Chapter 392 The bag was bitten on one end!
After struggling for most of the night, Xiao Naituanzi took Taoist Priest Qinghe back to the other courtyard where Xiao Jingyan and the others were, then found a room and fell asleep.

The next day, when everyone got up, they saw an old Taoist priest tied up in the yard.

The old Taoist priest looked tired, and his face was covered in mosquito bites.

"Hey, wake up, wake up!"

Xiao Jingrui stepped forward and kicked him mercilessly.

If you want to say what the Xiao family hates most, it is these unscrupulous Taoist priests.

If it weren't for them, why would the Xiao family have fallen to this point?And why should they, the sons and daughters of the Xiao family, be sent to other places separately?

Taoist priest Qinghe let out a cry and woke up. He was shocked when he saw the faces of the people in front of him clearly.

" are all from the Xiao family!?"

There was shock and surprise in Qing Hedao's long eyes.

The descendants of the Xiao family are people that Taoist priests like them must catch. It was difficult to find one in the past, but now there are three in front of them at once!

If he could take everyone back, wouldn't he...

Doesn’t it mean he is going to obtain the evil god’s supreme technique?

Taoist Priest Qinghe thought happily, completely forgetting his own situation at this moment!
"Old Taoist, who are you? Why did you suddenly appear in the garden of our house? Your face is still... well, I'm afraid you haven't showered in several years! That's why you attract flies like this?" Xiao Jinghan teased.

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."

This kid from the Xiao family has such a bad mouth!

I don’t know why, they have a grudge against the Xiao family, and even the flies in the Xiao family know that yes, those flies caught him and bit him last night, but they hurt him to death!

This guy doesn't know who he is?
I don’t know who threw him here?

Taoist Master Qinghe's forehead suddenly lit up, and the expression on his face immediately changed. He said pitifully: "Guys, I just went out to tell fortunes and made a few small bucks because I couldn't survive!"

"Perhaps Pindao was too direct with his words, and he actually touched on a woman's sadness. I didn't expect that woman's husband would lead someone to chase me!"

"It's pity that I, a wandering Taoist priest, have been poor for most of my life, but I didn't expect that... I would end up like this!"

"Pindao was knocked unconscious last night, and he came here for some reason. The young masters in Pindao Temple are all good-looking people. Why don't you just let Pindao go?" "

"I will definitely pray to the ancestors and ask them to protect you!"

Brothers of the Xiao family: "..."

"Old Taoist, you said you asked the Patriarch to bless our brothers? But does the Patriarch recognize you as his disciple?" Xiao Jingrui looked down at this pretentious old Taoist priest and said with disdain.

This old guy, even though he is not very smart, still thinks that all of them are as stupid as him!
Recognizing their identities from the beginning means that you know them!
Apart from the fact that this Taoist priest was the bastard of the person who wanted to frame their Xiao family, they couldn't think of anything else!

"I mean, Fourth Brother, why did you expose him so quickly? Isn't it interesting to see him jumping up and down in front of us like a clown?" Xiao Jinghan said.

"Oh, my fault, my fault!" Xiao Jingrui apologized hurriedly, "It was my younger brother who disturbed the two older brothers from watching the show. They should be beaten!"

Xiao Jingrui said, and deliberately slapped himself on the face, neither lightly nor hard.

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."


These guys are just as annoying as that little breast dumpling.

Truly a family!All deserve to die!
Daochang Qinghe ground his molars, turned his head away and became silent.

"Hey, isn't this Taoist Master Qinghe?"

At this moment, Xuan Yin came over and looked at the face of Taoist Master Qinghe with a sense of schadenfreude, "Amitabha, with the blessing of Bodhisattva, all the bad guys will retreat!"

Taoist priest Qinghe raised his head and looked at Xuan Yin's somewhat familiar but not very familiar face, full of doubts.

This person is...

"What? You don't recognize the poor monk so soon? It's me. We met a few days ago! What did you say at that time? As long as the poor monk and you guys can keep me safe and drink spicy food!"

"Tsk tsk... later when the poor monk was imprisoned in the secret prison, I was still regretting it! I didn't expect... things would change so quickly?"

"You! Are you that Xuan Yin?"

Hearing what Xuanyin said, Taoist Master Qinghe really thought of him!


Isn't Xuanyin a Taoist priest?How come you turned into a monk in the blink of an eye?
"Hey, have you remembered?" Xuan Yin chuckled and touched his bald head, "Surprised or not? Surprised or not?"

"I'm telling you, you haven't figured out whether he is a Taoist priest or a monk, but you still want me to do things for you. Are you too impatient?"

Taoist priest Qinghe: "..."


Turns out to be a fake Taoist priest!
Qinghe narrowed his eyes slightly and said angrily: "Since I've been caught by you, it's up to you whether you want to kill me or chop him into pieces!"

"It's so fun to kill! Don't you like to poison people? Hehe..." Xiao Jingrui had a smirk on his face.


After he finished speaking, the puppet being imprisoned over there seemed to be cooperating and immediately started screaming in agreement.

As soon as Qinghe heard this voice, his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

"No, it won't! You don't have Gu!" Qinghe said luckily.

"Isn't it just Gu?" Xiao Jinghan was full of disdain, "Do you think you are hiding it deeply? Then it's okay to deceive those ignorant people with the Immortal Temple, but if you want to deceive us, you still have to be a little less mature, right? "

"What kind of fairy is it? You just use those people as your targets and use their bodies to feed your poison, right? Those who are lucky enough to survive will become your puppets, and those who can't survive will just have a bad life!"

"Evil cannot prevail against good, do you think you can do whatever you want?"

"I...I...I..." When Taoist Master Qinghe heard what they said, he immediately knew that a lot of their affairs had been exposed. It only took an opportunity to be completely exposed.

After thinking about it, Qinghe immediately kowtowed to them "bang bang bang".

"Spare your life! Please spare your life! I was forced to do that!" Qinghe begged for mercy.

"Forced?" Xiao Jingyan spoke for the first time, "Then tell me, what kind of things have you Taoist priests done?"

"Yes, why did you use Gu to control those puppets? And what happened to Governor Zhou back then?" Wu Tong stepped forward and looked at the Qinghe Taoist Master angrily.

This bitch actually dares to beg for mercy?
If possible, he would immediately want to give him a knife.

So that he can know why the flowers are so red!

(End of this chapter)

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