Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 393 Xuan Yin pretends to be Taoist Priest Qinghe!

Chapter 393 Xuan Yin pretends to be Taoist Priest Qinghe!

"I, I don't know!" Qinghe said.

"do not know?"

Wu Tong was not so polite and punched Taoist Master Qinghe in the stomach with one fist!

Wu Tong's fist was not meant to be used as a cover. He hit it with such force that the Qinghe Taoist priest screamed in pain.

"Don't tell me!" Wu Tong's eyes were red and his face was full of anger!
Xiao Jinyan was really afraid that Wu Tong would kill the person with just a few fists, so he quickly winked at Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui.

Seeing this, the two brothers hurriedly grabbed Wu Tong.

Wu Tong angrily kicked Taoist Priest Qinghe twice, and then allowed brothers Xiao Jinghan and Xiao Jingrui to pull him away.

"This kind of person should be beaten to death with a few fists." Xuan Yin said sarcastically to the side.

Xiao Jingrui glanced at him and said: "You think we don't want to kill him? These individuals are the main culprits in persecuting our Xiao family, but some things have not been investigated clearly. There is still a little bit left for this person to stay for the time being. usefulness."

"That's right!" Xiao Jinghan also nodded in agreement.

Xiao Jingyan said: "He should have been brought back by Ran Ran. Since Ran Ran didn't kill him, it means that keeping him has other great uses! Why don't we lock him in the woodshed first!"

"Well, I'm just going to do some work with that puppet!" Xiao Jingrui smiled evilly and directly lifted up Taoist priest Qinghe and dragged him into the woodshed.

Xiaonuituanzi slept until noon and then woke up from hunger.

"Little girl, you brought that piece of shit from Qinghe, right?" Xuan Yin asked while picking up vegetables for the little milk dumplings.

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded his little head, smiled at Xuan Yin, and showed two pointed little tiger teeth, "Brother Xuan Yin, what do you think of Taoist Master Qinghe?"

"What can I do? What a fool!" Prime Minister Xuan Yin replied without wanting to.

After saying that, he intuitively sensed that something was wrong. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Xiaonuituanzi, "Little girl, tell me honestly, are you holding something bad in your little head?"

Xuan Yin watched Xiaonuituanzi grow up, and he didn't know how many times he suffered losses at the hands of this little girl.

As soon as he saw her little expression, he knew in his heart that this little girl was plotting against him!
"Hehe..." Xiao Nai Tuanzi smiled sweetly at her, then put down the chopsticks in his hands, hugged Xuan Yin's arms with both hands, and rested her little head on his shoulder. Her little milk voice was soft and cute. "Senior brother~, Ran Ran likes senior brother the most!"

Xuan Yin couldn't fall for her trap and pushed her little head away with one hand.

"If you have something to say, don't do this! It's sticky and uncomfortable."

Xuan Yin said that he was disgusted, but in fact, the small breast dumpling method worked very well for him.

Although usually either you cheat on me or I cheat on you, when it comes to serious matters, the two of them have a tacit understanding!
"'s just...I just want my senior brother to act like Taoist Master Qinghe. What do you think, senior brother?"

Xuanyin: "..."

"Pretending to be him?" Xuan Yin curled his lips and said unhappily, "Ranran, it's not that senior brother is not willing to help you, but you have also seen that your senior brother and I are so smart, but this Qinghe is so stupid that even pigs will dislike it, you You said let me play him? Is this like it?"

"It looks like it!" Xiao Naituanzi opened his big grape-like eyes and said crisply: "Isn't it just pretending to be stupid? Ranran remembers that senior brother is the best at it!"

Xuanyin: "..."

What does it mean to pretend to be stupid?

How to talk to senior brother!

"Senior brother, you are so smart, you can't even play the role of that stupid Taoist priest in Qinghe, right?" Xiao Naituanzi blinked at him with a pair of big eyes.Xuanyin: "..."

"Stop your senior brother, I won't be fooled by this provoking method!" Xuan Yin turned his head away and stopped looking at him!

"Wow, senior brother doesn't mean what he says! Ran Ran wants to tell some masters. Senior brother not only bullied me, but also lied to me! Wuwuwu..."

The little breast dumpling deflated her little mouth and cried out with a "wow".

When Xuan Yin heard this, he hurriedly reached out to cover Xiao Naituanzi's mouth, but his eyes kept looking out.

"Don't, don't cry!" Xuan Yin was not afraid of the little ancestor, but of her brothers. Yesterday, when Xiao Nai Tuanzi was not around, those brothers grabbed him and asked about many things about the little girl on the mountain.

After knowing that he had deceived the little girl before, he threatened to put rats in his house if he bullied and deceived the little girl again!

Thinking that he has a great reputation, why does he have such a weak point that he is afraid of mice?

Let’s forget it’s a weakness, but...

This weakness was even publicized by the little girl, letting all his brothers know about it!
"Huh!" Xiao Tuanzi snorted coldly, wiped tears from his hands, pouted his little mouth and said fiercely: "Are you going or not?"

"Go, go, go!" Xuan Yin stared at her and said helplessly, "How dare I disobey my aunt's orders?"

Hearing this, the little girl curled her lips, hugged Xuan Yin's arm and laughed, "I know that senior brother is the best to me!"

As he said that, Xiao Naituanzi looked up at Xuan Yin's eyebrows again, with a look of worry on his little face.

"Senior brother, don't worry, Ran Ran won't let anything happen to you! You will live a long life~"

Seeing that Xiao Nai Dumpling suddenly became agitated, Xuan Yin was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but smile bitterly, and stretched out his hand to rub Xiao Nai Dumpling's little head lovingly.

The little girl may have noticed it!
When he was going down the mountain, Master said that he would encounter the biggest disaster in his life this time!

If he can get through it, his future will be safe and smooth.

If he can't survive it, his life may be at stake!

The little girl has received the true teachings of several masters, and her fortune-telling skills are certainly not bad!

"Don't worry, senior brother cherishes his own life!" Xuan Yin said with a smile.

"Yeah." Xiao Naituanzi raised his head and smiled at her and said, "Senior brother, go and talk more with the Qinghe Taoist priest? Ran Ran will prepare some good things for you!"

"Yeah." Xuan Yin nodded.

Xiao Naituanzi quickly finished the food on the table and went back to the room to refine the elixir!

It must be extremely dangerous for Brother Xuan Yin to play Taoist Master Na Qinghe and sneak into the interior of those Taoist priests to investigate the situation. She must be fully prepared for him.

Especially some life-saving elixirs, which are absolutely indispensable!

There are also those talismans and seals, which are indispensable!

As soon as the little breasted dumpling entered the room, he stayed there for three days and three nights.

In these three days, Ba County has become more and more lively!
After they went to the county government's reception banquet that day, the Li family led other merchants to jointly support the establishment of a charity.

(End of this chapter)

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