Chapter 391 Ranran never lies to anyone~
"If you want it, I'll give this to you!" Taoist priest Qinghe said with a smile: "But I can't give you this money for nothing, can I?"

"Yes." Xiao Naituanzi thought about it and nodded seriously, "You are right. Master and parents have also taught Ran Ran not to take other people's things casually."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Taoist Master Qinghe nodded hurriedly, smiling in his heart.

After all, she is just a little baby!
Still a money-grubbing little baby!

No, he was deceived immediately.

Those bastards Qingxuan and Qingfeng are really stupid!
He deserves to die miserably!

"Well... tell me, what conditions do you have to give me the money?" Xiao Tiao Tuanzi asked in a crisp voice.

Then he added, "As long as you give the money to Ran Ran, Ran Ran can promise you anything!"


This was what Dao Qinghe had been waiting for. He originally thought that he needed to talk to this little kid, but he didn't expect that she actually brought it up first.

The little breasted dumpling looked sincere, "Ranran will never lie to others!"

"Then let me go?" Taoist Master Qinghe said tentatively.

"Okay, let's go!" Xiaonuituanzi waved his little hand, "Hurry up, Ran Ran has to go back to sleep after getting the money! My mother said that children will not grow taller if they don't sleep. !”


She hasn't slept for a long time!

So sleepy!

After finishing speaking, the little girl yawned sleepily, her eyelids were fighting, and she looked like she was about to fall asleep.

Seeing her like this, Taoist priest Qinghe felt a little at ease.

"Okay, don't keep your words! Otherwise, the little baby will have a long nose!" Qinghe said longly.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

If you lie to a child like this, he won't believe her as early as when she is more than one year old!

A handful of old bones, half of the body has been put into the coffin, and he still said such words, how childish!

"Keep the money and you can leave!"

The little girl's tone was obviously impatient, and she waved her little hand to signal him to leave quickly, otherwise she wouldn't be polite!

Upon hearing this, Taoist Priest Qinghe didn't care so much anymore and threw the purse in his hand in the direction of Xiaonuituanzi. At the same time, he quickly used his skills and flew up.

Without even looking at the purse, the little girl put it into her pocket. She stood there with her arms folded and her little head tilted, and then quickly left the place after looking at it for a while. .

After running for a long time on Qinghe Road, he couldn't help but feel proud that Xiaonuituanzi hadn't caught up with him.

What prodigy?
You are just a little breasted baby who is easy to deceive!
When he returned to Wuming Mountain, he notified his master, and together they surrounded the little baby to see how she could ruin their good deeds!

This time, he, Qinghe, was going to show his face in front of his master!
No matter what happens, it will be his turn to possess that powerful evil god clone!
Director Qinghe thought happily.


An hour later, when he arrived at the gate of Ba County, he saw a little baby sitting on the city wall holding a roast chicken and munching on it.

Those dangling short legs look very comfortable.

Taoist Priest Qinghe was shocked!
When did this little baby get here?
From the looks of it, it seems like it has been here a long time!

Just as Taoist Master Qinghe was thinking about it, he saw Little Nai Duanzi raising his greasy little paws, and Nai Nai greeted him angrily, "What a coincidence, we meet again!"

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."

"Old man, do you still have money?" Before he could answer, Xiao Naituanzi asked again, smacked his lips and said, "The things bought with other people's money are really delicious!" Hearing this , Taoist Priest Qinghe almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Little baby, you can't keep your word. You just said clearly that as long as I give you the money, you will let me go!" Taoist priest Qinghe said bravely.

"That's right!"

The little girl jumped down from the city wall and said with an innocent face: "Ran Ran let you go. Look, Ran Ran also took the money to buy chickens!"

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."

"So who are you now?" Taoist Master Qinghe asked tentatively.

"I'm just asking you if you still have any money!" Xiaonuituanzi looked at Taoist Master Qinghe with a look on his face like he was looking at an idiot, and said with disgust: "Old man, you are so stupid, no wonder you are so old. You can even burn yourself by chanting a talisman!"

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."

Why are you still attacking personally!
"No...I really have no money!" Taoist Priest Qinghe said through gritted teeth.

Suddenly I felt so frustrated.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have handed over all my wallet at once!

"Oh, no more!" Xiao Naituanzi's tone was full of regret, he sighed slightly and complained: "You are so poor!"

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."

"Since you have no money, then come with me!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

As soon as she finished speaking, a golden light immediately appeared in her hand, and the light grew larger and larger at an extremely fast speed...until it enveloped the Qinghe Taoist Master.

Taoist Priest Qinghe was dumbfounded for a moment. He wanted to cast a spell to escape, but what he didn't expect was that the more he struggled, the golden light was like a rope lock, and the tighter it became.

"Little girl, you don't mean what you say. You said you would let me go!" Taoist Master Qinghe said in anger.

The little girl shrugged her shoulders, "I just let you go, but who made you run so slowly? You're so stupid!"

"Even if you are stupid, you still imitate others and do bad things!"

"With your magic, even one finger of that liar Qingxuan can't match it. You still want to go back and file a complaint! For the sake of money, Ran Ran gave you a chance, but you are slow and can't Do you blame me?"

"So, just follow me obediently! Hehe..."

"You are lying!" Qinghe Dao elder shouted with tears streaming down his face.

When I thought about being deceived by a five-year-old baby at my old age, I wanted to die.

"I didn't lie to you! Ranran has never lied to anyone! Those who lie are all liars! Master said that you don't have to be polite to liars and those who betray the ancestor! What's more, Ranran also let you go!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

"Since you told me to let me go, why are you still arresting me!" Taoist Master Qinghe said with a mournful face.

"Well... you are a bad guy, so of course you have to be arrested! Ranran said he would let you go, but he didn't say how long he would let you go! You didn't go far after giving you such a long time, how can you blame Ranran? Where is Ran, right?"

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."

"You're just kidding!"

Xiaotuanzi opened his big bright eyes and smiled like a little fox, "Fourth uncle said, this is called a soldier who never tires of deceit! Ranran remembers it well!"

"Otherwise, will you give me more money? Should I let you run longer this time?" Xiao Naituanzi discussed as if he was looking at how good I am to you.

Hearing this, Taoist Priest Qinghe once again regretted that he had handed over all the money he had so quickly.


Unfortunately, regret is of no use!

(End of this chapter)

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