, and his body couldn't move much. It felt like he was being beaten by someone. It's like a big stone is tied to it.

After a while, the talisman in his hand finally burned out.

However, his pair were also burned black.

It's sizzling and smoky. If you don't know, sprinkle a handful of cumin and chili powder on top, and it will be a mouth-watering barbecue.

Taoist Priest Qinghe looked at his smoking hands and almost cried.


Suddenly finding that he could speak out, Taoist Priest Qinghe shouted angrily, and his sharp eyes searched the secret prison.

Wang Xiancheng and his bitch looked at each other, and subconsciously looked around.

Several people looked around and saw no one.

Wang Xiancheng seemed a little impatient. He felt that Taoist Master Qinghe was just an ordinary person who didn't understand anything. He recited a curse and burned himself without saying anything. Now, in order to fear that they would laugh at him, he was making a fuss here. Woolen cloth!

However, he was too lazy to expose him!

Just when Wang Xiancheng wanted to say that it was too late today, if he really couldn't find it, he could look for it tomorrow.

However, just when he opened his mouth to speak, Taoist Master Qinghe suddenly saw a figure flashing past the entrance of the secret cell.

Immediately afterwards, I saw him chasing him out.

"Stop! Stop for me!"

Wang County Cheng: "..."

Dogleg: "..."

"Sir...Sir, have you seen anyone?" Gouzizi asked after swallowing his saliva.A flash of danger flashed across Wang Xian Cheng's snake-like eyes.

"Maybe it's not necessarily true if you see a ghost!" Wang Xiancheng said contemptuously.

Dogleg: "..."

Suddenly I felt a cold sensation on my back!

Is it because we have done too many bad things?
Seeing the people and puppets imprisoned in the prison, the dogleg couldn't help but think of himself.

If one day... will he also be poisoned and locked up here, unable to survive or die?Finally reduced to a puppet without any emotions?
Thinking of this, his heart felt like it was being held tightly by someone, and even his breathing seemed to be less smooth.

The little breasted dumpling appeared in the secret passage on purpose and was discovered by Taoist Master Qinghe!

She led Taoist Master Qinghe out until they reached a deserted place without anyone, and then she stopped.

" are that Ran Ran!"

Seeing Xiao Naituanzi's face clearly, Taoist Master Qinghe's eyes widened immediately, his face full of shame and annoyance.

At the same time, I felt a little more wary.

One after another, their people fell into the hands of this little baby in Yonglin, which made him dare not underestimate him no matter what!
What's more, his magic skills are not as good as Qingxuan's!

"Congratulations, you guessed it right! But there is no reward~"

The little breasted dumpling is smiling, and her young face is filled with innocence and innocence.

Anyone who looked at such a small face would never imagine how ruthless she was when she moved her hands.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Taoist Master Qinghe was trembling in his heart. He tried his best to maintain his composure on the surface, but in fact, he was planning how to escape from the hands of the little baby in front of him.

That idiot Wang County Cheng, the enemy that posed the greatest threat to them had arrived, and he was not even alert at all!Even the little baby in front of me is regarded as an ordinary baby!

He had to escape as soon as possible, then return to Wuming Mountain to report what happened here.

Otherwise, all their plans for so many years will be ruined here!

"Hey, it's me! Are you surprised or surprised?" Xiao Tiao Tuanzi said in a crisp voice, "Are you thinking about how to escape?"

Taoist Priest Qinghe felt a chill in his heart.

"You rescued that puppet and the two people inside!?"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded, shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and said with a puffy face: "Isn't this obvious?"

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."

"Do you have anything else to ask? Ran Ran will tell you!"

The little breasted dumpling was very generous and easy to talk to. After speaking, he yawned a little and looked a little sleepy. "Ask me quickly. After asking, Ran Ran has to go back to sleep! Well... I'm so sleepy!"

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."

What could he possibly want to ask?

What he wants most is to escape, okay?
Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, took out a purse from his sleeve, and waved it in front of Xiaotai Tuanzi.

"I heard that Ranran you like silver very much? Uncle has some silver here, do you want it?"

Taoist priest Qinghe's words were extremely tempting.

I heard that old man Xuan Zhen was not only given a thunder talisman, but also had his money taken away from him!

If he could exchange this little money for a way to escape, why wouldn't he do it?

"I want it, I want it!"

The little girl's eyes were shining brightly, and she secretly looked at Qinghe Daochang.

Hmm...the old Taoist priest is quite enlightened!
With your bulging wallet, you should be able to buy a lot of things~
(End of this chapter)

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