Chapter 402 No threat!

She could take the opportunity to escape and win a chance of survival for herself.

"Lead the puppet to the inside of the temple!"

At this moment, Xiao Jingyao used his inner strength and raised his voice to give an order.

At the moment, this is the only way to bring these puppets together and give Xiao Naituanzi a chance to quickly destroy them.

After receiving such an order, everyone led the puppets to rush into the Tianxian Temple.

However, what Xiao Jingyao didn't know was that Tianyin, who was standing on the roof, slowly raised the corners of his lips.

The knot mudra in the hand is also flowing faster and faster, faster and faster.

The little breasted dumpling has been looking at Tianyin.

Seeing the hand skills in her hands and the expression on her face, I felt a chill in my heart.

What does she want... to do?
The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face, carefully observed her handprints, and then memorized all the actions and steps in her heart.


The master said, "Know yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in any battle." Although she didn't understand what Tianyin's hand seal was doing, but... she would be able to find the flaw after learning it!

The little breasted dumpling watched silently, and the movements of his hands continued to change.

She has a strong understanding of this type of seals, and soon she clearly understood Tianyin's purpose.

She wanted to raze this whole area to the ground, trap everyone in the Tianxian Temple, and kill them all.

Xiao Naituanzi saw that many people had introduced the puppets into the Tianxian Temple. His little face was serious, and his big bright eyes were constantly flashing with light.

She quickly flew up to the roof and stood opposite Tianyin.

"Ha! You are the little baby named Ran Ran, right? You do have some skills!"

Tianyin witnessed the scene when Xiao Naituanzi destroyed the first batch of puppets, and also heard about her killing Qingxuan and Qingfeng.

Naturally, she would not look down on this little girl like that idiot Wang County Cheng.

On the contrary, her most important purpose today is to kill this little girl who ruined their good deeds.

Use the puppet as bait to trap and kill it.

If they can succeed in one fell swoop, these people in the world can also become another group of puppets.

Such puppets are much more useful than ordinary puppets!
And those Xiao family members...

It was delivered to your door, so don’t blame her for being rude!

If they have failed, I believe Master will not blame them!
Hearing Tianyin's words, Xiaonuituanzi raised his little head and imitated her without any timidity and said, "Are you the witch named Tianyin?"

"Well...Master is right, ugly people tend to cause mischief!"


Hearing this, Tianyin almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Her beauty is recognized, and she was given the title Fairy Aunt because of her "beautiful person and kind heart".

Is this little baby girl blind?Dare you say she is ugly! ?
"Hmph, she is a very sharp-tongued little girl! is such a pity that she is about to die!"

As Tianyin spoke, he continued to change the seals in his hands.

The little breast dumpling imitated her hands and kept changing.

Soon, Xiao Naituanzi found out the flaw in this seal.

I saw her smiling, showing two little tiger teeth, and her chubby little hands were changing rapidly.


Tianyin's hand suddenly stopped, and she flicked the whisk in her hand, and a red light shot out from her whisk, heading straight towards the main hall of Tianxian Temple.

Tianyin's heart and eyes were filled with pride.

Nowadays, most of the puppets and those martial arts people are in the main hall. As long as this hall is destroyed, those martial arts people will be buried at this moment!


Just when she struck hard, a golden light quickly appeared in the hands of Xiaotai Tuanzi, and she headed straight towards the main hall.

The golden light and red light collided and made a loud "boom" sound.

The remaining light scattered in all directions, heading straight towards Tianyin.

"Poof!" Tianyin was affected by the afterglow, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

She raised her head and looked in disbelief at the little breast dumpling standing not far away, safe and sound with her hands behind her back.

"No, it's impossible...impossible! How could she..."

Tianyin covered her chest and muttered to herself.

You must know that it took her two years to learn this seal formation method.

In this way, he was praised by his master for his intelligence, and he was a rare cultivator.

This seal is extremely ferocious, and once it is cast, all living creatures within a radius of one mile will die from it.

Master also said that this method cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary.


But what did she see now?
The little girl in front of me was able to understand the sealing method and figure out how to break it with just one glance.

Is this... is this really a five-year-old baby?
Could it be that a monster was born?

Tianyin was filled with doubts and panic.

In order to make this seal, she sacrificed half of her skill.

But now...

This half of the skill is only enough to resist one move of the little kid in front of him.

The little girl bared her teeth at her and raised her little head with a look of disgust on her face, "You're so stupid!"


Tianyin is angry!

Gritting my teeth with hatred!

However, she is not someone who only knows how to talk!
Now, the best opportunity has passed, and the puppets below may not be saved!

And those martial arts people would not fulfill her wish and be made into puppets.

At this moment, the most important thing is to save your own life!


Fortunately, she was prepared!
Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to die here today!

"Little girl, do you think you won? Hahaha...hahaha..."

Tianyin suddenly burst out laughing, looking at the little breast dumpling with eyes like a poisonous snake.

The little breasted dumpling frowned, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in her heart!

When Tianyin appeared earlier, she vaguely felt that something was not right!

Now she understands a little bit!
The other two witches following her disappeared!

Xiao Naituanzi felt a chill in her heart. She raised her hand and placed the money sword in her hand. She glared at her feet and headed towards Tianyin like a sword from a string.

Tianyin swung the whisk in his hand and used all his strength to resist the blow from Xiaotuanzi.


Tianyin's blood spurted out from her mouth, and she fell from the roof like a rag doll, hitting the ground with a "dong" sound.

The little girl flew down, pointing the sword at her neck, her little face full of murderous aura.

Tianyin struggled twice, and the injuries on her body made her grin in pain.

"Pfft!" Tianyin tilted her head and spat out a mouthful of blood. Her eyes were fixed on the little breast dumpling, showing her pride.

"Little doll, come on! Come and kill me! Hahaha... you kill me! If you kill me, the girl named Li who is with you and the girl named Wang who is disguised as a man will be killed. I will be buried with you! Hahaha..."

"What's the point of going to hell alone? You'll have company if you die together, right?"


Before Tianyin finished speaking, the money sword in Xiaonaituanzi's hand pierced Tianyin's chest.

Tianyin looked at the little breast dumpling in disbelief and fell down suddenly.

Until her death, she never understood why Xiaotai Dumpling killed her!

Does she not care so much about the life and death of the two people around her?
(End of this chapter)

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