Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 403: There are still some puppets missing!

Chapter 403 There are still some puppets missing!
Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin's small breast dumplings naturally care!
But she doesn't like people threatening her the most!
Even if Sister Li and Sister Wang are caught, she can still find them and rescue them!

What's more, Sister Li and Sister Wang are not unlucky people, and there are many people around them. It's not certain whether they will be caught!

Tianyin’s strength cannot be underestimated!

She won't let her go easily!
So many people were killed by her, and those who have lost their conscience should go to Abi Hell and never be reincarnated.

Xiao Naituanzi snorted coldly, and drew a few talismans in the air with her little hands.


Following her soft drink, several talismans wrapped Tianyin's body.


Xiao Naituanzi kicked her little feet, and the talismans fell down one by one, and instantly disappeared into Tianyin's body.

After doing all this, Xiaonuituanzi turned around and went up to the roof without even looking at her.

In the same way, Xiao Naitanzi burned all the puppets completely with the three-flavored real fire.

"Ran Ran!"

After the puppet was reduced to ashes, Little Nipple Jumped off the roof.

Xiao Jingyao knew that she might have exhausted too much energy at this time, so he hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her.

The little breasted dumpling has been busy all night, she is really tired!

But after the two previous times of drinking and improving her cultivation, she was much better.

Although I'm a little sleepy now, it's not to the point of fainting. I'm just a little hungry.

Xiao Jingyao hugged her, and she lay in his arms obediently. Then he took out the pastries from his pocket and ate them one bite at a time.

The three-flavored true fire not only burned the puppet, but also completely burned the Tianxian Temple.

The Xiao brothers, Magistrate Xue, led people to explore the ruins, and finally found a few minions in the surrounding area who had worked in Tianxian Temple.

While eating the pastry, Little Nipple Dumpling looked at the minions and asked, "Where are the ones named Tianxin and Qing Ning!?"

"I...we don't know!"

After several minions looked at each other, they spoke in unison.

After saying that, one of the minions spoke tremblingly, "When there was some commotion at the foot of the mountain, they were still there! But then they suddenly disappeared! We don't know where they went!"

"That's right, Fairy Tianyin and the other two holy aunts are both capable. We are just... we are just the face they raised. We... we are also forced to have no choice!"

The little guy said, almost crying.

A man was forced to have a facial haircut. It’s embarrassing just thinking about it!

Others felt very sad when they heard it!

Unexpectedly, everyone in this Tianxian Temple looks as holy as a white lotus on the surface, but in private they are so... dissolute!
The saint nourishes her face!
If I say this, I'm afraid some of my big teeth will be laughed out of my head!
"Fifth uncle, fifth uncle, let's go back quickly." Xiao Naituanzi tugged on Xiao Jingyao's sleeves and spoke in a low voice.

Although she killed Tianyin, Tianyin's words always lingered in her ears.

Although she was sure that Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin would be fine, she still felt uneasy.

Master has said that there is no 100% accurate hexagram in this matter.

Some things will also change due to changes in time, place, people and people.

She had to go back as soon as possible and find Li Qingqiu and Wang Wenxin as soon as possible.

"Ran Ran, what's wrong?" Xiao Jingyao heard the anxious meaning in Xiao Naituanzi's words and asked in confusion.

The little girl looked at Xiao Jingyao and moved her mouth, but she didn't want to say anything to make her fifth uncle worried. She thought about it and tilted her head and said: "Ranran is sleepy and hungry. I want to go back and eat well." Eat, then sleep.”

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao didn't suspect anything!
Seeing that it was almost dawn, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Nai Dumpling's little head, and nodded, "You go to sleep first, and uncle Wu will take you back later." "Yeah." Xiao Nai Dumpling nodded and thought about it. I wanted to whisper in Xiao Jingyao's ear again: "Fifth uncle, look for it and ask someone to find out if there are any more puppets."

Xiao Naituanzi's arithmetic skills are pretty good. Although she doesn't know exactly how many puppets there are, she just counted them and it felt like the number wasn't quite right.

It's just a pity that the puppet who was cursed by her is already dead!

"Ran Ran means, there is more?" Xiao Jingyao's heart suddenly lifted.

His face became more serious.

Nowadays, this Tianxian Temple has become a ruin.

Tianyin and Wang Xiancheng are both dead!
If there are still those puppets, where are they hidden?
"Ran Ran, don't worry, Fifth Uncle will find the person as soon as possible." Xiao Jingyao said, and explained a few words to Magistrate Xue, and then handed over the clues to find the puppet to Zhang Biao and Wu Tong.

Zhang Biao and Wu Tong agreed, and Xiao Jingyao left holding the dumplings in his arms.

After a busy night, not many of these people in the world died, but many were injured.

Xiao Jingyao asked Magistrate Xue to arrange for them to go to Huichun Hall for proper treatment.

Although this matter was a righteous act, they were the ones who took advantage of them after all, so Xiao Jingyao thought that he should give them some compensation.

However, the specific details must be discussed with Huichun Hall before making a decision.

When we returned to the other courtyard, it was already broad daylight.

Wang Xiancheng has been eliminated, and Xiao Jingyan and his brothers no longer need to pretend to be themselves.

So they went together to the other courtyard where Li Qingqiu and the others lived.

However, as soon as they entered the other courtyard, they were shocked by the sight before them.

I saw a lot of people lying on the ground.

In the flower bed and in the grass, everywhere visible to the naked eye was filled with blood stains.

Xiao Jingyao stuffed the small breast dumpling into Xiao Jingyan's arms and hurried into the inner courtyard.

Looking at the corpses in the inner courtyard, Xiao Jingyao's eyes turned red.

"Qingqiu, Li Qingqiu!"

Xiao Jingyao shouted loudly, but there was no response.

"Qingqiu, Li Qingqiu!"

Xiao Jingyao shouted loudly as if he was crazy, looking for Li Qingqiu everywhere.


Suddenly, a figure on the ground moved and made a slight cough.

Xiao Jingyao looked towards that person with sharp ears.

I saw Shopkeeper Tong lying dying in a corner, looking at Xiao Jingyao with half-open eyes.

"Treasurer Tong!"

Xiao Jingyao hurriedly ran over and saw that shopkeeper Tong still had a long sword stuck in his stomach. He didn't dare to touch him at all.

"Jingyan, hurry! Wake up Ranran!" Xiao Jingyao hurriedly shouted to Xiao Jingyan who was holding a small breast dumpling over there.

Xiao Naituanzi was not very asleep at first, but he had already woken up when he smelled the smell of blood.

At this moment, hearing Xiao Jingyao's shout, she quickly jumped off Xiao Jingyan's body, and then ran in the direction of Xiao Jingyao.

(End of this chapter)

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